Discussion/Q&A on Best QF Status Run Options

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Established Member
May 29, 2011
This thread is for Questions and General discussion regarding the Best Status Run Options for QFF as per this thread:

Overview of Best Status Run Options [not the discussion thread]

Please keep your questions and queries to this thread and avoid posting in the other.

You can also get some status run inspiration from this AFF article:

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Q1. Is this likely to be a problem if I try to claim ORC if QF claims I accepted a change in Sept, thus today's change was not invol.?
In theory this shouldn't affect it and you can still claim ORC.

Q2. For an involuntary reroute like this, shouldn't points be recalculated to the shorter route (ie 2x 27,600 points = 55,200). In other, words a points refund of 27,800? This didn't happen in Sept or today.

You can argue for a points refund for the difference, but there may be some pushback and confusion as you're claiming two things on the same trip.
Q3. If I call again to request the points be repriced... might that jeopardise my ability to claim ORC?
Not sure as I didn't do it before the fact.

In my case i got points back for downgrade, not reroute but it was a pain as it was two separate cases at the same time.
Answering all questions in one. It is an involuntary rerouting as your itinerary was changed by them and not initiated by you, even if you agreed to proposed changes by them. Now for the cost. I've never asked for a partial refund for an invol rerouting and see the "extra" cost as the opportunity cost for getting the "extra" points/SC. Now you COULD ask for a repricing but I suspect that this would void any involuntary rerouting claim as you did not pay any opportunity cost. I don't know if others have had success having this cake and eating it too. Cost vs Benefit of this is entirely your judgement call to make. At the end of the day, which do you value more at this moment? The SC or the points/taxes?
Thanks for the response.

I've had previous invol. reroutes that were repriced when the agent fixed them and ORCs were honoured.

Just a judgement call on whether to push it in this case I suppose.

To answer your last question: I'm 95 SC short of requal WP with no other planned travel.

This run, even on the shouter routing via SYD would be sufficient as it's DSC PNR, so possibly the points is more valuable for this particular scenario.
Is there a special phone number just for WP and above ?

The staff yesterday told me there was one but I have never seen it.
I've always used the main phone number 13 13 13
Is there a special phone number just for WP and above ?

The staff yesterday told me there was one but I have never seen it.
I've always used the main phone number 13 13 13
There is but it's really irrelevant as the IVR directs callers based on their FF# input, so the regular number will give same results. I use the usual number and my FF# sends me to VIP as a P1 for example

Contact info shown on FF cards and online in the account summary page.
Is there a special phone number just for WP and above ?

The staff yesterday told me there was one but I have never seen it.
I've always used the main phone number 13 13 13
What @RichardMEL said. I always use 13 12 11 and my FF number takes me to premium CC. I don't think I have used 13 13 13 in a really long time.

Same as others above, booked during the March 2023 DSC offer.
40+85+85+40 SCs for (an inflated compared with previous years) $2012 or $8/SC all fares in D Class. Obviously the DSC halves this cost.
Original Itinerary had me flying QF406/QF145/QF148/QF497 in December 2023 with QF145/QF148 operated by an A330 however in June QF cut that service and so I rebooked as QF402/QF143/QF146/QF493 and - as something came up on the day of travel I had to push travel out to February 4.

The original itinerary had a transit time in AKL of only 70mins however with the inbound service almost guaranteed to be operated by the same aircraft (MEL-AKL on an A330 appears long gone!), any risk appeared to be mitigated. As it happens, yesterday's QF146 equipment was swapped from being operated on the inbound QF143 service to the delayed QF151 - memo to self: avoid very short turnarounds at AKL since if I'd had been doing the opposite (eg SYD-MEL-AKL-MEL-SYD) then I'd have missed the turnaround!!

1. AKL appears to be a good, easy, multi-sector which includes a (better earning) international leg with lots of options on flights, particularly ex SYD.
2. International Transit at AKL *can* be incredibly quick - as first through into an empty security screening and QF143 arriving at Gate 2 (adjacent to the International Transit) - took me three minutes, including a swab test.
3. All BPs can be obtained online though - unlike a same-day domestic return itinerary - any sectors starting from a NZ port can only be checked-in 24hrs prior to that sector.

