KKR, Varde and Deutsche Bank drop to 53.9% from 100% ownership so they are sellers. Read the loan impairments figures too as they are quite large. Yes read the prospectus even though it is a big read.
Not doubting what you are saying, but presumably they are crystallising a decent gain, which would have been an objective of them going in. The more I read about the IPO, the less inclined I am to take up stock.
FWIW, not a 'stock tip', but my own investment strategy, which is going pretty well ATM (I'm 59, retired a few years). Diversity rules. The SMSF is spread between:
* Directly held ASX shares, mainly good dividend yields, and includes Vanguard ETFs - thanks
* Directly held overseas shares
* Directly held unlisted Australian shares (pending IPOs)
* 'BT Wrap' - a managed diversified fund, includes international investments
* Commercial property in Sydney (recently sold )
* Rental property in Tasmania
* Third party private investment trust
* A painting (!) ... not one of my own

* Cash in ING term deposits
Plus I have a bit in Australian Super.
So, I've given up trying to pick winners or to get huge returns. Enjoying my retirement and that lot is keeping me in gin and 3-4 overseas trips a year (including some points flights ... gotta keep the AFF angle in mind
