What's your prediction on the Australian Dollar?

Of course global exchange rates aren't all downside for Australia. If you've got flexibility to travel to places that don't use USD, GBP or the Euro you can take advantage of the AUD being stronger against some other currencies. (Link: Nine destinations where the Australian dollar goes further)

I think if you're a budget conscious traveller taking into account the exchange rate when choosing destinations is sensible.
That’s good to hear. Off to Bali today where the booking was quoted in US but charged in IDR. I wonder which currency is used for base calculation ?
I find it hard to believe AFFers are re-thinking travel plans due to ex rates - keep a close eye out for that approaching bus next time you cross the road - you are long time dead

It's not so much yes/no as to influencing where/when to go.

For example, the low AUD/USD coupled with terrible inflation over there is making it low value for money. The most basic Hampton Inn in a small town is still going to set you back A$300ish. US trips have become very expensive, compared with similar trips to Western Europe.

If the AUD went down as far as 40c (as some are predicting), some destinations are going to become unaffordable for some - or at least they'll be shorter / less extravagant trips. The current rate hasn't stopped me going, but I would re-think plans if it went down to 40c.
Try the prices at Disneyworld hotels to get you an idea of US inflation and our 64 cent dollar. Have a look at Grand Floridian pricing now.
Try the prices at Disneyworld hotels to get you an idea of US inflation and our 64 cent dollar. Have a look at Grand Floridian pricing now.
500ml bottle of home brand water at CVS and Walgreens is around $4.50. Starbucks coffee AUD $9. US is not for the faint hearted atm.
It has been a while for us to go to the US together. Lots of prices really went up but we still like our Ralphs and Trader Joes for reasonable prices around Marina del Rey.
I'm in the US now. Got here 2 months ago. And still another month before I get back to the US. The value of the AUD has certainly deteriorated, but there is still value if you're prepared to look for it.
I'm in the US now. Got here 2 months ago. And still another month before I get back to the US. The value of the AUD has certainly deteriorated, but there is still value if you're prepared to look for it.
Just arrived in Canada and had a “cheap ‘n cheerful” lunch special Pad Thai. C$15.95 plus tax and 15% tip. Then add a further ~14% for the current AUD-CAD EX rate. So about $21. It is what it is (and not complaining - we did pay Biz to get here…😉) but I‘m bemused when North Americans complain that Sydney is expensive - I can get the same Pad Thai from my local for A$10 lunch special inclusive. I assume they’re all tipping 20% out of habit…? 😁
That’s a fairly extreme outlier prediction. We didn’t get that low in the miserable 2001 period.

I‘m heading off to the US and CA next week. A tad worse than Mar / Apr this year when I was last there…. 😔
Hip hip have fun
I think the next little period isn't looking great for the AUD.

It looks like the RBA is finished hiking and we've hit the terminal interest rate (4.10%) while rates in the US are higher and UK (5.25% and 5.5% respectively).

Also, the Chinese economy is weakening which so likely less demand for our commodities and currency.

Some suggestion that the AUD could drop to as low as 0.40 USD. Link:
Aussie dollar could dive to 40 US cents: What happens to ASX shares?

Why your overseas holiday seems more expensive than ever (AFR) Aug 9th 2023

Why your overseas holiday seems more expensive than ever
Bloody dollar - although has popped up a bit especially as Poland decreased its interest rates! Pierogi here I come!
With the Thanks Giving American Airlines promo fast approaching I have been watching the AUD for a bounce. Tonight we are just under 0.65 with a further rally possible in the next few days.
American Airlines have typically made their miles promo around this Thanks Giving date.
AA Miles can be used with Qatar where Qantas points are useless.
This could be a Christmas present opportunity as our family have used last years miles up with lots of flights.
We are thinking up to 300,000 American Airline Miles can be bought this year provided the $AUD doesn’t do a swan dive. I looked and it is at 0.6508 this morning. Clearly 0.70 would be better.
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Yes we have some US dollars at 70 but when our currency drops it is never enough.We are heading to the US on January 4th so it should be fun provided my knee rehab has worked its magic.
The world’s largest wealth manager is betting the Australian dollar will add around US6.5¢ from current levels to US72¢ by the end of 2024. That’s up 10 per cent from Wednesday when it traded at around US65.48¢

It's an interesting prediction given some of the reported turmoil going on in China at the moment.

If the dominos continue to fall in.China, resources prices and the AUD will fall.

All depends on what stops the Chinese Govt pull imho.
We are heading back to the US in May so expect the currency to dip around that time. I did the forex at work for years and my take on it is watch the trends of buyers and sellers. I still get a daily report from my bank.

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