General Discussion/Q&A on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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May 29, 2011
This thread is for Questions and General Discussion regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

As questions are answered throughout the thread, the most important will be added to the first post (and dated) for easy access. Feel free to report an answered question you think you should be highlighted/included in the first post.

I've been using them the past week and wrapping it round the basket handle.
But my local store has run out and apparently Woolies distribution is out of stock too.

The good news is that you can’t absorb the corona virus, (or any virus) through touching a handle, door knob or any communal object.

So you could just wash your hands when you get home or if you are extra worried at the end of your shop in your car use some hand sanitiser. Probably easier :)

Thought this one was on point.

View attachment 209046

They forgot don’t touch your face, but apart from that excellent advice.
The good news is that you can’t absorb the corona virus, (or any virus) through touching a handle, door knob or any communal object.

Not a medical expert at all, but where is this good news? A quick google (not always reliable of course) seems to indicate otherwise.

On the Diamond Princess I have read several reports that the Food Trays were thought to one factor in transmission of the virus.

Monash University professor of infectious diseases, Allen Cheng, said the virus was most likely spreading through poor hand hygiene and contaminated food trays.

“The virus was most likely spread not through coughs and sneezes, but from the food trays an infected crew member carried to the passengers,” Shigeru Sakurai, an Iwate Medical University professor, who inspected the situation onboard last week, told the Kyodo news agency.


How long can coronavirus survive on surfaces?

  • FEB 29, 2020

As the new coronavirus spreads quickly around the world, U.S. health officials say they are “aggressively” assessing how long it can survive on surfaces to better understand the risk of transmission.
Based on what is known about similar coronaviruses, disease experts say the new outbreak of the virus, named COVID-19, is mainly spread from person to person through coughing or sneezing. Contact with fecal matter from an infected person may also transmit the virus.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it may be possible for a person to become infected by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose or eyes.
An analysis of 22 earlier studies of similar coronaviruses, including severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), published online this month in the Journal of Hospital Infection, concluded that human coronaviruses can remain infectious on inanimate surfaces for up to nine days at room temperature. However, they can quickly be rendered inactive using common disinfectants and may also dissipate at higher temperatures. It is not yet clear whether the new coronavirus is similar.
“On copper and steel, it’s pretty typical — it’s pretty much about two hours,” CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield told U.S. lawmakers on Thursday, referring to how long the new coronavirus may be active on those types of materials. “But I will say on other surfaces — cardboard or plastic — it’s longer, and so we are looking at this.”
Not a medical expert at all, but where is this good news? A quick google (not always reliable of course) seems to indicate otherwise.

On the Diamond Princess I have read several reports that the Food Trays were thought to one factor in transmission of the virus.

Monash University professor of infectious diseases, Allen Cheng, said the virus was most likely spreading through poor hand hygiene and contaminated food trays.

“The virus was most likely spread not through coughs and sneezes, but from the food trays an infected crew member carried to the passengers,” Shigeru Sakurai, an Iwate Medical University professor, who inspected the situation onboard last week, told the Kyodo news agency.


How long can coronavirus survive on surfaces?

  • FEB 29, 2020

As the new coronavirus spreads quickly around the world, U.S. health officials say they are “aggressively” assessing how long it can survive on surfaces to better understand the risk of transmission.
Based on what is known about similar coronaviruses, disease experts say the new outbreak of the virus, named COVID-19, is mainly spread from person to person through coughing or sneezing. Contact with fecal matter from an infected person may also transmit the virus.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it may be possible for a person to become infected by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose or eyes.
An analysis of 22 earlier studies of similar coronaviruses, including severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), published online this month in the Journal of Hospital Infection, concluded that human coronaviruses can remain infectious on inanimate surfaces for up to nine days at room temperature. However, they can quickly be rendered inactive using common disinfectants and may also dissipate at higher temperatures. It is not yet clear whether the new coronavirus is similar.
“On copper and steel, it’s pretty typical — it’s pretty much about two hours,” CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield told U.S. lawmakers on Thursday, referring to how long the new coronavirus may be active on those types of materials. “But I will say on other surfaces — cardboard or plastic — it’s longer, and so we are looking at this.”

