Australian Media discussion - perceived bias and other notes

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Veteran Member
Nov 12, 2012
Star Alliance
Oh, I agree with you. Once she refused to do this and that, All bets were off ( and that’s why I posted the clarification. It was only the ‘dragged out by the legs’ I was left wondering about.

The Vic Police are having a bad trot - I suspect the stress of the current situation is affecting some of them as much as anyone:

A father-of-three has been placed in an induced coma after vision emerged of Victoria Police officers striking him with a car before they pinned him down and kicked his head.

The arrest of Timothy Atkins, 32, on Sunday in the north Melbourne suburb of Epping has been referred to Victoria Police Professional Standards Command after vision of the violent incident emerged on social media.

Mr Atkins father Glenn Atkins labelled the incident “police brutality” and said his son, who was being treated for bipolar disorder at Northern Hospital, has been placed in an induced coma.
In vision of the arrest obtained by Channel 7, Victoria Police drive behind an on foot Timothy Atkins before striking him with the vehicle.

At least four officers surround Mr Atkins before they hold him down and begin kicking him, with one officer stomping on his head.

Must give the police side:

“Upon arrival the male allegedly became aggressive and damaged a police vehicle while attempting to avoid arrest,” she said.
“During the highly dynamic incident a police officer was assaulted and OC spray was deployed before the 32-year-old man, of no fixed address, was arrested and subsequently taken to hospital for assessment.”

I wonder if the damage to the police car was the front fender? Terrible times.
The Vic Police are having a bad trot - I suspect the stress of the current situation is affecting some of them as much as anyone:

A father-of-three has been placed in an induced coma after vision emerged of Victoria Police officers striking him with a car before they pinned him down and kicked his head.

The arrest of Timothy Atkins, 32, on Sunday in the north Melbourne suburb of Epping has been referred to Victoria Police Professional Standards Command after vision of the violent incident emerged on social media.

Mr Atkins father Glenn Atkins labelled the incident “police brutality” and said his son, who was being treated for bipolar disorder at Northern Hospital, has been placed in an induced coma.
In vision of the arrest obtained by Channel 7, Victoria Police drive behind an on foot Timothy Atkins before striking him with the vehicle.

At least four officers surround Mr Atkins before they hold him down and begin kicking him, with one officer stomping on his head.

Must give the police side:

“Upon arrival the male allegedly became aggressive and damaged a police vehicle while attempting to avoid arrest,” she said.
“During the highly dynamic incident a police officer was assaulted and OC spray was deployed before the 32-year-old man, of no fixed address, was arrested and subsequently taken to hospital for assessment.”

I wonder if the damage to the police car was the front fender? Terrible times.

If it's the same incident I saw, the man was walking after police officers with a large knife. I do wonder if using a car as a battering ram is in the police handbook. At the same time, they are entitled to defend themselves.
I haven't seen any reports of a knife and it doesn't appear in the vision I have seen.He was running around kicking police cars.
On 2 occasions police went right up to him and pepper sprayed him.Unlikely to have got that close if indeed he was carrying a long knife.

Besides this is a fellow with a serious mental disorder who had been waiting at the hospital for some time to be seen.He left and obviously was reacting irrationally.
Surely Victorian police have had some training handling people with mental health issues.
As well he went down after the second pepper spray use.Why is it necessary then to kick,punch and then stomp on the head of the fellow.It is the sort of vision you see from the USA.Totally unacceptable.
My apologies, the incident I was referring to was Tasmania Police running over a suspect back in April.
Unfortunate incident, at least one officer was inappropriate to the extent that one can foresee him being charged, but nothing to do with Covid19 unless I missed the reference.
While not quite in the same league she also refuses to go on Sunrise. It’s not a good look and means she is in effect banned from most of the media. The Courier Mail has turned on her too.
of course Murdock press is publishing anti Labor articles. They have been for the last 10 years. Generally they just make up fake news articles.
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It’s pretty clear Anna knows that the tide is fast turning on her governments border restrictions, she also knows Leigh Sales is probably Australia’s toughest interviewer and would have ripped her border position to shreds in the first 20 seconds.

Anna is not a great communicator especially under duress. I suspect her advisors are trying desperately to keep her out of major media events as much as possible including this one. I also am beginning to suspect Anna is losing faith in Dr Young herself as we’ve seen with the buck passing of the last 5 days.
Not really. According to phone ins on local radio, Queenslanders actually support AP and the lockdowns. We don't want To end up like UK, Spain, Israel, France, Italy... We can happily go about normal activities without out much concern.

I think we should start a GoFundMe campaign to give Australia’s best CHO public servant a bonus for the work she has done on our behalf.

Have you seen any sane policies from the LNP about what they would do about CV pandemic. They seem to flip-flop every week.
of course Murdock press is publishing anti Labor articles. They have been for the last 10 years. Generally they just make up fake news articles.
That is a perspective/rant.

Generally you would want to maintain a good working relationship with the ONLY print newspaper that covers your entire state. It is in a lot of cafes and other places where it at least gets glanced at.

Similarly with programs such as Sunrise which beam into lounge rooms across your state every day. While Sunrise is nationally focussed you wouldn’t want to have them actively campaigning against you, which is what is happening right now.

4BC also takes a fair proportion of coverage from Sydney which is not exactly complimentary.

That’s a lot of media against you.
That is a perspective/rant.

