Subscription Cancellations

How to Cancel a Recurring Subscription

How to Cancel a Recurring Subscription

The Australian Frequent Flyer has a number of upgrades available to purchase to enable enhanced functionality. While a Bronze upgrade is a once-off payment that only lasts 30 days, both the Silver and Gold upgrades are recurring subscriptions each year. As we use both Paypal and Stripe to handle subscription payments, there are different methods for cancelling them. These are listed below.


Paypal is our preferred option for those purchasing an upgrade, for the simple reason that you can easily see your recurring billing information and administer to it yourself:

  1. Login to your Paypal account.
  2. Click on the gear icon, which will take you to account settings.
  3. Click on the payments tab, and then locate the manage automatic payments button (view and update all your subscriptions and automatic payments).
  4. You will find both active and inactive subscriptions here, with the active subscriptions able to be deactivated to stop automatic payments from occuring in the future.


If you used Stripe when purchasing a subscription to the Australian Frequent Flyer and would like to stop payments, you will need to get in touch with us via the contact form so we can process this request from our end.
