Keeping up with ESTA/ETA approvals


Established Member
Jun 23, 2016
I recently got an email about my US ESTA expiring, I'm 50/50 about renewing it because despite not having any US travel on the horizon last minute stuff can come up.

There are now a few countries including the US, Canada, South Korea and soon to be the UK and Europe requiring ESTA, has anyone made it a habit of keeping it up to date just in case or is that overkill given they don't take too long to get approved? Curious to hear others opinions on it.

They all have differing prices/validity which makes it hard to keep up with it all.
The US ESTA is now US$21 valid for 2 years
The Canada ETA is CA$7 valid for 5 years
The South Korea ETA is 10,000KRW (about $12) valid for 2 years
Then Europe will soon launch their one for 7 euros valid for 3 years
and finally the UK for £10 for 2 years
I travel frequently to the USA and always have an active ESTA.

When the upcoming EU one begins I will also have that held current.
I have been issued many ESTAs and never been reminded of renewing being required.
Must be that I am considered unimportant. Ce La vie.
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Is there any date yet for EU?
From what I've read, it could be late 2024 or early 2025. But it's the EU, so who knows?

Anyway, I'm OK for the UK (just replaced my recently lost British passport).
Curious to hear others opinions on it.
You do what you need to do, while at the same time optimising.

I flew to USA in early November, my USA ESTA expired late November. Being booked to travel to USA again Jan 20, I renewed a week out on 13th,.approved same day.

What would have happened if my ESTA application been declined? I would have cancelled the trip.
I recently got an email about my US ESTA expiring, I'm 50/50 about renewing it because despite not having any US travel on the horizon last minute stuff can come up.

There are now a few countries including the US, Canada, South Korea and soon to be the UK and Europe requiring ESTA, has anyone made it a habit of keeping it up to date just in case or is that overkill given they don't take too long to get approved? Curious to hear others opinions on it.
I have a lot of last-minute travel but don't keep an ESTA active just in case.

Since they're not really visas + all electronic + come through quickly, I don't stay on top of them (or keep them active/on ice just in case) like I would for a visa. I take a look when I book something to see if it's still valid, and apply for another if not.

Also Australians (and a bunch of other nationalities) have been exempted from South Korea's K-ETA since March last year.
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From what I've read, it could be late 2024 or early 2025. But it's the EU, so who knows?

Anyway, I'm OK for the UK (just replaced my recently lost British passport).
So, does this mean that to get into Europe at the moment (I'll be having a stopover in Germany coming up), we don't need any such documents/forms completed? (Just have a valid passport?)

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