We had one at Vomo in Fiji. Took us a while to get the hang of it. On the first day, we accidentally gave him the slip, which caused him no end of concern. He was looking for us everywhere.
He was with us from first thing until bedtime every day. He would interface between us and everything else. At breakfast, we did not order with the normal wait-staff - he would take out order and relay it. Seems pointless, but he very quickly comes to know your preferences. Someone else would clear the plates (a definite pecking order, and the butlers were clearly the rock stars of the staff).
When we went to the bar, he would take our order and bring our drinks. If there were bar snacks going around, he would put a selection on a plate and bring it to us. If we wanted to go diving, we'd tell him and he would arrange it with the dive shop. He'd come out on the dive boat to hand us a towel upon surfacing. He'd carry my facemask and fins back to our suite, and rinse them for me.
He'd also just hang around in case we needed anything. Cup of tea, drink from the bar, whatever. He would walk with us to and from our suite for every meal. He'd arrange the towels near our pool. He'd tidy. He'd ask us about our plans/desires for the day then talk to the necessary people to make it happen. If we just wanted some time-out, he'd go hang with his buddies elsewhere until the an agreed time.
He was a full-time personal manservant. Of course, us being Australians before long we'd have him in to sit with us in the conditioning, and we'd fetch him drinks, etc, and have long chats about life in Fiji.