AMEX Application Process Failures + Contact

I said I'd have to lodge a complaint with AFCA but she didn't blink.

I get the annoyance here however I don't really understand what you're expecting AFCA to do here? What's the complaint? You were declined and their process didn't allow a review? I don't really think that's going to go far.
I get the annoyance here however I don't really understand what you're expecting AFCA to do here? What's the complaint? You were declined and their process didn't allow a review? I don't really think that's going to go far.

I'm not across really what AFCA can do. Some others suggested to mention them to see if Amex would backtrack.

But my feedback to AFCA was genuine concern in regards to the bad CX the website application form posed. You cannot supply financial records (every single other financial institution asks for these to be approved a credit card). There was no ability in the form to click the back button to update incorrectly entered records. There was no ability to challenge the decision. There was no human intervention to review the case to enter a y additional information for reassessment.

This all resulted in my unscathed and high credit score decreasing due to an unapproved request for credit. Which could negatively impact me over the next 3-6mths as well. But with no ability to prove myself "capable at using this card".

What's even crazier is I had my wife apply for the same Ultimate card 2 days ago (she's got double the salary I have). And has just now also received the rejection letter from Amex!
I have to agree. It's infuriating that they won't give meaningful feedback as to why you've been rejected. Giving vague wording which covers every possible scenario isn't at all helpful. The just suggesting to apply again in 3 months.
I'm on a mission now for Amex to explain in better detail why our applications were rejected. When I lodged my complaint 3 weeks ago they said I'd get a call 48hrs later. A week on that hadn't occurred so I followed up. They reiterated the 48hrs again from this follow up. 2 weeks on that hadn't occurred so I followed up last night and they said I'd get a call last night or Monday. Last night didn't eventuate so let's see how Monday goes.

What I found very odd is that the Amex call centre kept saying I had to call Equifax as they're the company who tell Amex how to proceed with an application. I'd have to call Equifax and ask them why they deemed me not suitable for a credit card.

I said I found that extremely strange and didn't believe them. It also sounded like Amex didn't make any decisions themselves and fully relied on this credit reporting service to decide application eligibility... Has anyone else heard this?
I don't have personal knowledge of Amex's processes. I would imagine the internal application engine would query both your Equifax record and Amex's records of you if you're a current or previous AMEX AU customer.

Sounds like the person on the phone is suggesting that something on your Equifax file was the reason for your declined application. Has something happened recently that you're aware of which might have gotten onto your credit file? Best top check - I subscribe to mine but I know there's free access if you get a declined application. That might help explain what has happened and allow you to "fix" it if it if there's been a misunderstanding. Not sure where that puts you with Amex.

Unfortunately, they otherwise don't give anything away - apparently in case we "game" the system but it would be nice to have a specific reason. My 2 cents worth. YMMV.
Appreciate the ideas. My score was over 1,000 out of the 1,200 Equifax limit. 100% bills paid on time across the 17+yr history on me.

I assume it's the credit churning. Since Jan 2022 I've had 1 card at a time, but 4 in this 18mth period. I don't see that as high, and with a high credit credit score and no defaulting, personally I don't see this as a negative. If I was defaulting, then 100% it's a negative.
I suspect that I wasn't suspended from re applying because I withdrew my application as they were driving me crazy! The process for the Platinum card could not have been simpler or easier. Bizarre but, as I said, I'm not complaining!
I'm on a mission now for Amex to explain in better detail why our applications were rejected.

Why do you think this is going to happen? Even if you did get a response, it's unlikely to change the outcome.

My score was over 1,000 out of the 1,200 Equifax limit. 100% bills paid on time across the 17+yr history on me.

So? A company is under no obligation to extend credit to anyone, regardless of their circumstances. A credit check/history is often not the only metric used to assess an application, and it's likely whatever internal processes Amex used in this instance have determined that you weren't approved.

Being blunt: it sounds like you're butthurt because they said no. I do agree Amex probably could have handled this better, though.
Why do you think this is going to happen? Even if you did get a response, it's unlikely to change the outcome.

So? A company is under no obligation to extend credit to anyone, regardless of their circumstances. A credit check/history is often not the only metric used to assess an application, and it's likely whatever internal processes Amex used in this instance have determined that you weren't approved.

Being blunt: it sounds like you're butthurt because they said no. I do agree Amex probably could have handled this better, though.

Exactly, Amex do not care, AFCA do not care, in fact from memory they don't even consider this as a valid complaint for them to even raise with Amex

It's a business decision by Amex and crying about it won't change anything
Why do you think this is going to happen? Even if you did get a response, it's unlikely to change the outcome.

