Qantas Business Class meals & menus

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CBR-MEL 0905 departure B717 J 1A

Very light J cabin, only 3/12 occupied.

No anything vego loaded (not even bread, pastries or cereal). Only option was bacon, scrambled eggs and potato :(

FA offered 2 muffins from Y, bottomless mimosa, passion fruit yogurt and black coffee. FA kept offering mimosa on account of no vego catering loaded on flight.



MEL-CBR 1955 departure A223 J 1A

Very heave J cabin, only 1 seat was empty. I had a shadow.

Once again, nothing vego loaded. Only 1 dinner option - Pork curry with rice.

I had put in order for a special meal (Strict Indian Vegetarian as available via MMB). But FA said that she couldn’t find any special meal loaded - went to double check all the ovens and came back negative.

Was offered juice (orange, apple or tomato). Was then clarified that they have a “spicy tomato” juice, if I’d like that. I said yes. So a glass of spicy tomato juice and some small packets of snacks (pretzels, almonds, chips). Was also offered spicy guacamole from Y.

In the A223 the FA noted that they were having catering issues because this is a new plane (something to the effect that the A220s were new to the fleet etc) and catering isn’t smoothed out yet. She also said she will put in a note via their iPad to let customer service know that my special meal wasn’t loaded and I should expect a call from customer service with a suitable compensation.


HNL-SYD 31.3.2024 New Dreamliner Service. 2nd Service seems to be upgraded now
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Here’s the J menu outbound SYD-HNL, this one from April 22nd. Can’t provide pics or comment on any of the dishes, as we ate at the F lounge, and all I asked for on board was a champagne, a G&T and some eggs (which were decent) before landing.


Crew were good, but unfortunately the loud and protracted meal service was not so good for those wanting sleep. Lights didn’t go out until about 3 hours into it.

I would be interested in any recent traveller experiences on QF 43/44 SYD-DPS-SYD with menus to share. Thanks.
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No anything vego loaded (not even bread, pastries or cereal). Only option was bacon, scrambled eggs and potato :(

Once again, nothing vego loaded. Only 1 dinner option - Pork curry with rice.

I had put in order for a special meal (Strict Indian Vegetarian as available via MMB). But FA said that she couldn’t find any special meal loaded - went to double check all the ovens and came back negative.

Pathetic. "Premium airline", ;) premium prices.

In the A223 the FA noted that they were having catering issues because this is a new plane (something to the effect that the A220s were new to the fleet etc) and catering isn’t smoothed out yet.

Bollocks. I don't blame the FA - just has to cover for the management incompetence. How long were these planes coming ... and how long were they trialled for here before being put into service?

Choice of lamb shanks or Thai pork curry. Must have been a few P1/WP pax on board (or they simply didn’t offer preferential meal selection) because by the time they reached me (2F), the Thai pork curry was the only option available. I’ve had the lamb shanks before and didn’t think it was too bad. Thai curry wasn’t bad either - little bit of a chilli hit, but I’d say on the mild side of things. Not amazing, but definitely far from the worst meal I’ve had in my QF Dom J experiences to date.


Must have been a few P1/WP pax on board (or they simply didn’t offer preferential meal selection) because by the time they reached me (2F), the Thai pork curry was the only option available.
In my experiences of many dom flights, it's very very rare for domestic to do any kind of preferential meal service. I've had it, but can count it on the fingers of one hand over the past ten years.

just likely the oax in row 1 and 2AC selected and you can't assume their status tbh.

(Of course those on standby/staff travel will almost always get last choice of meal choice as revenue pax are seeved first)
In my experiences of many dom flights, it's very very rare for domestic to do any kind of preferential meal service. I've had it, but can count it on the fingers of one hand over the past ten years.
Fair enough. Maybe I’m letting my QF Int J trip experiences cloud my memory of prior Dom J experiences re: preferential meal services. Either that, or I’ve simply been lucky on (some) prior flights.

Options were poached chicken and vermicelli salad (with dressing), or an Asian-style beef noodle type dish. Had already had a bit to eat for the day, so went the path of the poached chicken and vermicelli salad. Bad choice unfortunately...

