Rex launches its own frequent flyer program (in October 2023)

Its going to be interesting how much they invest into the program and what the do in 2024

I dont see the value with flying with them as there are no benefits although I did read they were upgrading their lounges to bigger space but havent heard anything since
Advantages of Rex…

- on time departures
- great last-minute availability at cheap prices
- competitive economy and business class fares
- FF points can be used to off-set overall costs of commuting

With VA I was using points to off-set peak period pricing, and using points to lower the overall cost of commuting. Now Rex has a program in place I can do the same with Rex. Perfect!
The big issue here is that I can't see them wanting to spend big to upgrade their lounge or attract corporate customers. As much as that's nice, they need more planes than anything else.

I doubt they have capital sitting around to throw at everything.
Lounge upgrades are very costly, and with that generally comes an elevated F&B offering, more staff, and so forth, really starts to push costs up. A lounge renewal program for the 3 big cities would cost $10-20m, pending how basic they wish to go, assume they would go pretty basic.

Rex probably need to work out what they want to be. They do have a cash issue, they will never be able to compete with Virgin on lounges, purely as they don’t have the cash to match that offer, and the same seems to be with the FF program, they don’t have the cash to upgrade digital platforms.

Probably best they play in the middle without all the bells and whistles.
Lounge upgrades are very costly, and with that generally comes an elevated F&B offering, more staff, and so forth, really starts to push costs up. A lounge renewal program for the 3 big cities would cost $10-20m, pending how basic they wish to go, assume they would go pretty basic.

Rex probably need to work out what they want to be. They do have a cash issue, they will never be able to compete with Virgin on lounges, purely as they don’t have the cash to match that offer, and the same seems to be with the FF program, they don’t have the cash to upgrade digital platforms.

Probably best they play in the middle without all the bells and whistles.
Agree. The cost to, say, Qantas of providing the very ordinary food and coughpy wine in their domestic lounges isn't reflected in the benefit to the customer IMO.
To get a beer in Rex I have to go to the fridge and help myself rather than line up at the bar... I can handle that.
Just wish Rex would open a Brisbane lounge.
Rex could do a self serve lounge model, as you mentioned, take from the fridge. More self serve pulls back the wage overheads for running the lounges. A Virgin lounge manager (went to school with her) was telling me years back costs are quite eye watering running lounges, and that was way back before inflation.

Again, all costs money though.
Rex could do a self serve lounge model, as you mentioned, take from the fridge. More self serve pulls back the wage overheads for running the lounges. A Virgin lounge manager (went to school with her) was telling me years back costs are quite eye watering running lounges, and that was way back before inflation.

Again, all costs money though.
Im not surpised, I think Rex is only going to get better
I joined the RexyFF, received the 5k points
Do they have an expiry?
Can you gift points to another family member?

Only briefly searched the answers and no luck so apologies if easy to find.
Has the Rex FF status match offer with VA now expired?
So we are fast approaching the end of February....

How much longer do we have to wait for:

1. The status tiers to come into effect?
2. Status match with Velocity and QFF?
3. An App!
4. Upgraded lounges?

I like the product, but the information coming from Rex is quite poor, certainly, there are issues with marketing as most non-frequent flyers I talk to are completely unaware that rex operates into capital cities with a jet fleet. Add on the delayed and underwhelming frequent flyer program, I fear the brand is starting to sour.
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So we are fast approaching the end of February....

How much longer do we have to wait for:

1. The status tiers to come into effect?
2. Status match with Velocity and QFF?
3. An App!
4. Upgraded lounges?

I like the product, but the information coming from Rex is quite poor, certainly, there are issues with marketing as most non-frequent flyers I talk to are completely unaware that rex operates into capital cities with a jet fleet. Add on the delayed and underwhelming frequent flyer program, I fear the brand is starting to sour.
So true - it is a wasted opportunity. We both signed up, got our 5000 bonus and now.... silence. No emails, no comms, no offers, nothing. I don't love the flying kanga at present and like VA even less (bye bye Velocity silver soon), but Rex are not giving me a reason to even look at them.
So we are fast approaching the end of February....

How much longer do we have to wait for:

1. The status tiers to come into effect?
2. Status match with Velocity and QFF?
3. An App!
4. Upgraded lounges?

I like the product, but the information coming from Rex is quite poor, certainly, there are issues with marketing as most non-frequent flyers I talk to are completely unaware that rex operates into capital cities with a jet fleet. Add on the delayed and underwhelming frequent flyer program, I fear the brand is starting to sour.
1) no idea

2) I don't expect this any time soon, they don't have the capacity to take in a huge horde of VA and QF flyers.

3) I don't really feel there to be an immediate need for an app, nice to have but not necessary. As long as you can get mobile/ online check in and a BP sent to your phone visible on the wallets thats more than functional.

4) $$$$$$$ not like rex is swimming in excess capital.
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Frequent Flyer Concierge takes the hard work out of finding award availability and redeeming your frequent flyer or credit card points for flights.

Using their expert knowledge and specialised tools, the Frequent Flyer Concierge team at Frequent Flyer Concierge will help you book a great trip that maximises the value for your points.

So true - it is a wasted opportunity. We both signed up, got our 5000 bonus and now.... silence. No emails, no comms, no offers, nothing. I don't love the flying kanga at present and like VA even less (bye bye Velocity silver soon), but Rex are not giving me a reason to even look at them.
agree, havent seen anything