The full new Qantas/Emirates experience:My trip to Europe including DubaiConnect

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Established Member
Mar 31, 2011
I wanted to post this review over a week ago but only now, sitting in the EK lounge in MUC and awaiting my flight back, I actually get the time to do so- apologies! My trip included all the new elements of the QF/EK deal- I flew SYD-MEL-DXB, had the Dubai Connect, and then flew onto Munich on EK and then on to Berlin with Air Berlin. MEL-DXB was upgraded to First and on QF metal, DXB-MUC was Emirates J. I have many more pictures but will post them as well as an update on the trip back once I'm in Australia. Enjoy! :)

My driver arrived 5 mins early. The operating company was Brunel chauffeur drive and the car was nothing fancy but rather a Holden Caprice but fairly new and still had a new car smell. Check in at SYD domestic was pretty chaotic and it became clear that the lady at the Business counter was not too used to checking passengers through to an international connection. Checking through my luggage all the way to Berlin seemed to be too much for her so she had to get a supervisor who assured me my luggage would arrive. upon boarding, a priority boarding line existed but staff didn't monitor it, the last one at the gate was very unfriendly and couldn't have cared- one of the dying breed of lazy old Qantas b@$!

The domestic flight itself was lovely- very friendly yet efficient staff up in the J cabin which was full to the last seat. Lunch was a choice of lasagna or prawn salad, as I'm allergic to seafood, it was a no brainer for me. Turned out to be one of the tastiest QF Dom J meals I've ever had but you can't really go very wrong with Lasagna in my eyes (besides all the baby spinach hidden underneath it- yikes!). I didn't like the red choice so went for a nice Riesling from the Clare Valley but kept myself from having more than one top up as there's still plenty of liquid delight coming up on this trip which looks like a very long one indeed!
Arrival in Melbourne- have never connected here so I get quite confused by the signage towards the international terminal. Maybe the glass of wine was already one too many? :-0 Very impressed by security staff, all much friendlier than in Sydney Int and I'm through all this in a breeze. Long walk towards the Flounge is a bit annoying though and the lounge itself feels like a big disappointment architecturally compared to Sydney but service and food is of course equally excellent. Found it quite funny that entire staff was firmly in Asian hands, the first white employee was the lady in the Spa. Squeezed in the Duck larb and a daily special of sausages in just before my Spa treatment which was absolute bliss before my flight.
The only real issue was the aircon: the entire lounge seemed too hot and in the Spa they had coughpy portable aircons standing in where usually the showers are- the massage lady said they always have to do it now as otherwise it gets too hot. Needless to say, it was still a bit too warm in there!

Aaah- the A380, how proud and beautiful this masterpiece of technology looks, standing there at the gate! I'm on rego L so the last one of the QF birds. Boarding works a bit strange in Melbourne as first class passengers get forced to queue up with the great unwashed on the gate finger. Luckily, right like it should be, once I get to the plane, all the annoying families with their screeching children turn to the right and I- hoorray- turn left at the door :) You may call me a snob and I probably am when it comes to flights and hotels (and food, and alcohol, and...) but I totally think that First class is so worth any penny or, like in this case, frequent flyer mile: The personal service, the fact that you don't get as bored as in the lower classes if you don't want it but you can have your peace and personal space when you need it, it all makes flying so much more than just a mode of transport. Even the space in the toilets it worth it, that extra bit of moving space makes such a difference in there, especially when trying to get into your pyjamas while trying not to touch the toilet bowl with your feet. Okay- maybe that's just me ;-) But you just gotta love those windows in the loo from where you can look out onto the ocean while having a piss! Anyhow, I think the service in First is just special and I get the feeling the staff is enjoying it as much as I am- I certainly have done my fair share of Mecas shfits, call centre duties and the likes to know how it feels to provide a good service and I think the QF staff is pretty good. I hope I show them my appreciation by being extremely polite and grateful during the whole flight.

