What Cheeses Me Off - when customers turn up at the registers to pay & forgot to bring their wallet.
What Cheeses Me Off - when customers are somehow annoyed at me when the etfpos machine won't take their card payments or delays in accepting their payment
What Cheeses Me Off - when customers forget to have their membership card ready to scan, when they very well know that they need to scan their membership to access discounts. Worst is, when they struggle their way around their wallets trying to find their cards, when there is a large queue forming behind them
What Cheeses Me Off - when pax think it's ok to take my aisle seat or row 4 seat so that they can sit next to their group. Ask me first, please

I rarely say no when someone requests
What Cheeses Me Off - when customers won't update their contact numbers on their membership and get annoyed at me when I say that the system tells me that the number you provided is incorrect.
What Cheeses Me Off - when I approach customers and ask if they need any assistance in finding anything and they just walk away, ignoring what I had just asked
What Cheeses Me Off - when I greet customers and ask how they are, they just stare, say nothing and wave their credit/debit card on my face signalling that they just pay and leave
What Cheeses Me Off - when customers abuse staff when we refuse service because the customer is intoxicated or displaying signs of intoxication
What Cheeses Me Off - when customers think it's ok to throw money on the table and leave with the merchandise, before even I have had the chance to count the money to see if it's correct