Domestic demand is palpable...


Junior Member
Dec 30, 2011
Just saw this article in the Guardian, with the demand clearly there for travel with even the slightest lifting of border restrictions and so there is some positive news despite the ongoing COVID challenges: Guardian Article

I know there is a typo in the article however that gave me cause for a chuckle: so for anyone on the SYD-ADL route; do tell me of your experiences on the 176 seat, Boeing 747-800.
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The Guardian is normally better than that. But to be fair they could probably fill a 747 or two with families desperate to see loved ones as the borders reopen ;)
The Guardian is normally better than that. But to be fair they could probably fill a 747 or two with families desperate to see loved ones as the borders reopen ;)

Very true. Maybe with leasing some 747-8s and with social distancing, you might well be able to sell only 176 seats, but here's hoping that the targeted efforts on COVID help to re-establish some well-needed air links.
On the other hand, more domestic and regional routes have been lost through the pandemic than gained:

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