Qantas Points Club Discussion

I thought it required 350000 points for PC+. Am I missing something?
Yep it does. The 2,500 points milestone bonus for passing 250,000 points doesn’t post instantly. OP was obviously a smidge under 250,000 points when they got their CC boni applied, making them a smidge under 350,000 until the milestone bonus.
Yep it does. The 2,500 points milestone bonus for passing 250,000 points doesn’t post instantly. OP was obviously a smidge under 250,000 points when they got their CC boni applied, making them a smidge under 350,000 until the milestone bonus.

Correct. It was a quite specific and unplanned circumstance. That's why I think it must be rare for one milestone to trigger the next one.
Lucky you - I didn't have this, which made my life much harder. This should be much quicker if you have a transaction in your activity statement.

Round #1.

Call centre in Phillipines I suspect.

Explained the very basics - booked a flight, requested it be offset, flew 3 weeks ago, deduction - and green leaf - hasn't happened.

Operator asked for my RLN, then after a brief wait on hold, confirmed he could see a points deduction for carbon offset had been made... (I can't see that on my account)

Offered to chase it up and call back in 3-5 days.

So far, so good.

One week on and silence, so it's Round #2.

Jonah at the Philipines call centre was very friendly, could see my call from last week, but could only report that no one had replied to her colleaugue so there was no news.

She offered to follow it up for me...

I have one month left in my membership year.

Next week I if this remains unresolved, I will ask it be escalated...


Round #3 happened within 30 mins

I was called back, and advised that I could not make the flight carbon neutral as I was trying to do so after the booking was made (never mind the part where I am doing it after the first leg of the flight)... Sound familar @sudoer?

I explained I had done exactly this in my last membership year, and was asked to email in a screenshot of proof.

I've now done that, and let's see where that lands.
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Looking to attain PC+ by 30 June. I have 2 hotel stays booked for mid- late June, these points will get me over the line.
I understand the usual time frame is 4 weeks, but has anyone had any luck in having points awarded pretty much after their stay via a manual credit?
Any tips/hints much appreciated.
Looking to attain PC+ by 30 June. I have 2 hotel stays booked for mid- late June, these points will get me over the line.
I understand the usual time frame is 4 weeks, but has anyone had any luck in having points awarded pretty much after their stay via a manual credit?
Any tips/hints much appreciated.
They should post based on the stay/activity date anyway, like flying, so even if after the cut-over you should be alright
Thanks, I hope so @dairyfloss , past experience is they post and dated at 4/52 after stay 🤔

That's my experience as well. I've just received points from stays in late April/early May, approx 4 weeks later. The points are dated as per their posting to my activity statement, not date of stay.
That's my experience as well. I've just received points from stays in late April/early May, approx 4 weeks later. The points are dated as per their posting to my activity statement, not date of stay.
Are you sure? There‘s usually a posting date and a seperate “activity“ date. For Hotels, that activity date will be checkout date.
They should post based on the stay/activity date anyway, like flying, so even if after the cut-over you should be alright
But the PC counter will reset on 01 July, so it will probably take some manual intervention to tally to get PC+ when the hotel stays post ~4wks later?
I hit 160,600 points credited towards Points Club around the 27th of May and the app says the threshold for membership is 150,000 points, but it has not yet awarded me points club membership or the associated benefits. I took a screenshot on 29 May to show that I had hit the required number of points but not been awarded membership. My Qantas membership year ended on the 31st of May, so my points count has reset to 0 for this year. Should I wait a week or two to see whether it resolves, or should I contact Qantas Customer Service to make sure this is credited?
I hit 160,600 points credited towards Points Club around the 27th of May and the app says the threshold for membership is 150,000 points, but it has not yet awarded me points club membership or the associated benefits. I took a screenshot on 29 May to show that I had hit the required number of points but not been awarded membership. My Qantas membership year ended on the 31st of May, so my points count has reset to 0 for this year. Should I wait a week or two to see whether it resolves, or should I contact Qantas Customer Service to make sure this is credited?
Contact QF.

It should have triggered automatically. The benefits normally post a few days later (for first time around).

Maybe try emailing them with a screen shot of your Points Club progress counter.
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Are you sure? There‘s usually a posting date and a seperate “activity“ date. For Hotels, that activity date will be checkout date.

But the PC counter will reset on 01 July, so it will probably take some manual intervention to tally to get PC+ when the hotel stays post ~4wks later?
Thanks @SYD yes will reset 1 July.
I just checked my last stay 28 February, points posted 29 March.
I did email QFF and they came back with, they need to wait for hotel, and if points not posted by eight weeks, send tax invoice through.
Might try that, have never had points posted less than a month, only with an ALL stay.
Thanks @SYD yes will reset 1 July.
I just checked my last stay 28 February, points posted 29 March.
I did email QFF and they came back with, they need to wait for hotel, and if points not posted by eight weeks, send tax invoice through.
Might try that, have never had points posted less than a month, only with an ALL stay.
I vaguely recall someone mentioning up thread about a 2 or 4(?) wk window that QF allow retrospective claims for PC/PC+ after the member year roll over. But if these stays post before the end of July, hopefully that works.

At least you’re not relying on QF Market Place points (other than Wine). They take 3 to 6 mths!
I vaguely recall someone mentioning up thread about a 2 or 4(?) wk window that QF allow retrospective claims for PC/PC+ after the member year roll over. But if these stays post before the end of July, hopefully that works.
Yes @SYD , I searched upthread as I remembered reading about it but didn't think I would be this close!
I'm really only looking for the 100 SC's.
At least you’re not relying on QF Market Place points (other than Wine). They take 3 to 6 mths!
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But the PC counter will reset on 01 July, so it will probably take some manual intervention to tally to get PC+ when the hotel stays post ~4wks later?
That part, I'm not sure of, as I've always had some buffer between attain/retain and my membership year end, but the PC/+ status is based on the activity date like QFF status, and so even if it required manual intervention, it should still be attained

That part, I'm not sure of, as I've always had some buffer between attain/retain and my membership year end, but the PC/+ status is based on the activity date like QFF status, and so even if it required manual intervention, it should still be attained

🤞 @dairyfloss
Will update at the end of the month.
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If you’re that close, it’s worth while for the SC rollover.

If it were me, I’d order a case of wine to remove the uncertainty! 😁
Am thinking about it @SYD still haven't touched the last one I bought at Christmas !
That part, I'm not sure of, as I've always had some buffer between attain/retain and my membership year end, but the PC/+ status is based on the activity date like QFF status, and so even if it required manual intervention, it should still be attained.
Yes, so long as that “activity” date is within the same QFF year. Although I wouldn’t want to try and push it beyond 4wks but who knows…?
Am thinking about it @SYD still haven't touched the last one I bought at Christmas !
I’m sure some here will offer to help! 😂
Are you sure? There‘s usually a posting date and a seperate “activity“ date. For Hotels, that activity date will be checkout date.
I'm not sure, as I thought it should be by activity date. But I'm not seeing the activity dates on hotel stays, only the posting dates hence I thought that is what will count. Happy to be wrong.

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