1. Fares remain stubbornly high for Status Runs unless in conjunction with a DSC. A 2019 MEL-BNE-CHC-SYD-MEL status run cost a "meagre" $1300 with the added bonus of the EK A380 for CHC-SYD.
2. Delay information at AKL is non-existent. Screens were showing "Final Call" long before boarding commenced and the "dungeon gate lounges" are to be avoided.
3. The long-overdue refurbishment of QF's AKL Lounges can't come soon enough. With flight delays (the BNE was delayed 2hrs+) they are claustrophobic. Decamping to EK would have provided little in the way of updates.

One particular young member of staff was exemplary and formal feedback will be has been provided.



***Edited to add Pluses #3.
***Edited to clarify short turnarounds
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Thanks for the info @BD1959 , doing similar run on Wednesday, SYD/AKL/MEL/SYD. With 35 minutes to connect in AKL.
They May just put me back to the later ALK/SYD flight, which means I will have to chase ORC, which I will need to get over the line for WP again.
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I called Qantas in regards to my cancelled flight last week to get a refund.

They told me because I already took the flight to MEL, I can only receive a refund for the portion of the remaining flights which is MEL-AKL-MEL.

I assumed they would refund the whole thing to me :/

Is there another option to get a full refund ?
I called Qantas in regards to my cancelled flight last week to get a refund.

They told me because I already took the flight to MEL, I can only receive a refund for the portion of the remaining flights which is MEL-AKL-MEL.

I assumed they would refund the whole thing to me :/

Is there another option to get a full refund ?
You used two of the coupons of your ticket, ie SYD-MEL-SYD. I understand the other flights were cxl so you chose to return to SYD, but I'm unsure why you'd expect to get a full refund. The proportionate refund of unused sectors is quite normal I should think.

Had you not begun travel - yes, I agree full refund. I also understand this was out of your control as MEL-AKL-MEL were cancelled after your first flight.

I imagine the anount offered may not be great due to how the whole fare was pronabluly constructed, but that's a separate issue.

I don't think there's a way you'd get a full refund out of QF though. Did you have any kind of TI?
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You used two of the coupons of your ticket, ie SYD-MEL-SYD. I understand the other flights were cxl so you chose to return to SYD, but I'm unsure why you'd expect to get a full refund. The proportionate refund of unused sectors is quite normal I should think.

Had you not begun travel - yes, I agree full refund. I also understand this was out of your control as MEL-AKL-MEL were cancelled after your first flight.

I imagine the anount offered may not be great due to how the whole fare was pronabluly constructed, but that's a separate issue.

I don't think there's a way you'd get a full refund out of QF though. Did you have any kind of TI?

This doesn’t sound right.

Trip in vain should be fully refundable and returned to your home port.

Not saying it will be easy to get it out of QF though, pretty sure ACL would render the flights provided by QF not suitable.
This doesn’t sound right.

Trip in vain should be fully refundable and returned to your home port.

Not saying it will be easy to get it out of QF though, pretty sure ACL would render the flights provided by QF not suitable.
Fair point. I can see both sides.

Common sense would suggest full refund. QF is taking the POV that the ticket was part used.
The staff in Melbourne actually told me at the counter I would get a full refund so I assumed that was the case but the staff on the phone told me a different story.
It sounds like the staff on the phone are still operating to the Joyce-era rules.
The staff in Melbourne actually told me at the counter I would get a full refund so I assumed that was the case but the staff on the phone told me a different story.
Standard operating procedure these days.
What seem to be the best J fares currently for an AU east coast <-> NZ tour to enjoy the current DSC offer? Any other similar offers to the Pacific islands?
hi all,

im 1500 points off p1, contemplating a status run to get there, however I don't have huge amount of time, can anyone suggest an optial route to get one, and if they know if comfort seats are counted in the dsc promo (also do they count towards the number of points required off a qf seat) I am based out of Melbourne. the way I see it, I will get a bump to p1 for next year, and then even when I drop I will drop to platnum, so I get 1 year p1 and one as platnum (presuming a level drop) thoughts? thanks in advance
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