Back to the boarding phase, boarding seems to be over within seconds, thanks to the very friendly and personal service and most likely also massively assisted by the glass of champagne in front of me. Unfortunately, it's the Taittinger which I never was too fond of. The greatly announced Pol is listed on the wine list but unfortunately not on board :-( What is on board, are the very neat looking new First amenity kits and the re-designed but still ugly pyjamas. Everyone, including the crew, gets a bit of a shock when suddenly Arabic translation sounds within the in-flight video but I guess people will get used to it. What outright annoys me though, is that all meals containing pork have been kicked off the menu which is just pondering too much to the religious fanatics in my eyes. A few teething issues with the new alliance don't go unnoticed in general- I find it very funny to read "Current time in Undefined is 10am and Estimated arrival time in Undefined is 10:53pm" on my little flight info screen ;-)

The first drink arrives a bit late into the flight for my liking but on the positive side, the very friendly lady serving me takes my food order first when I tell her about my seafood allergy. In between comes the customer service manager to personally greet me and acknowledging my Platinum status. He hands me an express card for immigration in Dubai but is very irritated about me having booked the Dubai Connect Service as he was under the understanding there would be some kind of voucher to be handed over in flight which is also the information I got at the end of the booking process. He promises to check with the ground staff as soon as we arrive in Dubai. Just another teething issue I suspect but the guy handled the situation very professionally, apologised five-fold and afterwards thanked me for not making a fuss about it. Not that I would ever do such a thing! ;-)

The food was excellent as always on Qantas if traveling business or first: I started with a Bloody Mary which was very generously mixed and had two of the little canapé corn fritters. The other canapé would have been scallops which I can't eat unfortunately. While nice, the fritters had not been heated properly so one of them was nice and hot while the other one was cold on the outside and lukewarm on the inside. It again takes far too long until the first course of food (apologies to the otherwise really pleasant crew as I suspect you are just not enough staff: An hour wait for what is only a soup and having to press the attendant call button twice within the first hour of flight to get a water or drink top up is just not good enough for anything beyond cattle class, let alone First) so I ask for a second helping of those lovely (and strong!) Bloody Marys in the meantime. As one would, of course ;-) When it arrives, I get a big shock when the cabin lady suddenly pokes into my so-called suite which is one of the few things I really don't like about the QF layout: It's neither a proper suite, nor is it a simple seat so with this open privacy wall in your back, you always get caught in the worst moment and completely unexpected- I don't even wanna know how often the crew has to interrupt someone while he or she is trying to pick a bugger out of their no... :-0 Of all the lovely crew, a guy called Tristan was by far the best and should get a promotion instantly. Very different to certain Asian airlines, he was not just randomly obedient but honestly caring and really really nice- exactly the way it should be in my eyes!

Food wise, the broccoli soup was what a broccoli soup would be, nothing out of the ordinary there. Then I had the "Emirates-style" mezze plate which was quite nice as an in-between, followed by the always yummie steak sandwich and then finally the filet steak as a main. The latter was too dry on the inside, "double well-done" I would call it but that's often the case with steaks as part of airplane food. I decided against having cheese or desert and rather going to bed early, assisted by a glass or two of malt whisky. Unfortunately, Qantas even in First only offers either Shivers or an 18 to Glenlivet which is far too sweet for my taste. Timings on this flight are really starting to mess up my brains: It's bright daylight most of the flight and Qantas of course does keep the main cabin light glaring at you (airlines ALWAYS do the opposite of what I want in this respect- if I want to stay awake, the dim the cabin down and ask to not open the blinds, one of my absolute pet hates, and then you want to sleep and they keep the lights on). Clear case for a Stilnox which worked wonders. Upon arrival, you then get served a second proper meal, the first one was dinner and this one now named supper. I had some lovely chicken dish and an even more lovely veal shank dish but both of them didn't really work at this weird time.

At the gate, I got picked up by a Qantas lady and soon a second QF staff member joined in. The latter told me that he's actually a First host in the Melbourne lounge and just got deployed to Dubai for a month to train the new recruits here locally. They escorted me all the way through the terminal which I otherwise would have had real trouble finding, given I was half asleep. They sorted the chauffeur and hotel for me and were an absolute delight to deal with. Actually, that guy from Melbourne would have been one of the very best QF staff members I've ever dealt with and there are quite a number of really good ones around, I feel bad but can't recall his name anymore. Unfortunately, the hotel I ended up in was the Millenium and having had only bad experiences with this chain over in New Zealand, I feared the worst. However, the hotel was brand new, the room clean and the matress was firm so what else can you ask for on such a short six hour stay. I got transferred there in a very nice black Mercedes but on the way back they told me to use the less nice hotel shuttle bus. Not sure if that was an error or if it always works that way but again, for a 5 minutes transfer I don't really care too much.

