Digital tracking of quarantined people


Oct 29, 2006

ITNews said:
Uses location-tracking to ensure people who are quarantined stay in their homes.
Taiwan, which has won global praise for its effective action against the coronavirus, is rolling out a mobile phone-based "electronic fence" that uses location-tracking to ensure people who are quarantined stay in their homes.

I suspect there will be more of this happening globally.
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Big Brother says: good luck with that in Australia!

I suspect there will be more of this happening globally.

Hong Kong has been tracking people with wrist/ankle bracelets in a similar manner.

Maybe offensive to some but would have stopped recent young overseas returnees partying on throughout the night in crowded hot sweaty clubs or bars or on beaches for the last fortnight instead of their requested 14 day self isolation
It for quarantine, but for tracing, the weekend downloaded an app developed in Singapore to improve contact tracing. Not perfect, as everyone has to have it and have it turned on to work fully, but the idea is to record if you are within 2m of someone or within 5m of someone for 30 mins or longer - provided they have the app open and Bluetooth turned on.

Probably most useful on public transport.

I know it’s a bit big-brotherish.But if I was concerned about that I’d probably stop using a smartphone altogether. :p

It for quarantine, but for tracing, the weekend downloaded an app developed in Singapore to improve contact tracing. Not perfect, as everyone has to have it and have it turned on to work fully, but the idea is to record if you are within 2m of someone or within 5m of someone for 30 mins or longer - provided they have the app open and Bluetooth turned on.

Probably most useful on public transport.

I know it’s a bit big-brotherish.But if I was concerned about that I’d probably stop using a smartphone altogether. :p

And maybe not live in Singapore?
So what are these places rolling out going to do with people who don't own smart phones (or mobile phones at all) or can't/won't install the app (eg, they have the wrong type of phone and the app doesn't work with said phone)?
So what are these places rolling out going to do with people who don't own smart phones (or mobile phones at all) or can't/won't install the app (eg, they have the wrong type of phone and the app doesn't work with said phone)?

Continue to do exactly what they were doing before they had the app/technology ready - manual checks on quarantine and manual contact tracing etc. The technology should, in theory, eliminate a portion of that manual work (what 20-30% for tracing?, quite a bit higher for quarantine tracking?)
The Thai Health minister at one stage said every foreigner visiting Thailand would have an app put on their phones by Immigration staff and if they didn't have a phone they would have to buy one.
As usual when other members of the Government heard about his plan it was quickly ditched.
So I left the phone at home and went out....

We have adopted the go look method. There’s also a view that helps pro-actively checkin in on potential DV
One of the PM's announcements in his press conference tonight (Tuesday) was that the government was looking how this (Digital tracking etc) could be done in Australia.
In February 2020, China launched a mobile app to deal with the disease outbreak.[126] Users are asked to enter their name and ID number. The app is able to detect 'close contact' using surveillance data and therefore a potential risk of infection. Every user can also check the status of three other users. If a potential risk is detected, the app not only recommends self-quarantine, it also alerts local health officials.[127]

Big data analytics on cellphone data, facial recognition technology, mobile phone tracking and artificial intelligence are used to track infected people and people whom they contacted in South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore.[128][129] In March 2020, the Israeli government enabled security agencies to track mobile phone data of people supposed to have coronavirus. The measure was taken to enforce quarantine and protect those who may come into contact with infected citizens.[130] Also in March 2020, Deutsche Telekom shared private cellphone data with the German federal government agency, Robert Koch Institute, in order to research and prevent the spread of the virus.[131] Russia deployed facial recognition technology to detect quarantine breakers.[132] Italian regional health commissioner Giulio Gallera said that he has been informed by mobile phone operators that "40% of people are continuing to move around anyway".[133] German government conducted a 48 hours weekend hackathon with more than 42.000 participants.[134][135] Also the president of Estonia, Kersti Kaljulaid, made a global call for creative solutions against the spread of coronavirus.[136]

I didn't hear the whole press conference, but the WA Premier and Police Commissioner were talking this afternoon.

The gist of the bits I heard was the Police Commissioner alluded to some government funding and an upgrade to police technology in 2019 which would enable the force to track those who were supposed to be in isolation. He didn't go into any details and wasn't questioned by the media on what exactly he was referring to.
people wont like it, but its better than having an armed guard outside your bedroom for 2 weeks.
So if they are going to track us via mobile phone, what would happen if I went out and left my mobile at home...?!

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