Annual fee Signature Citi - anyone successful lately having fee waived?

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Apr 8, 2015
Just wondering if anyone has been successful recently having the annual fee for the signature waived? Hubby has a card up for renewal on 27th April. He rang today to ask to have the fee waived, and they told him to ring back on the 27th. We have the NAB Velocity card (VISA) so we could cancel the signature card and swap over to the 0.5 earn rate ($150 pa). Big hassle to swap the direct debits over, but worth avoiding a $300 annual fee with Citibank (just for gain the 0.75 earn rate). The extra 0.25 (between the 0.75 with Citibank and the 0.5 with NAB) wouldn't be worth the $300 annual fee.

Any advice?
Surely this is possible. Almost no one else pays the annual fee, we are all on fee free for life!
My rule is simple, only pay annual fee if I get bonus points and/or 0% interest free which is worth significantly more. Preferably both, and some members manage to do this and get a refund/waiver of the annual fee as well!
Yes, I told hubby to mention the fee-free-for-life but the representative said no (it never applies to credit cards). I also thought it was silly to ring back on the actual fee day. If I have to go to the trouble of changing the direct debits off the signature card (i.e raffles, private school fees) - they have lost us as a customer. We haven't paid any interest in the last 12 months (which always seems to surprise the representatives) - and have tried channel all non-AMEX transactions through the signature.
Yes, I told hubby to mention the fee-free-for-life but the representative said no (it never applies to credit cards).

Odd. There was a lengthy promotion on the Signature card - it is true that it's not running now but many of us do have a fee-free-for-life Signature card. There has also been a lot of evidence of people without fee-free-for-life asking for and receiving annual fee waivers from Citi. I'd HUACA.
Fee waived this morning - it wasn't easy though. Citibank didn't want to do it.
Interesting as my wife is about to call. Of course with the latest devaluation we may well cancel if they don't come to the party, I always find a serious request to cancel works better than a request to waive the fee.
I have been getting annual refunds on my fee for close to a decade. I saw the fee on this month's statement, and so called to have it reversed... and was told they do not do that. When I politely informed the call centre person I had been offered a waiver every year since I had the card, she implied it was a on off and couldn't repeat it. I asked for the payout balance, expecting her to refer me to a supervisor. Instead I got given the figure! DYKWIA?????

I couldn't cancel on the spot - I need a Visa card to supplement the Amex.

But my approval on a ANZ QFF Black has come through, so as soon as that is activated, bye bye Citi.

Thought I'd just update the thread with some more upto date info!

I have had the card for 11 months and just called up to cancel, after last month's points hit my QF account. I have never paid interest and have used this as my go to non-AMEX card for the 1 point to $1 earn. That was the hardest cancellation I have ever had! Referred to a Relationship manager, offered everything but a massage, but really needed the card off my books due to the silly limit (over $20,000) that they had on the account. Anyway after sticking to my guns eventually got the thing closed! They are really determined to try to keep customers from what I have just experienced.
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