I'm in the QF Lounge thread

With all you good people out and about, have you seen or noticed any lounge upgrades in progress beyond swapping out a few thread bare, manky bits of furniture? You know, the much vaunted $100m investment?
With all you good people out and about, have you seen or noticed any lounge upgrades in progress beyond swapping out a few thread bare, manky bits of furniture? You know, the much vaunted $100m investment?
Second lulz of the day.
To be fair, I'll be in BNE int lounge in an hour, and it looks pretty fresh anyway.

Sydney DOM J seriously needs some love.

My money's on Vanessa being no better than old Al when it comes to talking BS.

Maybe things will improve when Goyder finally does the decent (months after he should have) and sods off.
BNE lounge quiet enough. There's a wee tyke in a buggy, but hardly their fault they're chatty.
Least this place is Bogan free.
I’m in the SYD Dom J lounge for the next 30 mins or so. Can guest up to 2 pax. “Plate of the day” is a bacon and egg muffin (complete with avocado and tomato relish). Not bad at all.
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I'm in the OOL QP until about 2pm (or until such time as the QP staff decide to kick me out in between flights... 🤔). Can guest 2 pax.

FWIW, lovely and quiet in here at the moment. I think it's just me and the staff.
In a status run, are we? :cool: ;) 🤣
Jimmy Fallon Reaction GIF
This week was my first visit to the QF biz lounge in Sydney since 2019. I live in BKK and flying Qantas home or back has either been impossible or impractical (50% more expensive than Thai). This visit came via a Malaysian ticket.

After 5 years my impression is of a lounge in decline. A front facing facade of a top offering but an inside that is a middle of the pack product.

Seats and furniture dirty. Food quality at boarding school level. Supermarket bread and cheese, eggs that looked powdered, bain marie trays of food that looked like that were 60 mins over due for a refresh and domestic or off brand or who knows what, low grade, sparkling alcoholic grape juice.

The barista coffee was nice and the beer slection good. Other than that, this was a t a level of a slight better than average non brand lounge.

Any one else ?
I’m in the SYD F lounge right now, can guest one. It’s rather quite up here this afternoon.
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Besides, it's actually nice and quiet here at the moment with only a handful of folks in the lounge.
I was there yesterday lunch and it was packed. It’s not a terrible space but just lacks natural light (they need to put a hole in the roof and install a skylight).
Lounge was getting a bit busier courtesy of pax awaiting the delayed JQ service to Avalon, the majority of whom were readily identifiable courtesy of joining in on a simultaneous chorus of "...aargh f$@%" upon hearing the announcement that "...passengers waiting for the Jetstar service to Avalon will need to return to the Jetstar check-in area please [as] this service has now been cancelled and you are being moved to a Melbourne service."

I was there yesterday lunch and it was packed. It’s not a terrible space but just lacks natural light (they need to put a hole in the roof and install a skylight).
True. Honestly though, I'd take the OOL QP over HBA's one any day of the week (despite HBA's plentiful natural light).

Anyways, that's enough off topic stuff from me in this thread. Thanks in advance to mods for indulging me with this minor detour.

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