Rumor: AMEX Platinum annual fee increase to 1200$ ?

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Mar 13, 2007
First of all folks, this is an unconfirmed rumor.

I talked to a nice fella yesterday at the Westin Sydney and we came to the topic of Amex Cards.

He mentioned that he spoke to Amex (Australia) this week and they advised him that the fee would increase to 1200$ p.a. starting his new membership year in May.

That sounds surreal to me but if true it would be outrageous given the changes in insurance etc.

The business platinum card is $1200 already, so he may have been talking about that.

Changing the personal platinum charge to $1200 would guarantee that mine would be taken out the back and shot.
First of all folks, this is an unconfirmed rumor.

I talked to a nice fella yesterday at the Westin Sydney and we came to the topic of Amex Cards.

He mentioned that he spoke to Amex (Australia) this week and they advised him that the fee would increase to 1200$ p.a. starting his new membership year in May.

That sounds surreal to me but if true it would be outrageous given the changes in insurance etc.


GOODBYE! nuff said
If true: would be a lot easier for everyone if they just came out and said that they want to remove this card from their lineup.
First of all folks, this is an unconfirmed rumor.

I talked to a nice fella yesterday at the Westin Sydney and we came to the topic of Amex Cards.

He mentioned that he spoke to Amex (Australia) this week and they advised him that the fee would increase to 1200$ p.a. starting his new membership year in May.

That sounds surreal to me but if true it would be outrageous given the changes in insurance etc.


Whilst the insurance has gone down, the fee (possibly) going up, maybe they have other offers up their sleeves.
The business platinum card is $1200 already, so he may have been talking about that.

Changing the personal platinum charge to $1200 would guarantee that mine would be taken out the back and shot.

I will see him again for dinner sometime this or next week and will ask again what card he has. I was too shocked for detailed questions and did not want to ask someone too detailed about his credit cards 15 mins after we met.
I want what the US gets... $450 annual fee, although they do charge for supplementary cards. Given the insurance changes I'll be cancelling all my supp cards as it is pretty much useless for them now...

Give me no foreign exchange fees, extra bonus points at retails we actually shop at and some more travel benefits and I'll reconsider its value.

$600 I could probably live with if it still includes the Reserve card and free flight
The changes to the TI was enough for me, if the fee goes up without any additional benefits being introduced I will certainly be canceling my card.
Not sure if I should start a new thread or not, do you think if without the plat charge card, is the reserve plat worth it over the edge?
Maybe they are finally going to make the card out of platinum? I'd take one without any benefits :)

(a card made of platinum would weigh about 73 grams, the titanium Centurion weighs about 15.5 grams.
The metal value alone would be about $3700...)
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Doesn't sound right to me. I recently got a letter saying I could get both a personal and business card for $1200 ($600 each), though maybe that is a one off deal...
Is there any advantage to holding a business card instead of a personal card?
I remember getting offered the Plat Biz card a while ago and it came with a free J (one way?) Asia flight - I suggested it to my boss (before I got my own Plat Chg) as I was doing a lot of Asia flights.
Doesn't sound right to me. I recently got a letter saying I could get both a personal and business card for $1200 ($600 each), though maybe that is a one off deal...

Did they offer 2 sets of signon points?
Did they offer 2 sets of signon points?

No idea whether there were any signon points attached the bus card. Had the personal one for a while and got points back then... Will try and find the offer and check tonight.
Not sure if I should start a new thread or not, do you think if without the plat charge card, is the reserve plat worth it over the edge?
It would be if you have a need for and can use the more valuable flights e.g. to NZ (be warned though that with codeshare DJ metals flights to NZ are reduced). If you can't would suspect not.
The flights are not so important to me, I just need to work out if the $1 for 1.5 MR points is worth it over the edge 3-2-1 or the about to be 0.5 for utilities...

It would be if you have a need for and can use the more valuable flights e.g. to NZ (be warned though that with codeshare DJ metals flights to NZ are reduced). If you can't would suspect not.
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