Second rate experience on SYD-BNE-SYD

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Sep 25, 2013
Wow - QF now providing complimentary F&B - VIrgin is so far behind the 8-ball here - just returned from the above trip - full flights - beverage offered was a cup of warm water (or juice) and a small packet of nuts. Reason given for reduced service was of course Covid.

Some FA's did not wear masks at all times.

I have no status with VA or QF but have, in the past flown VA, as my AmEx card provides VA lounge access. But the lounge experience this trip was best described as lean & mean. For the same price I could have flown QF.
That's what VA are relying on, their old 'branding' and what ever else.
Qantas has provide complimentary food and drinks for a long time... What is "now" about this situation? :confused:

While my searches for flights are currently few and far between, I'm a bit surprised with the suggestion Qantas was cheaper. My most recently booked trip I was able to get Virgin Business for $17 more than Qantas flexi economy, each way. What were the prices for the flights?
Wow - QF now providing complimentary F&B - VIrgin is so far behind the 8-ball here - just returned from the above trip - full flights - beverage offered was a cup of warm water (or juice) and a small packet of nuts. Reason given for reduced service was of course Covid.

Some FA's did not wear masks at all times.

This is pretty much my recent experience with VA also. The lounges have very limited catering (if they're even open - the lounge in my home port of CBR is still closed) and it's barely any better on board. The staff seem to be doing the best they can be they have been given very little to work with.

I simply can't understand why Velocity decided to run a status match which requires Qantas customers to fly with Virgin right now - if anything, my recent VA flights have just reinforced why I prefer to fly Qantas.

Regarding masks, I didn't see any issues on my recent VA flights but on a CBR-BNE flight late last year, several of the FAs kept lowering their masks at every interaction with a passenger. That was really disappointing to see.
Qantas has provide complimentary food and drinks for a long time... What is "now" about this situation? :confused:

While my searches for flights are currently few and far between, I'm a bit surprised with the suggestion Qantas was cheaper. My most recently booked trip I was able to get Virgin Business for $17 more than Qantas flexi economy, each way. What were the prices for the flights?
A trip I took on QF in late October (SYD-ASP) - no F&B was served (except water and a stale muffin) - so that was the basis of my "now offering". My VA trip was booked using a credit from a previously cancelled trip/flight in June (border closed) but the nominal value was $361 (return). I did not do a direct comparison with QF for these particular flights - but have certainly seen competitive fares. I understand that VA are now cutting prices to many destination (e.g. an upcoming fight SYD-MEL is now $99 - assuming Victoria comes out of lockdown) - I paid at least $150. But price is really not my point - it's the no F&B due to Covid excuse - I would prefer the truth - we're trying to cut costs.
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A trip I took on QF in late October (SYD-ASP) - no F&B was served (except water and a stale muffin) - so that was the basis of my "now offering". My VA trip was booked using a credit from a previously cancelled trip/flight in June (border closed) but the nominal value was $361 (return). I did not do a direct comparison with QF for these particular flights - but have certainly seen competitive fares. I understand that VA are now cutting prices to many destination (e.g. an upcoming fight SYD-MEL is now $99 - assuming Victoria comes out of lockdown) - I paid at least $150. But price is really not my point - it's the no F&B due to Covid excuse - I would prefer the truth - we're trying to cut costs.
fair enough.

It could be the truth of course, like food stocks ran out due to covid and they haven't restocked. Personally, I've never found VA economy "snacks" to be worth the effort of opening them.
Flew VA BNE-HBA last Tuesday.
One glass of water and some nuts

Flew VA LST-BNE last Sunday
One glass of water and orange cookies.

As Plat, was not extremely impressed.
VA BNE lounge, everything is the same, except that the food offer is now on just one table instead of 3 or 4 prior to administration.
The choice was not extensive but at least the baristas were there and I enjoyed my coffee.

Luggage arrived extremely fast at both airports - that's good.
Staff on both flights were very good, all masks on and passengers had all their masks and no fuss was made.
I also personally liked their new boarding music.
This is VA2 and not VA1. Unfortunately the old VA is gone so we cannot expect elevated level of service.

That's why VA has to compete on price, as QF would be taking all the premium passengers.

Shame about the lounges though, I had great experiences with VA lounges in the past. Actually loved the CBR lounge.
This is VA2 and not VA1. Unfortunately the old VA is gone so we cannot expect elevated level of service.

Agreed, it would have really helped if they had changed the name from the point of view it would have formed a HARD reset on what to expect from the new business now they have moved down market.

