ANZ home loan offer - 300,000 bonus Qantas points until 19/8/22

Aug 21, 2011
Elite Plus
Star Alliance

ANZ is giving 300,000 Qantas points to customers who apply or switch to an eligible new home loan by 19 August 2022 and settle by 31 January 2023. The bonus points are available on loans of at least $300,000 with a loan to value ratio of 80% or less.

Qantas has also put together a webpage showing some "helpful" suggestions of what you can do with 300k points:


ANZ is giving 300,000 Qantas points to customers who apply or switch to an eligible new home loan by 19 August 2022 and settle by 31 January 2023. The bonus points are available on loans of at least $300,000 with a loan to value ratio of 80% or less.

Qantas has also put together a webpage showing some "helpful" suggestions of what you can do with 300k points:

Very interesting, let's hope this is the start of a number of similar offers for refinancing, both in terms of points or cash back.
Took this up in 2019 when they first offered it. t the time it was smooth sailing. They were efficient and we were quickly able to complete the refinancing to ANZ. Points came through without any issue. From a day to day point of view there have been no issues with the loan but you’d expect that given it just involves us making payments and then charging interest.

We did have several issues with them at the end of last year when selling a property and renegotiating our Owner Occupier loan though. It seemed one stuff up after another which were only rectified after I blew up deluxe at the branch lending manager and lodged a complaint demanding compensation. I’ve subsequently read reports of them various issues processing loans with big delays.
Oh last time you needed an existing relationship with them - glad to see that's not the case this time because I canned my ANZ CCs a while back!

I really need to find a mortgage broker ...
My Aussie broker just rang me to say that ANZ accepted my refinance application within a couple of days of him sending everything off to them.

He had more luck dealing with ANZ than me; I’m still waiting on the promised call back after completing the initial pre-assessment…two months ago!! I wasn’t going to use a broker for something so relatively simple, but it paid off in this instance.

Interestingly he told me ANZ will give me a choice of 300k QFF points or $4k cash. Given the lacklustre availability of international J or F classic awards these days and the nightmare of dealing with Capetown if things need changing, I might just take the cash…
@chai_1022 if you take the points, a second mortgage may be needed to fund the co-payment now levied on QR/EK J/F bookings using QF points 😁
Not impressed with ANZ. The earmarked settlement date for refinancing has come and gone and not a peep from them since submitting all the paperwork. They’ve always been my least favourite of the Big4 to deal with. I’m really not that fussed about chasing them seeing as I’ll just keep paying my old lender in the meantime. It would be a very different story if they’d screwed things up on a purchase of a new property…
Same experience here… went with a friend to refinance on around 10 August. No decision yet.

We went for the $4000. We figured the $$ in a program such as Aeroplan would yield more flights. That was before QF released all their award space, but even so, a lot of that has dried up now anyway.
Sorry to dig up an old(ish) thread...I took them up on this offer and the points have now finally dropped after I chased up the broker three times. Does anyone know if leaving will cause any issues? I churned to this for the points and there are much better offers out there with lower rates and cash back. I guess my question is, does anyone have any idea if they claw back the points?

Sorry to dig up an old(ish) thread...I took them up on this offer and the points have now finally dropped after I chased up the broker three times. Does anyone know if leaving will cause any issues? I churned to this for the points and there are much better offers out there with lower rates and cash back. I guess my question is, does anyone have any idea if they claw back the points?


They couldn't claw back the points even if they wanted to. The points are now in an exclusive relationship between you and Qantas.
They couldn't claw back the points even if they wanted to. The points are now in an exclusive relationship between you and Qantas.
Sweet - thanks, I found the T&Cs and confirmed exactly that. Good news! thanks for the reply @Mr H!