Boris Johnson diagnosed with COVID-19

I think they said that the Prime Minister decides who the designated survivor is. So do they decided amongst themselves if the PM suddenly drops dead?.

It isn't a term used in a way that most people would think, such as the "Designated Survivor" in the US where a selected member of the Presidential secession is kept away from large meetings where the others on the list are be (eg State of the Union).

The "Designated Survivor", as used in the UK, is more akin to what Australia uses as Deputy Prime Minister and is only used when the Prime Minister is incapacitated.
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Designated Survivor. What an awful term. What I would have expected from a bunch of (USA) preppers. 😟

Edit: Designated Successor, perhaps.
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I don't care if he received special treatment. He is the PM of UK. He is the leader. He needs to survive.
Definitely a privilege of rank, if that’s the case. 😀

What’s wrong with their ‘Dedicated Survivor’? 😉

Edit: If there’s a shortage of tin foil hats in Adelaide, there’s plenty of YouTube clips on how to make one, as long as there’s tin foil in the cupboard. 😀

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Given there were many reports of him not even requiring to be intubated, some of the other conjecture of other extreme measures is a bit on the silly side.
I think they said that the Prime Minister decides who the designated survivor is. So do they decided amongst themselves if the PM suddenly drops dead?.
A caretaker takes over until they pick an MP who has the confidence of Parliament who is then appointed as PM by the monarch.
If I’m ever triaged, I hope that I’m not competing for survival based on where I rank on the Leader board. 😳
I would not be surprised if Bojo had some of the pre-conditions that made him more susceptible to a more severe bout of the virus. I would put some dollars on hypertension myself.
I would not be surprised if Bojo had some of the pre-conditions that made him more susceptible to a more severe bout of the virus. I would put some dollars on hypertension myself.
He's had a couple of episodes of pneumonia in the past.
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Definitely a privilege of rank, if that’s the case. 😀

What’s wrong with their ‘Dedicated Survivor’? 😉

Edit: If there’s a shortage of tin foil hats in Adelaide, there’s plenty of YouTube clips on how to make one, as long as there’s tin foil in the cupboard. 😀

Yes they do. It is currently the foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab.

Yes he is now (and a lot not happy about it since his actual powers are uncertain and undefined) but the point I was making was that there is no formal path of a successor in the British parliamentary system, unlike here or the US or other countries. They have to wait until the parliament (tories) pick a new PM.
Definitely a privilege of rank, if that’s the case. 😀

What’s wrong with their ‘Dedicated Survivor’? 😉

Edit: If there’s a shortage of tin foil hats in Adelaide, there’s plenty of YouTube clips on how to make one, as long as there’s tin foil in the cupboard. 😀


The British do not need a " designated survivor" like the system in the USA needs and requires.

The USA President has executive power. That means he/she has specific constitutional powers that only the President can exercise, and that the President can exercise alone. It is therefore important to know who will take over as President should the President become unable to conduct their duties.

A Prime Minister typically does not enjoy executive power and is basically a first amongst equals. So swapping to a different PM is not the issue that it is in the USA especially as it is the party that determines the PM anyway.
But, they wouldn't know who to hustle down to the bunker in the case of the (insert name of marauders here), invade or start a nuclear war. Oh no, hang on that's probably not the Brits ...

Yes he is now (and a lot not happy about it since his actual powers are uncertain and undefined) but the point I was making was that there is no formal path of a successor in the British parliamentary system, unlike here or the US or other countries. They have to wait until the parliament (tories) pick a new PM.
But, they wouldn't know who to hustle down to the bunker in the case of the (insert name of marauders here), invade or start a nuclear war. Oh no, hang on that's probably not the Brits ...

I did come across this;

To find out I spoke to Dr Jonathan Eyal, the international director at the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI). I started by asking the obvious: Do we have a plan? Do we have a formal continuity procedure like the Americans do?

Dr Eyal explains that the “official” situation is that only succession in the monarchy is written into law, but “unofficially” he thinks that there is almost certainly a list of who gets to be in charge of the British government in an emergency.

He explains that these procedures were last debated in Parliament in 2012 – though the government wasn’t very keen to talk about them. He does have a theory about how these procedures are figured out though. It’s well known that when a new prime minister enters Downing Street for the first time they are given details on Britain’s nuclear defences and are asked to write a “Letter of Last Resort”, offering some final instructions to what our submarines should do in the event that the British government is completely wiped out.

He suspects that it is probably at this same point that the incoming PM is also told about the secret line of succession. He also suspects that the list would probably start with the Foreign Secretary or Chancellor of the Exchequer, but also work its way quite far down the cabinet ranks, because the people planning for such an eventuality would have to assume that a catastrophic attack could also wipe out half the Cabinet.
Oh that's alright then. 😁

I did come across this;

To find out I spoke to Dr Jonathan Eyal, the international director at the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI). I started by asking the obvious: Do we have a plan? Do we have a formal continuity procedure like the Americans do?

Dr Eyal explains that the “official” situation is that only succession in the monarchy is written into law, but “unofficially” he thinks that there is almost certainly a list of who gets to be in charge of the British government in an emergency.

He explains that these procedures were last debated in Parliament in 2012 – though the government wasn’t very keen to talk about them. He does have a theory about how these procedures are figured out though. It’s well known that when a new prime minister enters Downing Street for the first time they are given details on Britain’s nuclear defences and are asked to write a “Letter of Last Resort”, offering some final instructions to what our submarines should do in the event that the British government is completely wiped out.

He suspects that it is probably at this same point that the incoming PM is also told about the secret line of succession. He also suspects that the list would probably start with the Foreign Secretary or Chancellor of the Exchequer, but also work its way quite far down the cabinet ranks, because the people planning for such an eventuality would have to assume that a catastrophic attack could also wipe out half the Cabinet.
Interesting, ICU 80%+ is better than a lot of other places. I am not concerned about special treatment insofar as success stories are carried over. In the news this morning a chief doctor on TV said words to effect that the public don't need to know the drugs, and another press conference was canned when one was named. I disagree, and we know late or delayed administration is often associated with bullies. The reason may be embarrassment, prior shortages, unavailability, rationing or worried about 'runs'. These do not apply to BoJo.
So we will wait to see what he was given/prescribed.

Meanwhile a Texas doctor copped retribution. COVID-19 Patients Given Unproven Drug In Texas Nursing Home, Garnering Criticism. Thankfully saving lives came before appearances and norming.

And this Early Experience With Remdesivir To Treat Severe COVID-19 Published
Kidney and organ failure - no thanks. So it looks like non-patented solutions are in the lead.
In Adelaide a trial of BCG vaccine is underway now. It seems that countries with a high BCG vaccination do not experience the same death rate. BCG was routine at 12 years of age when I was a child. Not sure when that stopped. At least 20 years ago?
The British do not need a " designated survivor" like the system in the USA needs and requires.

The USA President has executive power. That means he/she has specific constitutional powers that only the President can exercise, and that the President can exercise alone. It is therefore important to know who will take over as President should the President become unable to conduct their duties.

A Prime Minister typically does not enjoy executive power and is basically a first amongst equals. So swapping to a different PM is not the issue that it is in the USA especially as it is the party that determines the PM anyway.

That's because the real source of executive power in the Commonwealth Realms is the Crown - and there is of course a well-publicised line of succession to the Crown.
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