BNE dinner Wed 9 Nov 2022 @ 1800

Added to Calendar: 09-11-22

Captain Halliday

Established Member
Jun 1, 2014
Been a while since a BNE catch up so I'm proposing dinner/drinks before the Christmas party season really kicks off.

Venue: Full Moon Hotel, Sandgate
Date: Wednesday 9 November, 2022
Time: 1800AEST

Wednesday has been selected because it's Schnitz Night. Details here. Regular menu also available see here.

Some context to the venue selection on Brisbane's northside:
- There have been several proposed BNE gatherings post-covid that never got off the ground either because dates and venue couldn't be agreed, or because there were insufficient numbers.
- @QFWP and I are overdue for a catch up and this venue and date works for us both, so we're extending to other AFFers either in BNE or those who are visiting.
- The venue if family friendly and for this AFF gathering, children are welcome. Kids menu here.

@Captain Halliday +1.5
@Bundy Bear

@Gladstone Tim


Mrs QF WP + mini's x 2


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No. We'll be chatting over a beer and dinner won't have probably been served (may have been ordered). Come regardless..
Is 7 pm too late after my gym class?
Not at all mate. I'll be there to hold some space from 1800.

It's the kind of place where you can order your own and put a number on the table, so people can arrive and order at their leisure.

EDIT: I'll put you down as Gold... let me know if it needs to be updated
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As much as I would like to join everyone it's a 123km round trip. I find it very difficult to drive at night these days and unfortunately I will be a no show.
I hope everyone has a great night.

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