One way London to Melbourne flights to get cheaper?


Oct 17, 2021
Does anyone work for an airline and know whether flights from London to Melbourne in Jan 22 will get much cheaper? I am hoping that more seats will come online as middle east and Asian airlines begin to fly to Melbourne thus lowering prices?

Current prices are $1700+ one way. Quite expensive compared to pre covid times. Should I accept the high price or wait a few weeks to book?

thanks for your help.
Airlines will be very careful about how they ramp up their return to operations, ensuring that the number of seats does not outstrip demand. At the same time, fuel prices are rocketing upwards. Cheaper ticket prices will return, but I don’t expect to see price competition, or even economy of scale, any time soon.
I'm seeing $1000 fares to SYD, BNE, ADL, & PER. Strange that fares to MEL are higher. I would wait and see what happens.
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Prices are already well and truly under $1200 one way into Sydney for November. Wait until the Victorian Government's announcement of the international border reopening then prices will plunge as airlines add capacity directly into Melbourne.

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