How to book Velocity Amex free flight?


Established Member
Apr 30, 2009
Has anyone else had trouble booking the Velocity Amex free flight? There were issues earlier this year where the portal wasn't working. This time, no flights are loading at all. I've tried different destinations and different dates...nothing is showing. I wonder whether this has something to do with the newly introduced fare structures...
Has anyone else had trouble booking the Velocity Amex free flight? There were issues earlier this year where the portal wasn't working. This time, no flights are loading at all. I've tried different destinations and different dates...nothing is showing. I wonder whether this has something to do with the newly introduced fare structures...
Same issue for me. Would have thought any issues with new fare categories would've been sorted by now.
I just tried looking on too and no results anywhere.

Checking the T&Cs
7. Each flight must be a non-stop Virgin Australia operated flight, booked in Economy fare classes “T” or “Q”.

I called Amex and they said to call VA directly at the moment (direct to team that deals with Amex Comp flights): 1300 153 006
They answered immediately when I called on that number (after listening to the recording the website is not working!)

The good news is T and Q are now Choice fares!
Be interesting to see if they get status and points now, previously they were "Not Valid for Earn"

Will just use Expertflyer to check for T and Q fares before calling when ready to make booking. Portal is showing search results again

but says it's a GO FARE without baggage at the confirmation page. GO fares are long GONE

Called the VA direct 1300 number again from previous post. Explained the issue said I was happy to press the book button and give it a shot and helpful agent said they would cancel it and rebook it in choice if it did end up as a LITE fare.

It did ticket correctly as a CHOICE fare. Have forwarded the screenshot onto the VA comp flight team.

Same thing happened to be, but based on this thread I didn't call.

Shows "Go" fare, you book and it's Choice. Assume it's booking T class and hangover from some previous system.
Not sure if a glitch or has been updated recently. Went looking for book Complimentary flight departing Melbourne. Now the amex map shows mostly east coast cities, but when i randomly selected Melbourne to Perth, search results appeared and was able to go through the booking process even though Melbourne to Perth is not on the official map.

Handy for anyone looking to head that way
Not sure if a glitch or has been updated recently. Went looking for book Complimentary flight departing Melbourne. Now the amex map shows mostly east coast cities, but when i randomly selected Melbourne to Perth, search results appeared and was able to go through the booking process even though Melbourne to Perth is not on the official map.

Handy for anyone looking to head that way
I just tried BNE-PER (not an allowed pair) and got no results, but BNE-ADL (an allowed pair) did.
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Having problems with the compflight site again yesterday/today. Can go through and select flights, but get a generic "Unable to process booking" message at the final step.

Anyone else used this with success recently?
Having problems with the compflight site again yesterday/today. Can go through and select flights, but get a generic "Unable to process booking" message at the final step.

Anyone else used this with success recently?
For what it's worth, they should just migrate to giving everyone travel bank to an average equivalent value (say $250 odd) that way they don't have to run a whole infrastructure to book these as travel banks already exist and are well known, and people can buy the fare class and destinations that suit them.
For what it's worth, they should just migrate to giving everyone travel bank to an average equivalent value (say $250 odd) that way they don't have to run a whole infrastructure to book these as travel banks already exist and are well known, and people can buy the fare class and destinations that suit them.

It would be easier, although in this case the value of the flights is more like ~$450 (PER-MEL return choice fares)
It would be easier, although in this case the value of the flights is more like ~$450 (PER-MEL return choice fares)
That's why I said "average equivalent value." People in Perth are compensated for their lack of choice of shorthaul destinations by having one medium and two transcon destinations. People on the east coast are restricted from the transcon destinations - the longest is CNS/SYD I believe.
If you live in DRW you get one choice - BNE.
Having problems with the compflight site again yesterday/today. Can go through and select flights, but get a generic "Unable to process booking" message at the final step.

Anyone else used this with success recently?
Don't suppose you're trying to book after having amended the passenger name? It usually produces an error if you try to book the free flight in the name of anybody other than the primary cardholder. That's the only time I've seen an error at the final step of the process, previously. :)
Thanks for the tip, but I haven't changed the name. I had to tweak the phone number (it was adding an additional (second) 61 to the front and then complains it's not a valid Australian number).

I'll try phoning tomorrow.
I think I had that issue when booking a few weeks ago for someone else, tried again the next morning at a different computer and it went through.
I ran into the booking error on the passenger page, turned out the problem lay in using an email address with a dot in it: using one without (and for gmail users, that means just deleting it), it worked.
Looks like this problem is back once again (possibly related to the recent app upgrades?). Error message when trying to book and saying the contact centre needs to be contacted for assistance.
Has it always been this hard to find flights for the comp flight? I'm searching Per-Mel or Per-Syd for Oct next year but there's hardly anything. Is calling easier?
It is never this hard. Always seems to be a problem whenever there is a system upgrade, which they eventually fix after many complaints.
Website seems to be broken again. Either it breaks after logging in with :

"This page isn’t working redirected you too many times."

Or it logs in and cant find any departure airports.
Website seems to be broken again. Either it breaks after logging in with :

"This page isn’t working redirected you too many times."

Or it logs in and cant find any departure airports.
seems to be working on only my mobile devices