AMEX Application Process Failures + Contact

So have anyone been approved at all recently, after churning 2+ cards in the last year?

It sounds like I’m going to have to take a break from churning other cards to get a platinum, which I don’t think I’m willing to do. It’s a shame for Amex as well, as I think I’d use the platinum as my main card and hold it for the foreseeable future.
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Is the 200k vs 275k SUB a random thing ? I'm trying to refer my wife, but my link only does 200k, whereas I can still see some 275k links active on here...
Yeah, you can just keep clicking, use different devices, incognito etc and some of the 200k links will turn into 275k links.
from my account page, it says the new member will receive 200k. Is that fixed (? based on my spend etc), or can that change if we keep clicking ??
Yep it is tied to each member. You were only targeted for 200k referrals.

There is a list of 275k referrals on ozbargain.
Wife got approved for the plat card with no income docs at all and a sub 70k income...
no churning lately cos no one else would give her a card 😂
Interesting - for Amex no enquiries on credit record trumps lower income every time. Those with higher incomes but some recent enquiries are rejected. Amex have long being known to want to build long term relationships (v churners with high incomes),

Re no documents - Amex notes on their website that they do verify income eg through Verifier, and online service so for most there is no need to upload docs.
Yep it is tied to each member. You were only targeted for 200k referrals.

There is a list of 275k referrals on ozbargain.
Not true in my experience. Using my own link a variety of times it would give 275 on occasion and 200 on occasion.
I received my Amex rejection letter today, and it actually provided some specific details as to why they rejected me!

"Based on monthly income and expense information.. We couldn't confirm your ability to make sufficient repayments".

Crazy, considering the Qantas Premier gave me a $64k/mth limit after the Amex rejection. And I have a perfect repayment credit record. Can only lol.

This reason has been used by AMEX for years.
I've recently applied for, and been declined (surprisingly, or not so surprisingly after reading the past page or so of this thread) for the Qantas AMEX Ultimate card - $450 Annual Fee w/ $450 travel credit, 100k Bonus points after $3k eligible spend.

My credit score is well within the Excellent range on all of Canstar, Finder and Equifax sources (which I just found out after receiving the rejection letter).

I have however, cancelled 3 credit cards within the past 5-6 months though - 2 of which were points earning cards and the other just a regular non-points card that I had for ages and only kept for my internet bill to maintain a monthly discount.

I did call up AMEX and ask for the status of the application around 3 business days after the application - I was told verbally that the application had been declined and the consultant wasn't able to give a specific reason other than "a letter is on its way outlining our decision and possible reasons".

The letter is the typical BS generic response:

"We're writing to let you know that, unfortunately, we're unable to approve your application at this time based wholly or partly on your credit information received from Veda, a Credit Reporting body in Australia."


It is important for you to be proactive in checking the accuracy of the credit information that Credit Reporting Bodies have about you because"
- AMEX relies upon information from Credit Reporting Bodies as well as information provided by you
- Factors that are often taken into account when declining a request for credit may include your income level, other resources, current debts, other commitments, employment, credit history including bankruptcies, defaults, serious credit infringements, number of credit applications and repayment history."

If I can recall correctly, I wasn't even asked to submit or upload any documents, ie. payslips, statements etc - just entering numbers.

There was however a question about whether or not I'd prefer AMEX to decide on a credit limit, or if I wanted to specifically choose my limit. I think I left it to them to decide - I wonder had I applied for a small limit ie. $5k, whether that may have made a difference or not.

Yes, I have closed some credit cards and only have just the 1 now, I have sufficient income after expenses with a 100% payment history - I do wonder if AMEX actually are cracking down on churners, because I'm confident that had I applied for the Citibank Ready Credit product (which was my other option w/ 70k Bonus points after only a few hundred dollars as it's a line of credit, rather than a credit card), it would have most likely been approved - but then that's just my opinion.

Just a tad annoyed that AMEX rejected for what I perceive, to be no / a poor reason. Regret not applying for the Citibank product and won't do so now due to the recent decline by AMEX.
I've recently applied for, and been declined (surprisingly, or not so surprisingly after reading the past page or so of this thread) for the Qantas AMEX Ultimate card - $450 Annual Fee w/ $450 travel credit, 100k Bonus points after $3k eligible spend.

My credit score is well within the Excellent range on all of Canstar, Finder and Equifax sources (which I just found out after receiving the rejection letter).

I have however, cancelled 3 credit cards within the past 5-6 months though - 2 of which were points earning cards and the other just a regular non-points card that I had for ages and only kept for my internet bill to maintain a monthly discount.

I did call up AMEX and ask for the status of the application around 3 business days after the application - I was told verbally that the application had been declined and the consultant wasn't able to give a specific reason other than "a letter is on its way outlining our decision and possible reasons".

The letter is the typical BS generic response:

"We're writing to let you know that, unfortunately, we're unable to approve your application at this time based wholly or partly on your credit information received from Veda, a Credit Reporting body in Australia."