Everything went smoothly at the terminal in Dubai- the bus dropped me at a special facility for business and first customers so security was easy and there were no idiots in line who have never heard of the no liquid rule ;-) The First terminal on concurrent A is really amazing, I love how you don't even have to the see the great mass of Economy pax but rather have an entire floor for First and another one for J passengers. I sat down for a breakfast in the restaurant dining area (which is not that easy to find in this huge lounge) which was nice but I regret not getting the chance for a proper meal there in neither direction. You actually get the choice between buffet and a la carte dining which is great. Boarding ends up being even more fascinating as you go to your gate number and then an elevator gets you straight down to the lower boarding level for the unwashed and the higher one for Biz and First. I wonder how this will work with a QF plane where First is down with Eco but will find out on my way back.

The EK trip in J to Munich is pretty much what I expected, crew friendly but inconsistent and hard product simply amazing on the A380 with the smart staggered layout. Food was nice but nothing too special while I was delighted to not getting served simple Moët like I'm used from EK's trans-Tasman route but rather delicious Vintage Veuve of which I had quite a few glasses which made the 6 hour or so flight go past in no time. Upon arrival in Munich, I get horribly lost on my way to connect to Air Berlin to Tegel as the signing is totally chaotic and not really helping but luckily, I am able to decipher really strong Bavarian German and end up at the right gate in the end. To a non-German speaker, I can only warmly recommend to give Munich a miss! Even though an AB agent enters my suitcase number again in the system it ensure it makes it, in the end I arrive in Berlin and- hey, you guessed it- my luggage is elsewhere. It turns out to actually having been stuck only in Munich which I had feared all along and I get it delivered the next morning. Having had only a T-shirt with me and my thick Winter jacket being packed in the list suitcase, this one evening was enough to give me a full blown nasty cold which is following me on the entire Europe trip.


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And a few more pictures from the amazing concourse A in Dubai and the breakfast I had there in the F lounge as well of some food on the EK flight DXB-MUC ;-)


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Thanks for the detailed report Berlin. I will probably be flying to Germany in 2014/2015.
Thanks for the nice report. Possibly "too much information" in part :)

