Question Threads

Question Threads

Question Threads

"Question Threads" was introduced in December 2018 to assist our members in identifying threads that are open questions and threads that have subsequently been answered. By setting the thread prefix to "Question", our members can easily identify and respond to open questions. The system works as follows:

  1. A member navigates to the forum most appropriate to their post.
  2. They click the Post New Thread button to start a new thread.
  3. They choose the appropriate prefix (such as Question if their thread is a question).
  4. The Thread Title and Content are added.
  5. The question is submitted by clicking the Create Thread button.

Moderators can adjust the thread prefix as required. For example,  if the thread has been answered, a Moderator will change the prefix to Answered. You can assist Moderators in this task by reporting threads that have been satisfactorily answered. Note that changing the thread prefix has no bearing on whether or not you can reply to the thread - so even if the status has changed to "Answered", you can still reply to the thread if it is open.

Further to this, Administrators have the ability to add and remove other prefixes that you may see on the forum. If you feel this is necessary, please contact a member of staff from the following page.
