How long till vaccine passports?


Senior Member
Dec 1, 2015
I wonder how long it will be till there are vaccine passports or similar measures?

In just over a week's time everyone over 50 will be able to go and get the vaccine (of course limited supply will mean that not everyone can get it straight away).

Surely once there's been enough time for everyone over 50 that wants it to get vaccinated they'll add a requirement that to get an international travel exemption you need to have been vaccinated if you're over 50?

I read that if there is a travel bubble with Singapore that vaccination will be required to travel.
You mean like the vaccination cards we have for yellow fever already?

Should be easy to add into that.
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I know that vaccination is a requirement to board many cruises.
please stick to the topic of Vaccine passports/ certificates

My COVID vaccines appear on my Medicare record so I don’t imagine it would be too hard to have a passport/ cert
There's the IATA digital travel pass:

Qantas will use a smartphone app developed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to verify whether passengers have been vaccinated against - or tested negative to -Covid-19 before they travel overseas.

This is a topic close to my heart. I have the UK NHS digital passport, you can also print a copy out from the NHS website. Thanks to the usual UK MSM hysteria this time surrounding Indian made batches of the AZ vaccine the EU was denying entry to fully vaccinated UK residents and citizens. Individual countries are allowing entry now I believe.

It seems to be settling down now but I do wonder as the world closes in on high vaccination percentages what will happen. My presumption is that the speed that all this has happened has meant that nobody was prepared for the global passport management. I think there will be a lot of confusion created by a lack of forethought rather than deliberate actions to make travel difficult.

Will AZ vaccinations manufactured in Australia be recognised in other countries? I have first hand experience in the US of being required to present evidence of an FDA approved vaccination.....and double vaccination as you would expect. My AZ didn't cut it because AZ has not sought FDA approval. Requirements are being laid down by individual companies, but I think with the take up of vaccines falling rapidly in the US State and Federal Governments will be issuing requirements.

The UK has opened up to US citizens with proof of double vaccination, the Govt says they can manage the admin but the US certificates I have seen are not digital and are basically stamps on a card from a pharmac_. I can get into the UK with proof of AZ vaccination with no quarantine but I do fear getting back to the US is not going to be possible without another 14 days in Mexico....and nobody wants that - it is chaotic in Mexico.

The VeriFly App was very useful for me when I made the journey from the Mexico to the US but was more about proof of testing.

Travel is not going to be much fun for a while.
Will AZ vaccinations manufactured in Australia be recognised in other countries? I have first hand experience in the US of being required to present evidence of an FDA approved vaccination.....and double vaccination as you would expect. My AZ didn't cut it because AZ has not sought FDA approval.
AZ are going through the FDA process for full approval. They didn’t bother with “emergency use” as there was no pressing domestic US need.

Fingers crossed it isn‘t further delayed. There’s a bunch of Canadians and Europeans that are hitting this problem in the US already.

With 20/20 hindsight, it does seem odd that the WHO didn’t initiate digital transformation of ICVPs (Yellow Cards) before now? For what it was worth, I had my AZ jab recorded in my Yellow book.
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Seat Son lives in Dubai and is fully vaxxed with AZ made in India. He recently travelled to EU and had no trouble getting entry to Croatia, Germany, Austria and Slovakia with this vaccination history. But I am also a bit anxious for him as he is a dual Aust-US citizen if he want to go to USA or even to come here, whether that vaccine will be "good enough" for the authorities. At least he had the brains to refuse the earlier and cheaper offer of one of the Chinese vaccines!
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Some coverage this morning in the SMH and Age. No specific timing (other than reference to PMs 40 stage plan).

Some discussion of recognition of other vax for inbound PAX but no mention of getting our AZ recognised in EU/US etc.
Some coverage this morning in the SMH and Age. No specific timing (other than reference to PMs 40 stage plan).

Some discussion of recognition of other vax for inbound PAX but no mention of getting our AZ recognised in EU/US etc.

It will, everywhere of course. But there is hardly a rush while we are locked up with no end date is there!
It will, everywhere of course. But there is hardly a rush while we are locked up with no end date is there
I think there is more of a rush than people think. If the Govt does not sort this out other countries may not let people in without valid vaccination credentials. Everyone will think they are OK and then find that their favourite overseas holiday destination does not recognise The Australian vaccine passport. Governments need to be getting this sorted now.
I think there is more of a rush than people think. If the Govt does not sort this out other countries may not let people in without valid vaccination credentials. Everyone will think they are OK and then find that their favourite overseas holiday destination does not recognise The Australian vaccine passport. Governments need to be getting this sorted now.
Now I feel like I am starting to channel some of the conspiracy theorists from here on AFF, but I wonder whether the Australian government does not actually care about that, given that they have loved, loved, loved the economic stimulus of pent up overseas holiday dollars being spent at home.

Maybe there is something in the first AZ shot after all, even though my 5G reception is still exactly zero!
I think there is more of a rush than people think. If the Govt does not sort this out other countries may not let people in without valid vaccination credentials. Everyone will think they are OK and then find that their favourite overseas holiday destination does not recognise The Australian vaccine passport. Governments need to be getting this sorted now.

Not really, maybe for a few people moving around but not enough for anyone to really care right now, sorry.
Not really, maybe for a few people moving around but not enough for anyone to really care right now, sorry.
It is already happening in the EU, so sadly, yes really. Needs to be sorted if peeps want to travel, assuming Australians don't want to stay permanently cut off from the world. Some sort of global vaccine recognition needs to be agreed prior to borders opening......and I have no idea how the UK is going to manage the US paper certificates knocked out by pharmacies.

I'm not even remotely suggesting any sort of conspiracy theory it is all just ripe for Government cough ups.
I have first hand experience in the US of being required to present evidence of an FDA approved vaccination.....and double vaccination as you would expect.

A key reason apart from avoiding the blod clot issue and speed to full vacination that I made sure to get Pfizer os because it is recognized by all the countries I want to travel to, as soon as we can escape.
Now I feel like I am starting to channel some of the conspiracy theorists from here on AFF, but I wonder whether the Australian government does not actually care about that, given that they have loved, loved, loved the economic stimulus of pent up overseas holiday dollars being spent at home.

Maybe there is something in the first AZ shot after all, even though my 5G reception is still exactly zero!

Couldn't agree more , The Australian government really couldn't care less if other countries let us in or not , they would much rather us spend our tourist dollars in Perth rather then Paris

Of course to getting to Perth..... ;-)
Front Page of the SMH - "Vaccine passports available in weeks" - "Australians will begin using an international vaccine passport within weeks to prove their immunisation status overseas and on their return as the Prime Minister flags home quarantine will be key to reopening borders."

Also on the Front page of The Age, but less prominent as "Vaccine passports ready in weeks"