Qantas Delays/Cancellations

QF517 BNE-SYD was diverted to CBR today, quite an unusual one.
Heavy rain in Sydney brought things to a standstill again. This flight and others had a couple of failed attempts to land. I was stuck on QF645 which was delayed due to inbound flight, a cargo door sensor, then the rain which had us held just short of the runway.
QF 29 MEL to HKG today on VH-EBV (A332) took off at 1427 instead of 1140, now scheduled to arrive at 2015 - this plane did arrive from BNE as non revenue service the night before, hence not sure why this severe delay today
Following on to this service, the flight landed at 2010, & of course wouldn't make the original take off time of 2030 of return. The flight took off 2157, and now will arrive back in Melbourne 2 hours late at 0954 today.
QF 462 delayed sitting on tarmac at gate for 40 mins no information other than 2 engineers looking at it. 35 degrees no AC in plane. Grhh
Flights to and from SYD later today might be cancelled and/or consolidated due to a storm that's forecast to hit later in the arvo.
For MEL to SYD at least, QF462, QF464, QF466, QF472 and JQ522/QF5634 got cancelled and it looks like Qantas are running an A380 to replace some of these flights.

Mate of mine sent me this:

Due to forecast storms in Sydney this afternoon, Air Traffic Control is limiting arrivals and departures in Sydney and as a result, we have had to change your flight.

To make sure we can get you to your destination as close to schedule as possible, we are using a larger A380 aircraft today. This means that your new flight QF7168 will depart from Melbourne International Terminal 2 at 5:00pm and arrive at Sydney International Terminal.

Please ensure you have government issued physical photo identification, or Medicare card for children, for check in. This does not need to be a passport. If you have checked in online you must obtain a physical boarding pass from the international check in counter prior to check in close.

Check in and bag drop for your flight will close 60 minutes before departure and please proceed to the gate 40 minutes before departure.

As you are departing from an international terminal, international carry-on limits for liquids, aerosols, gels and powders will apply. You can find more information at
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It's looks like last night's Qf95 was canceled. The return QF96 seems to be operating as normal. Any idea where they find an additional aircraft?
Both QF8 and QF18 were cancelled into SYD this morning.

There is also an extra QF74 tonight, returning the aircraft from yesterday's SYD-LAS charter for the NRL.

Fingers crossed. Loads of been low the last week. A bit cheeky of them if they canceled to save sbedung the plane over. I wouldn't be impressed if that was the flight I booked.
ZNA is operating which has been in LAX for the last 5 days.
QF633 on 24/2 was delayed ~45 mins - per Captain PA: “due air traffic control for the area we are flying through being insufficiently staffed meaning we had to delay departure”.
Fingers crossed. Loads of been low the last week. A bit cheeky of them if they canceled to save sbedung the plane over. I wouldn't be impressed if that was the flight I booked.
I don't think that would've been the reason, but if there is a disrupt and something has to be recovered, it would make sense to cancel something where only one sector is disrupted, rather than two.
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Qf60 delayed overnight. Have a rooftop view over the apron and wondered what a QF A332 was doing on a remote bay being put to bed for the night...curious to know the reason if anyone can assist.

It may well mean check in will be chaos in the morning as I am flying on QF26.

Also QF25 pushed back at 2259 ex-SYD nothing like cutting it fine...and QF103 after 2300 so obviously was an approved late departure.
Qf60 delayed overnight. Have a rooftop view over the apron and wondered what a QF A332 was doing on a remote bay being put to bed for the night...curious to know the reason if anyone can assist.

It may well mean check in will be chaos in the morning as I am flying on QF26.

Also QF25 pushed back at 2259 ex-SYD nothing like cutting it fine...and QF103 after 2300 so obviously was an approved late departure.
Maybe crew or missing something and they're being flown in on QF25 hence also the delay to departure.
I flew into MNL yesterday March 2 about 1615 (on CX919) and was surprised to notice VH-QPC sitting at what appeared to be a maintenance facility. Looking at flightaware, it was apparently the previous days QF19/20, which finally departed 27 hours late on Saturday night, Ouch!!
QF434 majorly delayed. Unfortunately i had to check baggage in so they can't change my flight. Current time is supposed to be noon but they just handed out me vouchers at the gate - I don't expect a departure anytime soon if they handed out meal vouchers.

Had a swap from a332 to a333 now back to a332.

Plane at the gate is now VH-EBA. Was supposed to be on QPC.

So i guess some possible roll on delays if these were supposed to depart Sydney for something.

Edit: On the plus side the spice bar is now open
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QF434 majorly delayed. Unfortunately i had to check baggage in so they can't change my flight. Current time is supposed to be noon but they just handed out me vouchers at the gate - I don't expect a departure anytime soon if they handed out meal vouchers.

Had a swap from a332 to a333 now back to a332.

Plane at the gate is now VH-EBA. Was supposed to be on QPC.

So i guess some possible roll on delays if these were supposed to depart Sydney for something.

Edit: On the plus side the spice bar is now open
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The A330s flights on SYD-MEL are worth avoiding as they are often delayed, while less exciting the 737s can be swapped alot easier - dont rely on inbound intls etc
The A330s flights on SYD-MEL are worth avoiding as they are often delayed, while less exciting the 737s can be swapped alot easier - dont rely on inbound intls etc
I should've gone through to CBR on the A220 and to Syd, would've been there by now.

The worst part is, theres 2 a330s next to each other and they both have problems. One 333 and one 332. They wanted to shift us to the 332 but thats also got a problem now.

The only reason I wanted to do so was because i wanted to check up on one of the seats for other Int'l legs coming up.

Edit: Looks like both aircrafts are out of action. So cancelled and time to get moved.
Today QF356 from WLG to BNE was overbooked and some people were bumped with an alternative route WLG-AKL-BNE. I am/was traveling with a colleague. I stayed, he got bumped. Seems it was a weight issue. Human League are on the flight with lots of gear!
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Today QF356 from WLG to BNE was overbooked and some people were bumped with an alternative route WLG-AKL-BNE. I am/was traveling with a colleague. I stayed, he got bumped. Seems it was a weight issue. Human League are on the flight with lots of gear!
Did they put him on JQ or NZ?
QF644 PER-SYD cancelled today - wonder if it’s a flow on from somewhere else or just load shifting?

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