Would have helped manage people's expectations....
With JH saying she would go "mid range", I only see them cutting cost.
And using Covid as an excuse.
A familiar cabin manager had recently indicated to me that their EBA had not been accepted (it may have since been finalised). The uncertainty of significant wages expense may have delayed JH and BAIN reinterpretation of a J experience. In any case, their delay in action and delivery of a sub-standard food box has certainly motivated me to book elsewhere (especially loss of CNS lounge). The longer this goes on, the greater is the diminution of any loyalty beyond the exhaustion of my substantial velocity points that I currently hold.
I wonder how "bad" or low will/they will go, into the future.
JH and Bain's idea of mid range, might be our idea of low cost.
Maybe we have to set our expectations bar a bit lower for VA2, if we do want a second major airline in Aust, Rex aside though.
On the other thread, there was the chat about having to do ordering for food in the lounges, MEL.
I am having my next VA flight in Jun, if the borders don't close again, or if VA does not cancel my flight.
Will also try out the new VA ADL lounge, **with low expectations**, compared to the buffet of the past.
Flew VA BNE-HBA last Tuesday.
One glass of water and some nuts

Flew VA LST-BNE last Sunday
One glass of water and orange cookies.

As Plat, was not extremely impressed.
VA BNE lounge, everything is the same, except that the food offer is now on just one table instead of 3 or 4 prior to administration.
The choice was not extensive but at least the baristas were there and I enjoyed my coffee.

Luggage arrived extremely fast at both airports - that's good.
Staff on both flights were very good, all masks on and passengers had all their masks and no fuss was made.
I also personally liked their new boarding music.
did you fly up on Valentines day? up to BNE,
If so, was on the same flight, row 4, switched flights from Monday to Sunday with only $40 fare difference.
At least the flight was early!
A familiar cabin manager had recently indicated to me that their EBA had not been accepted (it may have since been finalised).
Unfortunately Bain decided they did not want to go back to the table to negotiate and have gone to Fair Work for conciliation. If this fails, they will push to dissolve the EBA and get all the crew on the modern award (which is awful).
did you fly up on Valentines day? up to BNE,
If so, was on the same flight, row 4, switched flights from Monday to Sunday with only $40 fare difference.
At least the flight was early!
I was ! What a small world ! Row 9.
I used Etihad miles as I have plenty - 6900 and only $24 AUD of taxes.
Super cheap flight, took 10 mns to book with Etihad.

Just had an entitled guy who wanted to go before me at the priority check-in as I was younger than him and therefore should wait and let older person go in priority. Told him to wait like everyone else, he did not liked it at all. Entitled passengers drive me insane.

Just had some issues connecting to the wifi IFE with my mac, only worked with my iphone - not sure why.
... Just had an entitled guy who wanted to go before me at the priority check-in as I was younger than him and therefore should wait and let older person go in priority. Told him to wait like everyone else, he did not liked it at all ...
Doesn’t sound like he was an AFFer. 😉.
I was ! What a small world ! Row 9.
I used Etihad miles as I have plenty - 6900 and only $24 AUD of taxes.
Super cheap flight, took 10 mns to book with Etihad.

Just had an entitled guy who wanted to go before me at the priority check-in as I was younger than him and therefore should wait and let older person go in priority. Told him to wait like everyone else, he did not liked it at all. Entitled passengers drive me insane.

Just had some issues connecting to the wifi IFE with my mac, only worked with my iphone - not sure why.
Used Ipad down there and back, no issues connecting with that.
This will be my last flight with VA until June, when heading back down to LST ( no QF flights from BNE and when u add in the extras of JQ, VA is better value ) Been flying with QF since August and loving it, product is miles ahead IMO, sans VA YX.
Used Ipad down there and back, no issues connecting with that.
This will be my last flight with VA until June, when heading back down to LST ( no QF flights from BNE and when u add in the extras of JQ, VA is better value ) Been flying with QF since August and loving it, product is miles ahead IMO, sans VA YX.

Be careful, VA2 love cancelling a Tassie flight - have learned that the hard way. Just keep a close eye on it.
Sounds like they are selling as “mid-tier” but really setting up a JQ-style operation.

Part of the reason Virgin Blue got wedged was it couldn’t compete on costs with JQ so had to lift service to compete with QF (but could never get to QF revenue levels).

Now they’re trying to keep at a VA revenue level but with JQ costs.

I’d suggest based on reports here they’ve got the JQ level right on the product / service side, but are still trying to get costs down. They’ll have issues with customer expectations then given they’ve externally marketed as “mid tier” when really it’s LCC level......

Time will tell whether they can get the balance in the middle right, but Godfrey and team couldn’t so JB dragged them up market. The restructure gives them a chance to drag costs to LCC level and compete with JQ but you can’t help but feel with customer expectations and Rex proving a fly in the ointment on the revenue side, it’ll be a challenge.....
Be careful, VA2 love cancelling a Tassie flight - have learned that the hard way. Just keep a close eye on it.
As long as we make it to Tassie, id be quite happy to have more time there :p
I used the last of my VA FF points to book 4 return flights, but at the time of booking, VA werent offering direct flights. Would love to just go on direct flights, since no SC's or points earned.
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