Hi - as there was no sticky, thought I would start this thread(mods if I have missed something, please merge)
Due to recent enhancements, I will no longer shop at Woollies. Coles is much closer and bigger, so a potential win/win.
I know nothing about flybuys however, and was hoping a few people here could write a brief "dummies guide" and share all of the magnificent tricks and tips to maximise the program ( in the spirit of AFF's being a the sharing and caring community

Flybuys points are worth about 0.5cents each. 2000 points gets you $10 flybuys dollars. There are double value rewards which will give you the equivalent of 2000 points for $20 but these rewards can only be used for specific purposes. Flybuys dollars can be used at most Coles group businesses.
The key with flybuys is the targeted offers. I get 90% of my flybuys points from targeted offers and redeem $10 flybuys dollars once or twice a month. Occasionally I get to take up the offer where 10,000 points ($50) comes as a reward after 4 weeks work.
The key is to start your transactions as low as possible. Give flybuys an idea of what product groups you buy but spend as little as possible with each group. This will lead to flybuys eventually sending you offers with targets you can reach easily such as $40 or $50.
Flybuys will probably start with offers of triple points or double points just to test you out. Once they know your average spend per week you will get offers like "spend $50 in one transaction for 500 points". Watch your receipts for docket deals. Flybuys allow you to take up multiple offers in one transaction. Just be careful to meet all the conditions of each offer.
Eventually if you are lucky you will receive a book of coupons in the mail. The next lot of coupons aren't due for another 3 months as a new coupon promotion has just started.
Bonus points from Coles are usually paid within 1-2 days from the transaction but some partners take over 4 weeks to pay their bonus points.
Your flybuys account will have a list of offers that you are eligible for and also other promotions that are running. Always remember to activate offers even if you don't think you will use them. This shows them you want more offers. Sometimes the offers will appear in your account before you get the relevant email.
Always keep your email offers and don't delete them until the bonus points have been paid.
The AFF Knowledge Centre has an ebook on strategies to use in supermarket loyalty programs. The programs change from time to time but the strategies you can use to get the maximum benefit will usually work regardless of what changes are made.
Good luck. Let me know if you have other specific questions and I'll attempt to answer them. We've had problems with our computer network all afternoon so this is the first chance I've had to respond to this thread.