Ad Blocking

Ad Blocking

Ad Blocking

The Australian Frequent Flyer is a commercial business, and as such, ads are displayed to visitors to help support the running and maintenance of the site. Use of software that blocks ads can result in a warning message being displayed on the screen that blocks the functionality of the website until the ad blocking has been disabled. There are a number of causes for this, as outlined below. If you require further help in this regard, please get in contact through our contact form and a member of staff will be in touch.

Are you using the latest version of your web browser (Firefox, Chrome, others)?

The reason we ask this is because many of the more recent web browsers contain built-in features to block tracking cookies and other content on a website. They claim this protects users privacy. This can have an adverse reaction if it also blocks some of the code that is necessary for our ads to be displayed. You may need to look at your web browser settings to create an exception/add the Australian Frequent Flyer to a white list.

Do you use an adblocker browser extension?

Naturally, an adblocker will block ads. We understand that ads can be annoying, but without them our website would cease to exist. If you use an adblocker, you will need to create an exception/add the Australian Frequent Flyer to a white list. If you really can't face browsing the website with ads present, you can help support the website by upgrading your membership to Silver or Gold, both of which provide an ad-free viewing experience on all forum pages when logged in.

Do you use anti-virus software?

Some antivirus software has been known to interfere with banners on websites. The solution to this may be to open your anti-virus settings and create an exception/add the Australian Frequent Flyer to a whitelist.

If I block ads, how is my experience affected?

Limitations which are applied to people who block ads on AFF may include:

  • You can no longer use Conversations (Private Messages)
  • You may not request a change to your user name
  • You can no longer post in non-core forums
  • You can no longer react to messages
  • You can no longer post on profiles
  • You can no longer vote in polls
You can however, continue to post in the core forums that make up the AFF website, and browse all areas applicable to your permissions.
