Coronavirus (COVID-19) Panic Buying?


Jul 13, 2006
Indeed, I get the impression Aussies are too busy emptying supermarket shelves to go on holiday!
cheers skip

Not at the supermarkets I frequent. And at Costco, when don't shoppers here have full trollies?

I think it is more that hand sanitiser has a run on.
I do not get the run on the shops, when ADL went into lock down in November my parents called to asked if we will be ok, do we have enough supplies etc. I recall mentioning to my dad I do not know what all the fuss is about, I have enough timber, plaster, lime, cement, sand, fillers, sandpaper paint etc. to keep me occupied for the next few months. After the initial lockdown in early 2020 I had been informed by MrsM that it was about time I finished fixing the house so I had stocked up on what I considered to be essential items, that being the renovation supplies.
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Seems "common sense" has become the thing of myths!

After all these repeat scenes of people buying enough TRs to save someone jumping off the top of a building - why haven't these same people thought to, perhaps, create a stockpile as a precaution when the supermarket has them at 50% off every 5th week? Straw hats in winter?

Has the average IQ really plummetted that much?

Better stop now before I answer that question (with reference to politicians these days...) 😂

True, I suspect a few may think of profiteering (sell at their small shop at raised prices or online).
I have to say supermarket shelves a bit bare in Brisbane yesterday afternoon. Putting it down to holidays etc but had to go to three to get everything that I wanted
RAT tests
Decided to alter my morning walk to take in a few supermarkets and see if there was any stock. None anywhere. And every Chemist I walked past had people walking out without buying anything, I didn't ask why they were empty handed...
SA stores are starting to look bare of many products. Of course no RAT to be found but also staple items. Toilet paper seems fine though.
Aldi seemed ok this morning. I must admit I am starting to buy a little more each time I go to the shops and have the freezer full. Being tested daily, it is only a matter of time until I am sent home for a week.
Toilet paper seems fine though.
TP beng rushed since Xmas here, with the shelves stripped every day I have been in to the local supermarket. Wondering where it’s all going. Haven’t even bothered hunting RAT tests.

cheers skip
What I have also noticed along with some bare shelves is there have been quite a hike in prices on a lot of the items I usually buy. And it's the same level of increase in both NSW and Victoria as I just returned home and checked my local shops. Yogurt $7 to $7.50, meat 19.50 to 21.5, moth traps $10 to $10.30 et al. It seems to be an increase across the board of 5% so I wonder if we will see this in the inflation figures?
Toilet paper- I fitted a Asian style hand hose, and use little. And a planter box outside the window is also in reach. Certainly there is much grocery inflation. Coke down when discounted, and Arnots biscuits up 35% or more, since one chain decided not to stock certain lines, or reduced weight boxes. I think chocolate frogs went down in size and up in price most.
When talking about Australian CPI, LAND prices are not in it.
I often wonder how chocolate has not exploded in price. Surely the raw ingredients are extremely sensitive to high global shipping prices?
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