Brisbane hotel quarantine (live)

@oz_ally what a great thread.Will become essential reading for those that are faced with the prospect of HQ.You have been amazing with your positive attitude and your humility.
AFFer of the year IMHO would be your good self.
Thank you.
@oz_ally what a great thread.Will become essential reading for those that are faced with the prospect of HQ.You have been amazing with your positive attitude and your humility.
AFFer of the year IMHO would be your good self.
Thank you.
I will second that nomination @drron .. how wonderful of @oz_ally to report positive experiences in bad times without recourse to rant, criticism and disrespect to the AFF family ……well done and enjoy being home . You cannot have the highs without the lows and I’m sure you will continue to do well with your attitude. 👍
No I didn’t. I was hoping to just to silently judge from afar. I knew they were on but they were not near me. I did see a video from Ch7 about it but it had no sound and didn’t look like much was going on at the time. That was hours ago though.
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@oz_ally what a great thread.Will become essential reading for those that are faced with the prospect of HQ.You have been amazing with your positive attitude and your humility.
AFFer of the year IMHO would be your good self.
Thank you.
I am really glad you think it will be helpful. I may not have posted much before this all happened but I have read a lot of the threads since I joined up a while back and have gleaned so much help from the knowledge and posts from others and am so grateful 😊
I will second that nomination @drron .. how wonderful of @oz_ally to report positive experiences in bad times without recourse to rant, criticism and disrespect to the AFF family ……well done and enjoy being home . You cannot have the highs without the lows and I’m sure you will continue to do well with your attitude. 👍
Yes it doesn’t get you far to be a whinger and people are less forthcoming with assistance when you are. I’ve been reading a few FB groups about other peoples’ experiences in hotel quarantine both good and bad and I think I have been very lucky to have got the Marriott rather than what I’ve read (and seen food photos of) other establishments.

Believe me though I’m no Pollyanna 😏😂 None of you would have wanted to be anywhere near me after Cyclone Marcia struck. I survived, my home survived, my contents survived. My yard not so much so once we were allowed out again I had to spend days in the stinking hot February sun dragging trees and branches one by one out to the front footpath so council could come along and collect them. I sooked and cried and sulked 😳😏🎻 😭 and if that wasn’t bad enough I had no electrickery for 6 days. 😖 Being in that situation brought out the worst in me I’m ashamed to say. Especially when others lost their homes and possessions.

Anyway I digress which I tend to do as Matt discovered when he interviewed me for the podcast. He did have to cut a lot of my waffle 😳😏😖😂

Day 13 Hotel Quarantine. Tomorrow is my last full day 🤩 Have given my knees a rest from the squats as they were playing up due to me running out of my anti inflammatory tabs. So I plotted a course and amused myself by doing power walks Kath and Kel style around the room 😏🤣 Food delicious once again. I no complain 😋


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Good Morning @oz_ally - you can see the finish line now ! I just listened to the podcast which was really packed with good information about the mechanics of hotel quarantine and a lesson in resilience… to quote one of my favourite Shakespeare quotes …’there is no such thing as good or bad but thinking makes it so’.. so is it croissant, pancakes or hot breakfast this morning?
Good Morning @oz_ally - you can see the finish line now ! I just listened to the podcast which was really packed with good information about the mechanics of hotel quarantine and a lesson in resilience… to quote one of my favourite Shakespeare quotes …’there is no such thing as good or bad but thinking makes it so’.. so is it croissant, pancakes or hot breakfast this morning?

I also just finished listening to the podcast and admire your positivity and resilience. Good luck
Thanks to both of you. I’m glad you liked it 😍 no croissants this morning 😳😭 but it was a “hot” breakfast of bacon, eggs, chicken snags and hash browns. I’ll put the full menu and photos up after tea tonight.
Your friend looking after your cats sounds like a keeper! 😍 it sounds like she and your daughter should go travelling together, sounds like the perfect diet! 😂
Well @oz_ally, just one more dinner to go and then tomorrow you will be on your way. Thanks for your willingness to share the details of your quarantine experience. I’m sure it will help other people facing a quarantine period to prepare and get through with a bit of style. Hope your onwards journey is uneventful and that you are soon home with friends, family and cats around you.
Your friend looking after your cats sounds like a keeper! 😍
Oh yes she is wonderful. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without her. I have a lovely surprise planned for her when I get home - once I book it and find out what day she is free. My daughter has also been wonderful as she helped look after my cats too while I was in Darwin.
Well @oz_ally, just one more dinner to go and then tomorrow you will be on your way. Thanks for your willingness to share the details of your quarantine experience. I’m sure it will help other people facing a quarantine period to prepare and get through with a bit of style. Hope your onwards journey is uneventful and that you are soon home with friends, family and cats around you.
Yes I’ve not long finished the last of my 3 meals today. I do get breakfast tomorrow morning though.

So it’s Day 14 of Hotel Quarantine. My checkout time is 10. I was asked what time I wanted to leave so that’s what I chose.

Wasn’t a fan of the Leek and Zucchini soup although I do like those veggies. The beef was also quite dry which was a shame but the corn and spuds were nice.

I need to go pack my suitcase now. Thank you so much to everyone for being so lovely and helpful since my drama started. 😘 I truly hope that anyone who reads this thread finds some benefit in it. 🥰


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Bye @oz_ally. May I please request a final post from you about your joyous arrival home and a photo of your darling cats?

it’s been a real pleasure to get to know you a bit from this experience.
Of course and it’s been wonderful to interact with everyone here. To be honest when I made that original post stressing out while I was in the Ibis in Melbourne I was scared that I would be judged for doing something wrong. I truly don’t think I did but I just wasn’t sure. But everyone has been so helpful and positive. I am extremely grateful 😊 I’ve just had a call from the police to check that I’ll be ready soon. Not sure if I mentioned here before that I will be staying tonight with my son and his girlfriend before flying home tomorrow - going business class 😏😂 ya know - double status credits 🤩
Of course and it’s been wonderful to interact with everyone here. To be honest when I made that original post stressing out while I was in the Ibis in Melbourne I was scared that I would be judged for doing something wrong. I truly don’t think I did but I just wasn’t sure. But everyone has been so helpful and positive. I am extremely grateful 😊 I’ve just had a call from the police to check that I’ll be ready soon. Not sure if I mentioned here before that I will be staying tonight with my son and his girlfriend before flying home tomorrow - going business class 😏😂 ya know - double status credits 🤩
There are a few trolls on here, like everywhere on line, but I find the overwhelming majority of people here helpful, nice and willing to share their information and experiences so we can all learn from each other. I’m glad that we have been able to support you at least a little bit in what could well have been an ordeal. And by posting so genuinely about your experience, I really believe you will/have already helped others.

Enjoy the family time, the Business Class, a glass of bubbles and the big feline reunion.
There are a few trolls on here, like everywhere on line, but I find the overwhelming majority of people here helpful, nice and willing to share their information and experiences so we can all learn from each other. I’m glad that we have been able to support you at least a little bit in what could well have been an ordeal. And by posting so genuinely about your experience, I really believe you will/have already helped others.

Enjoy the family time, the Business Class, a glass of bubbles and the big feline reunion.
Trolls yes…. If I start feeling distress I just tell myself weeds grow everywhere but nature is overwhelmingly beautiful..

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