So? A company is under no obligation to extend credit to anyone, regardless of their circumstances. A credit check/history is often not the only metric used to assess an application, and it's likely whatever internal processes Amex used in this instance have determined that you weren't approved.

Being blunt: it sounds like you're butthurt because they said no. I do agree Amex probably could have handled this better, though.

While under no obligation to extend credit, it would certainly be helpful if they gave a reason. Amex just say apply again in 3 months. If you don't know the reason for the rejection, how can you rectify it so the application isn't rejected next time or just avoid wasting your time by applying.

I really don't think it's too much to ask for credit providers to give the reason, rather than the generic, unhelpful response they currently give.
Completely agree. I am annoyed that I got rejected. This card would have allowed me to earn Qantas points at a higher rate than other cards for a fee that I'm happy to pay. So I'm definitely responding emotionally vs logically as I can easily just apply for another banks card.

But as some others have responded, their application process doesn't allow for edits (e.g I had thought a question was going to be asked in more detail in the process and it wasn't and I missed the opportunity to provide that info), and they don't provide insight into their rejection so I can't know what to do in the future to be more eligible.

I fully understand Amex doesn't owe me anything, and can reject me for as long as they like. But I'd at least like some answers as to why they're rejecting me 🙁
I don't see that as high, and with a high credit credit score and no defaulting, personally I don't see this as a negative.
Long story short, they have no obligation to approve you for a product. Every institution has extensive lending criteria - these are under lock and key - and they will not provide you with specific reasoning for why you were rejected.

Your "credit score" doesn't mean much of anything in Australia (it's a marketing tool). They're assessing the details in your credit file and what you've entered in your application to make a decision. They will follow up if they need to verify any of the details you've provided if those details are contingent to providing an approval, but otherwise it's a fairly black-and-white process.

I've worked on developing lending criteria frameworks, and can account for some institutions being less lenient towards application history than others. The profile of someone who successfully churns cards can look awfully similar to someone who applies for credit out of desperation/poor financial skills (both having multiple applications for X type of credit within Y period of time). For them, it's a risk assessment and it's their obligation to err on the side of caution.

Unfortunately you made a presumption about their application process, and while a good UX might provide room to edit details, the obligation really is on you to be enter the details as prompted. If they don't ask for certain details, then it's not relevant to their lending assessment.
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Long story short, they have no obligation to approve you for a product. Every institution has extensive lending criteria - these are under lock and key - and they will not provide you with specific reasoning for why you were rejected.

Exactly this. Rejection notifications will always be very generic in nature, to reduce any exposure to legal issues and to prevent people gaming the system.

New here but frequent churner of cards. Recently applied for an AMEX Qantas Ultimate and got rejected. Surprised at the lack of detail on the questionnaire re: assets and cash. High income, shares and cash, 880 credit score. Will be calling them next week to check what's up, but I believe it might be due to my frequent churning that's finally biting me in the butt as reported in the Experian credit check.
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New here but frequent churner of cards. Recently applied for an AMEX Qantas Ultimate and got rejected. Surprised at the lack of detail on the questionnaire re: assets and cash. High income, shares and cash, 880 credit score. Will be calling them next week to check what's up, but I believe it might be due to my frequent churning that's finally biting me in the butt as reported in the Experian credit check.

Welcome to AFF.

Don't expect to get any meaningful information out of Amex as to why your application was rejected.

New here but frequent churner of cards. Recently applied for an AMEX Qantas Ultimate and got rejected. Surprised at the lack of detail on the questionnaire re: assets and cash. High income, shares and cash, 880 credit score. Will be calling them next week to check what's up, but I believe it might be due to my frequent churning that's finally biting me in the butt as reported in the Experian credit check.
How many cards/loans do you currently have open and what’s your total credit limit. Note, total available credit, not balance. In my experience this(ability to service) is much more important that credit score.
Completely agree. I am annoyed that I got rejected. This card would have allowed me to earn Qantas points at a higher rate than other cards for a fee that I'm happy to pay. So I'm definitely responding emotionally vs logically as I can easily just apply for another banks card.

But as some others have responded, their application process doesn't allow for edits (e.g I had thought a question was going to be asked in more detail in the process and it wasn't and I missed the opportunity to provide that info), and they don't provide insight into their rejection so I can't know what to do in the future to be more eligible.

I fully understand Amex doesn't owe me anything, and can reject me for as long as they like. But I'd at least like some answers as to why they're rejecting me 🙁
How did you go?

I also got rejected recently and they didn't give me any details either!

I've attempted to call twice and was unsuccessful, they just told me it's a robotic process thus they couldn't escalate for me to speak to a manager.

They mentioned I could reapply after 3 months though.....

Absolutely sucks!!!

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