Are gift cards eligible spend to earn sign up bonus on Anz black rewards card?

Apr 21, 2018
Are purchases of gift cards from Coles etc counted as part of eligible spend required ($3000 in the first three months) to earn the 180k sign up bonus for the anz black rewards card? Asking for a friend who just got the card.
I just applied for and have been approved for an ANZ Qantas FF Platinum card (not the black version but just the Platinum version).

Even though I only need to spend $2.5k within 3 months, I've done some sums of my regular expenses and came up to the conclusion that I'll be a tad short of $2.5k as I don't have a big planned transaction (ie. car insurance etc) this time round to put me over, without having to spend on unnecessary stuff.

I guess I could buy $500 worth of Woolworths and Coles gift cards as I'll definitely use them over time and will then easily meet the minimum spend for another 75k points :) Either that or pay down my health insurance for a year upfront, something along those lines :)
Either should be fine,
remember that health fund premiums generally increase on 1 April so it can be good to pay annually in advance before that date.
Yeah I might consider paying my health insurance for a year in advance like I did last time to reach the minimum spend on my AMEX card.

I also note Qantas has a top-up points promo now (25-50% bonus points if you purchase 15k or more points) - does buying QFF points also count as "eligible" spend?

ie. You'll get the points from all - The top-up points themselves, points per dollar spent and the bulk sign-up bonus.

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