Best Annual Multi-Trip Travel Insurance in the new COVID World?


Established Member
Feb 13, 2010
Am finally getting to travel again and need to sort out an annual international multi-trip policy - has to include coverage for the U.S., but don't need coverage for the floating virus incubators (cruise ships), skiing, parachuting etc, and don't need coverage for domestic travel.

Any suggestions?
Have to say I started looking this week . As both husband and I have various health issues we are limited in our chocies regardless. On researching annual trips policy seem to be few and far between. Hoping someone else has new alternatives
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Yes fortunately.

The following are offering Multi-Trip and also provide both medical & cancellation coverage to varying degrees for Covid - you will need to get quotes and compare PDSs
  • Go Insurance (not be confused with Insure & Go) - Go Plus has $20k for covid cancellations highest I found
  • Allianz
  • TID (note has limit of 35 days per trip)
  • Covermore
  • Medibank
  • Qantas
There are others doing annual policies like SCTI where covid coverage is less obvious.

Note that some policies (aka Medibank) wont cover you for Covid if your policy is not taken out > 21 days before first departure.
The following are offering Multi-Trip and also provide both medical & cancellation coverage to varying degrees for Covid - you will need to get quotes and compare PDSs
  • Go Insurance (not be confused with Insure & Go) - Go Plus has $20k for covid cancellations highest I found
  • Allianz
  • TID (note has limit of 35 days per trip)
  • Covermore
  • Medibank
  • Qantas
There are others doing annual policies like SCTI where covid coverage is less obvious.

Note that some policies (aka Medibank) wont cover you for Covid if your policy is not taken out > 21 days before first departure.
Many thanks Lynda, will check those out.
Basically there is no best multi trip Annual policy. It really depends on your travel and where in the world you want to go. under 65 a great choice. If your trips are under 35 days TID was certainly a good choice. However after reirement we took longer trips but usually under 60 days so Allianz products suited us. We used Qantas often.

However once you pass 65 the choices get less and dramatically so once you hit 75. So for us the SCT policy was a no brainer as you can get 30,60 or 90 day policies that cover cruising. You must declare your pre existing illnesses but you can decline the extra cover if you want.
Basically there is no best multi trip Annual policy. It really depends on your travel and where in the world you want to go. under 65 a great choice. If your trips are under 35 days TID was certainly a good choice. However after reirement we took longer trips but usually under 60 days so Allianz products suited us. We used Qantas often.

However once you pass 65 the choices get less and dramatically so once you hit 75. So for us the SCT policy was a no brainer as you can get 30,60 or 90 day policies that cover cruising. You must declare your pre existing illnesses but you can decline the extra cover if you want.
Had a good look at them all and went with TID.
Lynda- Looks like ANZ with its complimentary travel insurance kicking in April 28th also matches GO $20,000 Covid Cancellation limit which is great news.
The following are offering Multi-Trip and also provide both medical & cancellation coverage to varying degrees for Covid - you will need to get quotes and compare PDSs
  • Go Insurance (not be confused with Insure & Go) - Go Plus has $20k for covid cancellations highest I found
  • Allianz
  • TID (note has limit of 35 days per trip)
  • Covermore
  • Medibank
  • Qantas
There are others doing annual policies like SCTI where covid coverage is less obvious.

Note that some policies (aka Medibank) wont cover you for Covid if your policy is not taken out > 21 days before first departure.

This has to be one of the most helpful posts on AFF for a while, as the research to discover this is tedious.
This has to be one of the most helpful posts on AFF for a while, as the research to discover this is tedious.
It certainly is - especially at the moment when with COVID there are so many things to try to work out with a holiday before you get on a plane - I think that I will just about collapse with relief through the plane's entry door if I make it that far.
Has anyone looked at the 28Degrees card travel insurance, which includes COVID cover, as long as you spend at least $1000 on the card on flights? It gives you one year's coverage on multiple trips. Seems pretty good?
Has anyone looked at the 28Degrees card travel insurance, which includes COVID cover, as long as you spend at least $1000 on the card on flights? It gives you one year's coverage on multiple trips. Seems pretty good?