Generally you would want to maintain a good working relationship with the ONLY print newspaper that covers your entire state. It is in a lot of cafes and other places where it at least gets glanced at.

Similarly with programs such as Sunrise which beam into lounge rooms across your state every day. While Sunrise is nationally focussed you wouldn’t want to have them actively campaigning against you, which is what is happening right now.
It’s not possible with the CM. They have been at anti-Labor propaganda and fake news for years. No point in engaging with them. They will never change their spots.
That is a perspective/rant.

Generally you would want to maintain a good working relationship with the ONLY print newspaper that covers your entire state. It is in a lot of cafes and other places where it at least gets glanced at.

Similarly with programs such as Sunrise which beam into lounge rooms across your state every day. While Sunrise is nationally focussed you wouldn’t want to have them actively campaigning against you, which is what is happening right now.

4BC also takes a fair proportion of coverage from Sydney which is not exactly complimentary.

That’s a lot of media against you.

Brisbane Times has been very critical as well the last week or so especially.

And the ABC has been quite forthright at prosecuting both Anna and Dr Young (and the Tas/Wa premiers)

I think the media are annoyed about how they are hiding from the tough questions where they don’t have control of the process like a 1-1 interview.

Yes they do their pressers but they can / and do walk out of their press conference whenever they feel like it and often Anna will not even front up if it’s been a critical news day the day before.
Not really. According to phone ins on local radio, Queenslanders actually support AP and the lockdowns. We don't want To end up like UK, Spain, Israel, France, Italy... We can happily go about normal activities without out much concern.

I think we should start a GoFundMe campaign to give Australia’s best CHO public servant a bonus for the work she has done on our behalf.

Have you seen any sane policies from the LNP about what they would do about CV pandemic. They seem to flip-flop every week.
I think the days of polls and random calls to radio stations have bitten the dust in terms of predicting anything. What does Sportsbet say? They usually get the winner of reality shows pretty much spot on.
Generally you would want to maintain a good working relationship with the ONLY print newspaper

One of the problems I see in AU and increasing in the western world is there being a decreasing choice due to takeovers and media barons who wield enormous power and politicians becoming beholden to them if they want to be elected/re-elected. Not the right thread but there are clear examples of quid pro quo in AU

Murdoch made it pretty clear just a few short years ago when he said he decided who was in office in CBR.
I think the days of polls and random calls to radio stations have bitten the dust in terms of predicting anything. What does Sportsbet say? They usually get the winner of reality shows pretty much spot on.

Sportsbet are too busy embroiled in their latest scandal and plundering vulnerable Australians to post a reply right now, but on tonight’s news I can report Anna is still ahead but the gap is narrowing.

I still think she will flounder across the line but she won’t be using border shut downs as a mandate by any stretch of the imagination.
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When I was a young stirrer many years ago the media scene was basically the reverse of today.The Fairfax papoers were very much in favour of the Coalition.The ABC was quite conservative.And the Australian was the go to for anyone of the left.It was said the image of Australia on the front page was red for a reason.
Here we go ... Chris Kenny is on a roll. The Murdoch Press just launched a vicious anti-ABC campaign on social media. Their timing – just four weeks out from the Federal Budget – is no coincidence. Murdoch is NOT satisfied with the $50 million that Australian tax payers have provided recently to the billionaire.

The hashtag #TheirABC has already been seized upon by climate deniers and right-wing trolls. No-one on here like that though.

I don't know about about the Murdoch Press, but it looks like the greatest reason that the ABC might take on water in the foreseeable future is the ABC's own former gun economics reporter, Emma Alberici (she of that corporate tax story :rolleyes: ). She got downsized from the ABC under acrimonious circumstances and is writing a book, "Rewrite the story". Left wing troll? ;)

There will certainly be plenty for Alberici to “rewrite” about the controversial 2018 story, which caused ructions all the way to the highest levels of both the country and the ABC. Not only did it prompt the intervention of then-PM Turnbull to complain and ask for it to be rewritten, but Justin Milne’s unsuccessful instruction to sack Alberici over both the main story and a separate analysis piece ultimately played a key role in his abrupt departure as ABC chairman. Alberici now makes it clear that all of this and more will be addressed in the book. In an acquisition announcement to be formally released this week, Alberici says the primary focus of Rewrite the Story will be to finally clear her name with “irrefutable” evidence.

“In the aftermath of my corporate tax story and analysis, my name was smeared with apparent impunity by various quarters of the Australian media,” Alberici will say in this week’s announcement. “I’ve got a new story to write. The whole story.”

Or, alternatively,

It is no secret Alberici, who began her career as a cadet on the Herald Sun before jumping across to Channel Nine, occasionally butted heads with colleagues. Especially at the ABC where she was London-based Europe correspondent and Lateline presenter. And then there was her time at the centre of a media storm that engulfed the ABC after then prime minister Malcolm Turnbull went nuts over her much-debated story about corporate tax two years ago.

Will ABC head of news Gaven Morris feature, or perhaps former managing director Michelle Guthrie, who resisted then-chairman Justin Milne's demands to sack the journalist before both their careers imploded?
There is a fairly complicated commercial Murdoch family structure for Fox News as a business. The Australian taxpayer gave them around $40-$50 million to show women’s sport. The federal government exact accounting for this is hard to find for some reason.
That money should have gone to the public broadcaster for us all to see women’s sport without giving Fox yet more of our money.
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