Noise cancelling headphones- cheap Sennheiser PXC 550s

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For anyone interested in getting a pair of these, amazon au has them for $330 for the next 5 hours - 10% cashback if registered for the amex offer
Pretty amazing price. These are easily the best headphones I've had and/or tried.

There is also a rather odd add running in both VA and QF inflight mag. Says it's a limited time offer, but it's been running for the past few months that I've noticed, but they don't state what the offer actually is ....

No mention of active noise cancelling. Be curious to see how they go in a plane.
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No mention of active noise cancelling. Be curious to see how they go in a plane.
No, they are do not have active noise cancelling. Our main use is at home for TV. There’s a slightly more expensive pair (audition pro) which are folding and come with a travel case. Might get a pair of these as well and try on the plane. Wrap around passive noise dampening may be enough.
A bit of further info. My PXC550's have had a lot of work and I really like them. They have however, been playing up a bit of late (last two flights). Not fully charging and going flat after only a few hours. It has also shown me that the passive capability of these are not fabulous.

I'm wondering if it's batteries dying (shouldn't be) or another problem. Time to drag out the warranty and check what it covers (hopefully more than 14 months). :(
A bit of further info. My PXC550's have had a lot of work and I really like them. They have however, been playing up a bit of late (last two flights). Not fully charging and going flat after only a few hours. It has also shown me that the passive capability of these are not fabulous.

I'm wondering if it's batteries dying (shouldn't be) or another problem. Time to drag out the warranty and check what it covers (hopefully more than 14 months). :(

Update on this, I claimed against warranty. Sennheiser required the receipt and the headphones with all the bits back and issued me a completely new set. I'm happy with that. I wonder if the new ones will come with 2 years of warranty or just the remainder of the 2 years the originals came with?
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