It is important for you to be proactive in checking the accuracy of the credit information that Credit Reporting Bodies have about you because"
- AMEX relies upon information from Credit Reporting Bodies as well as information provided by you
- Factors that are often taken into account when declining a request for credit may include your income level, other resources, current debts, other commitments, employment, credit history including bankruptcies, defaults, serious credit infringements, number of credit applications and repayment history."

If I can recall correctly, I wasn't even asked to submit or upload any documents, ie. payslips, statements etc - just entering numbers.

There was however a question about whether or not I'd prefer AMEX to decide on a credit limit, or if I wanted to specifically choose my limit. I think I left it to them to decide - I wonder had I applied for a small limit ie. $5k, whether that may have made a difference or not.

Yes, I have closed some credit cards and only have just the 1 now, I have sufficient income after expenses with a 100% payment history - I do wonder if AMEX actually are cracking down on churners, because I'm confident that had I applied for the Citibank Ready Credit product (which was my other option w/ 70k Bonus points after only a few hundred dollars as it's a line of credit, rather than a credit card), it would have most likely been approved - but then that's just my opinion.

Just a tad annoyed that AMEX rejected for what I perceive, to be no / a poor reason. Regret not applying for the Citibank product and won't do so now due to the recent decline by AMEX.

I got declined by Citi for their credit card and their ready credit - and then got declined by Amex. Just been approved by Westpac for their black card. I believe the rejections are because I was identified as a churner, not because I was a risk.
Also declined last week for he QF Ultimate Card. First every rejection in over 15 years of card churning. The letter they sent out indicated my credit score was the issue and provided me a free copy of by credit report - The same credit report that indicated a score of EXCELLENT. Never mind, Bank of Melbourne approved me the very same day.

Reading this thread I'm guessing they're really clamping down on the churning. May try again in six months and see what happens.
I got declined by Citi for their credit card and their ready credit - and then got declined by Amex. Just been approved by Westpac for their black card. I believe the rejections are because I was identified as a churner, not because I was a risk.

Applied last friday, haven't heard a thing. I assume declined after reading this, given 9 cards in the past 12 months.

Also declined last week for he QF Ultimate Card. First every rejection in over 15 years of card churning. The letter they sent out indicated my credit score was the issue and provided me a free copy of by credit report - The same credit report that indicated a score of EXCELLENT. Never mind, Bank of Melbourne approved me the very same day.

Reading this thread I'm guessing they're really clamping down on the churning. May try again in six months and see what happens.

Yeah it seems that the common denominator in a lot of posts, is churning being the possible reason for applications from being declined, despite excellent credit scores.

With the above / last quote, I'd like to sign-up for an alternative card as well, but I'm not sure if I want another credit enquiry on my file so soon after a decline.

I do have my car insurance coming up so I am tempted / swayed because it's easy required spend.
I'd like to sign-up for an alternative card as well, but I'm not sure if I want another credit enquiry on my file so soon after a decline.

I do have my car insurance coming up so I am tempted / swayed because it's easy required spend.

So I took the risk and applied for a Bank of Melbourne Qantas Amplify Platinum card - it got approved immediately after an income check.

Leads me to believe even more that Amex are definitely cracking down on churners.

100k bonus QFF points via the Amex would have been nice, but hey, 60k is better than nothing I suppose (I'll evaluate whether to keep the card beyond the 1st anniversary for the additional 10k pts as advertised (60k + 10k).
I'd like to sign-up for an alternative card as well, but I'm not sure if I want another credit enquiry on my file so soon after a decline.
I signed up for the Qantas Premier CC within a week of my Amex rejection and they gave me a card with a ~$64k/mth limit!

Which I think we've all agreed - Amex aren't looking at your credit score, but your credit history (aka all of us churning).

Unfortunately it sounds like we are locked out for the foreseeable future unless we fall below their "churn threshold". Based on our strategy to gain points, means we'll never meet this requirement 😔.
Unfortunately it sounds like we are locked out for the foreseeable future unless we fall below their "churn threshold". Based on our strategy to gain points, means we'll never meet this requirement 😔.
Based on the usual timeline of changes to credit products that negatively affect the number of new accounts opened (and hard to see how this latest clamping down won’t cause a noticeable impact to that metric), I reckon the foreseeable future in this instance will be a matter of months. Banks and other FIs have a pretty predictable/amusing cycle of making decisions to reduce customer acquisition spend (think reduced bonus point offers, targeting churners etc) and then winding those changes back after a couple of quarters, once they realise the impact those decisions have had to account openings/growth of the business overall. AMEX is no exception - think back to the ~12 month period between mid-2022 and mid-2023 where they reduced the bonus points offer on new accounts from ~120,000 to ~60,000. There’s a reason it’s back to 100,000 now!
I’d be surprised if rejected churners made any noticeable difference to them, other than a cost saving. The USA has had 5/24 style stuff for a while, I believe this is a longer term change.
The 18 month rule was their way of restricting churners - with them - but it does look like they're now more interested in who else you have credit with or applied to.

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