Do you read the inflight magazine? (Market research)

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Aug 9, 2017
Hi Everyone,

I'm a new member and frequent flier. I'm doing a bit of market research and wondering how many fellow travellers flock through the inflight magazine? If something interested you in the magazine, what is the best way to engage you/ get you to follow up? We are considering advertising any trying to assess the value.

I will explain my story (and reason for the question) in a separate post.
Yes the Sudoku, the AA mag has three and i can usually do them between LAX and RNO! Other than that just to see where some airlines fly to.
I read the editorial and the CEO/chairman's puff piece.

If it's an unfamiliar airline I also check out the route map and fleet composition.

Rare for me to read any actual articles.

It often feels like the majority of the magazine is advertising, and the effectiveness of advertising in such a saturated medium is questionable. An ad would have to be quite striking, innovative or cunning to cut through the noise.
Nope. The only time I might pick one up is to check on an airline's route or fleet.
Its interesting that the AA magazine runs cigar ads with no health warning et al. One has a glorious picture of the family smiling away with cigar in hand.

I think if your were to advertise you need the reader to "take your name away" more than the actual details of how to contact you, like Pushka's "Paspaley Pearls". For some reason we see the ad's but forget the details, like i did see a leather bag in AA's mag, but for the life of me i cannot remember the brand or how to contact. I don't know what it is like for others but it seems to be a quick flick through, do the Sudoku and its back into the back of the seat and you forget about it.
Its interesting that the AA magazine runs cigar ads with no health warning et al. One has a glorious picture of the family smiling away with cigar in hand.

I think if your were to advertise you need the reader to "take your name away" more than the actual details of how to contact you, like Pushka's "Paspaley Pearls". For some reason we see the ad's but forget the details, like i did see a leather bag in AA's mag, but for the life of me i cannot remember the brand or how to contact. I don't know what it is like for others but it seems to be a quick flick through, do the Sudoku and its back into the back of the seat and you forget about it.

Google helps with that. Remember the brand and they will find you (if they want to).
Google helps with that. Remember the brand and they will find you (if they want to).

What, with Alzheimers or Alcohol intoxication...... (joking) My memory has been like a sieve of late, even trying to book into the Renaissance LAX only to be gently reminded i was in the Marriott around the corner!
I will sometimes look at the airlines' route maps and will flick through the rest if the only other option is to have my fingernails pulled out.
I must be a rarity. I read them all the time and I actually enjoy many articles (especially the ones showcasing exotic destinations ... a walking tour in Africa was a recent one). I don't pay much attention to the ads though, as they all tend to believe that as we are flying, we must therefore be millionaires that would pay extortionate amounts for average looking watches, pearls or opals. If there's something that really takes my interest, I keep the magazine ... only problem being, I then tend to not look at it again once I'm home!
I used to hoárd (collect them!), but I'm better now. I skim though, usually something to spend a few minutes reading. Current Blue Wings (Finnair) has an article on Darjeeling's toy trains. If I do take them now, they end up getting recycled.
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I often read through it. Still a bit of a habit from when we couldn't read iPads or kindles during takeoff and landing, I think. :p
I usually look thru them - I might read an article or two, if I see an ad for something I like I might write down the website to check it out later, or if I am feeling very naughty I just might rip the page out :shock:
I like to look at the route maps to plan MRs if required.

Apparently some of the magazines also have advertisements for dating services. ;)
They are useful while waiting for everyone to settle in before a flight takes off. Too hard to concentrate with everybody shuffling around before the drinks arrive.:p
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It usually occurs to me to read it in the last 20 mins or so of a flight after I have packed away everything else. Then, I often read most of it. And yes, route maps are particularly interesting. But, no adverts are completely ignored.
I'll flick through - probably done in 5 minutes unless something really catches my eye.

Most of it I find rather dull - regurgitated, fluff with little substance; it's extremely rare that I'll read it cover to cover and almost as rare that I'll read more than one article, if at all.
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