Chicken itself was quite ok and not at all dry, but the vermicelli "salad" was basically just vermicelli noodles, a bit of grated carrot and a few cucumber slices, some added greenery, a small chunk of blood orange (I think?) and a dressing that may as well have been non-existent. Difficult to eat and very dry. A more positive note was the pasta side with pesto, sun-dried tomato and bocconcini (in place of Neil's greens).

Crew was well-managed by CSM Andy and the cabin was capably and attentively looked after by FA Dana.


Options were poached chicken and vermicelli salad (with dressing), or an Asian-style beef noodle type dish. Had already had a bit to eat for the day, so went the path of the poached chicken and vermicelli salad. Bad choice unfortunately...


Crew was well-managed by CSM Andy and the cabin was capably and attentively looked after by FA Dana.

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Just reflecting on my earlier comments... come to think of it, FA Dana did seem a little surprised that both my seat neighbour and I chose the chicken & vermicelli salad offering. She even double-checked whether she couldn't interest either of us in the alternative dish? Maybe I should have been reading between the lines... 🤔

Options were poached chicken and vermicelli salad (with dressing), or an Asian-style beef noodle type dish.
I just had this on MEL to SYD too. Was just missing the pasta salad. Guess it shows that Trans-Tasman catering is pretty much identical to domestic.

Yes I thought it was rather dry, bland and the noodles overly hard. I reckon with some more flavourful sweet chilli and fish sauce it'd be decent though.
Flying REX in J MEL-SYD this week and for morning tea had warmed scones with jam and cream, sandwiches and a cake. It was absolutely light years ahead of what Qantas offer. Also pre departure beverages, juice and sparkling water. Why can't Qantas get this right?
Flying REX in J MEL-SYD this week and for morning tea had warmed scones with jam and cream, sandwiches and a cake. It was absolutely light years ahead of what Qantas offer. Also pre departure beverages, juice and sparkling water. Why can't Qantas get this right?
I’m no defender of the quality of Qantas’s catering, however at least it is served in actual tableware and glasses not cardboard boxes and plastic cups.
Forgot to photograph breakfast on QF140 AKL>SYD this morning, but it was a choice of a cheesy omelette, a chia and coconut muesli thing and something else that I can't recall. I went the omelette which was decent.

QF592 SYD>OOL was a choice of a quiche or a spinach, tomato and bacon salad (which I went for). Flavours were ok, but was maybe a little heavier on the vinaigrette for my liking. Didn't touch the pastry so can't comment on that.


QF597 OOL>SYD was a choice of lamb shanks or Indian chicken curry. Went the lamb shanks and found it quite tasty. Nice bonus was that the bread was actually warmed up so the Pepe Saya butter could be spread easily.

Same menu today on the newly timed QF209 , food was actually really good, best I've had in a long time. Soup and Snapper were tried and devoured - didn't make dessert as the F lounge got a workout pre flight.

Crew were the best I've had in a couple of years too, first time I've walked off a QF flight and said I was impressed in a long long time. Nothing a problem, drinks kept topped up and just generally nice people.
Out of curiosity did they let people off the plane at the SIN stop?
MEL-PER QF9 15:50 787 flight.
Sadly had to make a very brief diversion to Perth to say goodbye to a good friend. Scheduling and costs made QF9 the best option. Was an excellent flight. Outstanding service from CSM Ben and Nyemi (sp?) my main FA.
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Usual PDBs and when Nyemi noticed I didn't finish mine she asked if I'd like something else after take-off, which was good.
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Very generous chicken salad starter. Good flavour combinations and very fresh. Excellent.
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Snapper was also very good. Tasty and quality piece of fish.
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Respectable cheese plate.
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And amenity kit:
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Kind and warm service, impressive menu and good food. Honestly a far better flight than my F experience a week before.
How fascinating they call the vegetable here, "Siamese watercress".

More often than not, I've seen it referred to as "water spinach", and it does look like it goes well with the fish and flavours. The native name in a few countries for that vegetable is "kangkung".

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