Looks very limited-

The benefit examples outlined above are subject to you meeting all the other terms and conditions of the policy. The insurance generally does not cover the following COVID-19 related events:

  • travel disruption due to border closures, such as the cost of additional accommodation or missed flights; and
  • additional costs due to quarantine.

Accommodation last minute could add up $$ overseas so look for cover that includes it IMO. The only bank currently that provides this is ANZ on some of their credit cards. Hopefully others will follow.
I have ANZ and Amex credit cards that offer "free travel insurance". Prior to COVID-19, I relied on them for my overseas travels whilst my partner made her own arrangements.

With the pandemic, we are getting nervous about the "free travel insurance" and have looked into an annual multi-trip policy that covers:

our ages (71 and 67)
would cover our next trip that is 64 days and includes two weeks in the USA
would cover a cruise planned for October 2022

We have looked at the various postings on here and also several company websites. We remain very confused! We are experienced travellers.
Maybe there are others on here in the similar age group with similar requirements?

And thoughts or suggestions would be most appreciated.
I have ANZ and Amex credit cards that offer "free travel insurance". Prior to COVID-19, I relied on them for my overseas travels whilst my partner made her own arrangements.

With the pandemic, we are getting nervous about the "free travel insurance" and have looked into an annual multi-trip policy that covers:

our ages (71 and 67)
would cover our next trip that is 64 days and includes two weeks in the USA
would cover a cruise planned for October 2022

We have looked at the various postings on here and also several company websites. We remain very confused! We are experienced travellers.
Maybe there are others on here in the similar age group with similar requirements?

And thoughts or suggestions would be most appreciated.
You really need to check the PDS to see what they are offering. Personally I would pay the bit extra and make sure I had a comprehensive cover
I have been following the replies and I appreciate the most current info. I am hoping to get back in the air soon for international travel and insurance has been the biggest concern. I miss the annual worldwide policy $ pre Covid though when I tried the quote process
You really need to check the PDS to see what they are offering. Personally I would pay the bit extra and make sure I had a comprehensive cover

Agreed. Check the PDS. ANZ would come the closest to comprehensive cover if you have one of the eligible cards. Whether it covers Cruises or not you would need to check.
Looks very limited-

The benefit examples outlined above are subject to you meeting all the other terms and conditions of the policy. The insurance generally does not cover the following COVID-19 related events:

  • travel disruption due to border closures, such as the cost of additional accommodation or missed flights; and
  • additional costs due to quarantine.

Accommodation last minute could add up $$ overseas so look for cover that includes it IMO. The only bank currently that provides this is ANZ on some of their credit cards. Hopefully others will follow.
Surprising that this isn't covered as the likelihood is so low now. Just have to weigh off the risk of this versus the extra cost of separate insurance.
I have ANZ and Amex credit cards that offer "free travel insurance". Prior to COVID-19, I relied on them for my overseas travels whilst my partner made her own arrangements.

With the pandemic, we are getting nervous about the "free travel insurance" and have looked into an annual multi-trip policy that covers:

our ages (71 and 67)
would cover our next trip that is 64 days and includes two weeks in the USA
would cover a cruise planned for October 2022

We have looked at the various postings on here and also several company websites. We remain very confused! We are experienced travellers.
Maybe there are others on here in the similar age group with similar requirements?

And thoughts or suggestions would be most appreciated.
Hi, we are in similar - though worse probably - position. I have ANZ and AMEX QFF Platinum. My partner is 77 and had a pulmonary embolism 4.5 years ago, he is totally stable and on blood thinners for life. I am 63 and notionally fine from an insurance point of view - although in reality he often seems much healthier than I do.

We are planning to go to Malaysia for a month in July and to do a cruise Dubai to Melbourne in November/December. We are also very experienced independent travellers. I have just thoroughly read the ANZ Insurance brochure and have a list of questions to ask them. I'll let you know what I find. If everything was the same as it was in 2020 we would have a one year policy for him with InsureandGo and I would rely on the ANZ....but things are not the same and so we are researching. I would similarly be interested to see what you find.

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