We've reached high (but not highest) status on our cruise line of current choice and there are automatic and lifetime reciprocal benefits with the sister companies (Royal Caribbean -> Celebrity, Azamara) which offer different experiences. MSC also offers a status match and there are also arrangements with other programs (haven't investigated these yet).
We get lots of benefits and once status is reached it is kept for life - it isn't reassessed each year (it is a bit like QF LTG). Partners and children also get automatic status matching to the family member with the highest status. Children get to keep the highest status attained before they turn 18 for life and partners as well (not sure what happens if a partner leaves the home but the children keep it regardless).
I think it is starting to cause a problem for the cruise lines as there are so many people (particularly in the US) with high status. Some of the lounges on board serving the free drinks on US based cruises are so full that they need overflow areas at happy hour time and have initiated 3 free drinks per person per night in almost any bar on the ship. But on cruises in other areas (other than those that originate in the US and end in another continent) the lounges are not usually too overcrowded.
I thought that this might be worth mentioning for people considering a cruise or 10 or looking for a new status chasing adventure
as it might be worthwhile chasing the status before they change the system for new members.
We get lots of benefits and once status is reached it is kept for life - it isn't reassessed each year (it is a bit like QF LTG). Partners and children also get automatic status matching to the family member with the highest status. Children get to keep the highest status attained before they turn 18 for life and partners as well (not sure what happens if a partner leaves the home but the children keep it regardless).
I think it is starting to cause a problem for the cruise lines as there are so many people (particularly in the US) with high status. Some of the lounges on board serving the free drinks on US based cruises are so full that they need overflow areas at happy hour time and have initiated 3 free drinks per person per night in almost any bar on the ship. But on cruises in other areas (other than those that originate in the US and end in another continent) the lounges are not usually too overcrowded.
I thought that this might be worth mentioning for people considering a cruise or 10 or looking for a new status chasing adventure