Apologies if I was not clear enough I am also not a medical professional but I work in the field alongside many.

You can’t touch a infected surface (like a food tray or shopping handle trolley) and bang you have absorbed coronavirus, or pretty much anything nasty as a matter of fact.

If we did, we’d all have a lot more infections from a range of nasty things given our filthy phones we all carry around! You have to then carry it from a surface to an oriface like your mouth for it to be ingested and subsequently transmitted.

My point was that proper hand hygiene covers this off. So I was saying instead of wrapping up a shopping basket handle with paper and struggling around a supermarket with it you could just touch the handle directly as long as you don’t touch your face and sanitise your hands directly afterwards.

Hence I’m also not wrapping paper around door knobs either :), but certainly sanitising regularly / before I eat etc.

Hope this clears it up for you :)
This thread is a repository for the general comments that don't necessarily have a home in one of the specific COVID-19 threads. This thread is also to keep the Member Chit Chat thread free of virus discussion.

Should your post fit in another thread in this sub-forum, please post it there.

Off topic discussion about the virus in other threads may also be moved here.
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“Of a group of 170 patients who died in January in Wuhan -- the first wave of casualties caused by a pathogen that’s now raced around the world -- nearly half had hypertension.”

“ “From what I was told by other doctors and the data I can see myself, among all the underlying diseases, hypertension is a key dangerous factor,” said Du, one of the most respected critical care experts in China. “Though there is no research published on that yet, we believe hypertension could be an important factor in causing patients to deteriorate, leading to a bad prognosis.”

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Seattle's Museum of Flight closes, with no date for re-opening set (got this by email):

Conforming to guidelines set by King County and the State of Washington to minimize the spread of COVID-19, and in keeping with the community’s best interest, the Museum is joining other area attractions in temporarily closing its campus and the Museum’s Restoration Center and Reserve Collection, located on Paine Field in Everett, to the public after 5 p.m. today. No date for reopening has been set. Employees will have the option to telecommute during this period and the building will continue to stay open as a work place for employees who wish to work on site.

Visitors, educators and students are encouraged to check for updated information and announcements, and to follow the Museum on social media as it will continue to engage with the public during the temporary physical closure. All tickets purchased prior to this closure will be honored at a later date.

The Museum will offer opportunities for virtual tours, social media and for otherwise engaging with the Museum during the closure.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Please visit the Museum's website at for updates.
I love how first it was carona virus. Then I'll bet Grupo Modelo, AB InBev had an issue with that name because of their brand damage. Then subtle change to the scientific variant name...
It makes me wonder if USA is about to be Italy Mark 2 with Trump being notable in not taking Covid 19 as seriously as one would think he should be.

Well.. it is Trump. Remember it's entirely likely he may announce that the USA has a tremendous Covid19. Perhaps the best Covid19 you've ever seen. Certainly a better Covid19 than Italy. Just look at the numbers.. it's going to be way bigger than Italy. It would have been bigger than Italy before now if it wasn't for Obama and Hilary. They have a lot to answer for.

Until someone explains to him that the bigger numbers are in fact bad (which he's going to have a lot of problems with the concept of.. )
Of course, like the 2007 stock market crash, the COVID-19 might only be the initial trigger to a global downturn (recessionary fears abound).

One option is stagflation, not something bandied around in economic circles for a very long time anywhere in the world:

But I am more concerned with the note from Amit Lodha, Prortfolio Manager of Fidelity's International Fund, whose remits I follow closely:

In my last note in February ‘ History does not repeat, but does it rhyme?’, I made the point: ‘Markets are as complex as airplanes. They rarely, if ever, crash because of one big error; generally, it is coughulative small errors which compound to create the big problem. It would seem that we have quite a few things adding up, though markets for now continue to climb the proverbial wall of worry’.

My anticipation after the 10% correction post Covid-19 outbreak was that I thought we would sort things out within the next two months once summer hits and go back to business as usual.

But I think the oil crash changes everything...
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