Beautiful or notable Libraries

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Well another library which is not very grand but performs a much needed purpose as that posted by @tgh .
This is in a little village in Laos not far from Luang Prabang.I tried to find it's name but google maps has no name on it but by the satellite image I know it is the place.The area is probably known to @Cossie because it is probably only a couple of Km from the Laos Buffalo Dairy but on the opposite bank of the Mekong and a little closer to Luang Prabang.
Here is the library on the first part of the journey from Luang Prabang.

The next stage was from a "port" onthe Mekong but not a modern vessel.

The village.

The school and the kids.


I bought along an extra book.

The kids were also given a pencil and 3 sheets of A4 paper.The happiness was amazing.

You are repaid in spades.

The Vancouver Public Library is a cool building, with a nice curved atrium. Pics taken in 2013.

I also liked the Bodleian Library in Oxford, though I wasn't allowed to take photos myself. Here's one I snaffled from Google images:
You should be able to get some "never seen before by the public" shots from your workplace, and post them up :)
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Oh ….super story Mr Schneider 7.5 .. well done….👏👏
Topical but drifting a bit.. apologies to Roo Flyer and the gods with the delete button...
A few years back I had perhaps my best adventure, a bike ride from Atacama to Machu Picchu
One of many highlights was a visit to the Chaquilla school, about 50km from Potosi, Bolivia.
We rocked up in our noisy steeds, received a musical presentation and in turn presented pencils and sporting goods.
We then gave rides around the town square, it started out in a fairly orderly manner but ended up bedlam with excited kids swarming over us for the next rideScreen Shot 2021-03-09 at 6.29.49 pm.png

And the presentation of our pencils and blow up soccer balls

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Absolute chaos, here Hugo is loaded to the gunnl's, I had the same problem.
Lots of fun as long as nobody fell off… Bolivian prisons are not welcoming places...

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@RooFlyer this popped up in my Bookbub list this morning. It only has a 3 star rating, but for $1.99, I thought you might be interested.

Thanks! Reading some of the longer 'reviews', it sounds a bit like the book I mentioned in the first post, a bit broad and lacking depth. I'll check it out for sure, though. :)
You should be able to get some "never seen before by the public" shots from your workplace, and post them up :)
We do have behind the scenes tours that go through - though not at the moment I don't think. Most of the "never seen before by the public" is probably just boring office spaces and the toilets, ha. There was a segment ABC did a few years ago that includes some behind the scenes stuff: Does the National Library of Australia have a moat?

I was lucky enough to tag along and got to go on the roof! My favourite photo I took of that is this one.


It kind of reminds me of the Fellowship of the Ring...
.... and the NLA OH&S division just had a collective coronary ... 🤣
We were only allowed on that special path, and the guy in front in the blue shirt was from the building and security team so we were well looked after. It was weird being up there, but we were well away from the edges so it was safe. I suspect if it was a really windy day we'd not be allowed up.
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