Oddly, as a pure Anglo, I have transited MUC twice in the past 6 months and had no problems - but it was on LH, so maybe laid out better.
Does the chauffeur service call you when they arrive or are you just meant to be standing on the street at the appointed time?
Does the chauffeur service call you when they arrive or are you just meant to be standing on the street at the appointed time?
I think you're just supposed to stand there- but I live in an apartment with a intercom system so he just buzzed me... I would assume him to call if you're not there. As an update- I'm currently in Dubai and have just received a txt confirming tomorrow morning's pickup time and place. Luckily, they tell me to call if anything had changed so I can just do nothing now that it hasn't :)
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Very impressed by security staff, all much friendlier than...
I've seen some of them joke around with people waiting in the queues, they certainly let their individual personalities shine through.
I get a big shock when the cabin lady suddenly pokes into my so-called suite...
"cabin lady" LOL
Thanks for a great trip report very entertaining and great tips to be had..
[FONT=&amp]Just updating my trip report with part 2 on my return flights:[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]I returned from Munich on EK50, A380 tail number A6-EDS in J class. My dad (picture a grey haired old grumpy German who has seen far too much rain and far too little sunshine in his life) brought me to the airport so we arrived in good uber-punctual German fashion about three hours early. Check in started a little bit after my arrival but all the queues were in utter chaos already, mainly due to the hilarious amounts many passengers had with them, namely the passenger who clearly shared the region of their upbringing with their airline of choice. One of the Emirates lady who seemed to be something like a check in queue supervisor and who was wearing the typical EK dress with the white veil at the side of her hat, was less careful in her expression when she told me that "those damn Muslims all carry half their belongings on the flight and therefore always cause an awful chaos at checkin". As anyone who knows me will agree, I am certainly not necessarily the most PC person on this planet but this comment was a bit too racist for my liking, especially coming out of the mouth of an employee who most likely receives her monthly paycheck from "those damn Muslims" [/FONT]:shock:[FONT=&amp] She then waved some of the Business and First passengers (it was all the white ones who spoke German, to be precise) through to two empty Economy counters in order to speed things up.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]The EK lounge in Munich is pretty much the same as the one in Auckland so whoever has been in the latter gets a good idea of what's on offer in Munich, just the MUC of course has better beers and some nice German Pretzels in the bread basket which I found to be a nice local touch. Boarding went smoothly thanks to the separate gate for Business and First class and on my way I was in no time. An Arab lady in her very local dress was completely ignoring all safety rules upon take off and decided to walk up and down the aisle to her noisy children while the airplane was already taxiing towards the runway. One of the cabin crew told her off in Arabic and she finally sat down. For a moment- right when the plane started to speed up on the runway, she got up again and tried to walk back two aisles to her children again. Three voices were now shouting at her from the crew seats and she finally got back to her seat only moments before we took off [/FONT]:shock:[FONT=&amp] All the concerned heads in the cabin probably had the same two thoughts that I had: A. What happens if she falls over while we take off? and worse even B. What happens if the crew initiates a last minute aborted take off and we will all be late because of this silly @#tch?[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]I really like the hard product on Emirates, I think they're J seats are much smarter than the QF ones while maybe providing a bit less space, I am more than happy to forgive a bit if in return, I have the private feel of an enclosed little space and no one I have to climb over when getting out of my seat. While this might be personal taste, I think it's out of debate that the First class suites are naturally much better than the fake "suites" which Qantas offers. Saying all that- the soft product is just miles away from QF in my eyes. The J class was full bar one single seat as far as I could tell and the crew as obviously struggling with this, more so than on past Emirates flights. In combination with the unique big airplane I couldn't loose the feeling that Business is the new Economy: You get to the plane upon boarding and get waved to the right side which reminded me of my old cattle class days and then the cabin looks a bit like a bus with all those filled seats, albeit a quite luxurious one. Lots of middle Eastern families being able to afford buying business class seats for their entire families including their most unruly children only enhances this feeling. Service is usually hit and miss on Emirates but in this case, it was extremely slack. On several occasions, I had to ask several times (and several different staff members) to get a drink top up or some more water and the little call button simply got ignored out of principle it seemed. Again, I sometimes wondered if I was really in the business cabin. One cabin supervisor though was extremely friendly and usually made up for the mistakes which her crew members had made before- to my surprise, she was German which is always hard for me to believe as in my eyes my dad is much more the prototype of the typical German [/FONT]:D She even took this lovely photo of me and my accompanying party ;)

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Before the mealservice, I asked for a Bloody Mary which turned out to be the worst bloody Mary I ever had: It was basically half a glass of Vodka with a dribble of tomatoe juice and no trace of any tabasco/ worcester souce/ pepper or whatever else you might want to add. I almost choked when I startged to nip on it and took it down to the galley instantly as I already realized that trying to get this fixed while in my seat would be pretty much hopeless. The staff was very apologetic and a very nice African lady turned out to actually know her stuff and mixed me a perfect, very spicy Bloody Mary with slightly less alcohol. Food, very much like the service, also tends to be hit and miss on Emirates though I loved the Vintage Veuve on both my flights- so much better than the champers QF offers in their business class! For food, I had cold lamb salad for entree which looked very nice but turned out to be absolutely disgusting, it was served on some cous cous which was overly minted and the lamb was just weirdly uber-cold just out of the freezing belly of the airplane. Luckily, I also had the soup which was creme of broccoli and much much nicer:
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After that, I decided to go for the German-style main given we were flying out of Munich and it turned out to be the right choice: They had to exchange the usual bacon in the dish with smoked Turkey for obvious reasons but the dish still tasted fairly authentic, it was German style beef Roulades (not sure if there's a term in English for it- it's very thinly sliced beef which gets rolled up and filled with Speck -or turkey, in the muslim variant- and cucumbers) and was very yummy.
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Following this I had the cheese plate with some excellent Port (the real stuff from Portugal, not the fake Aussie copy they always serve on Qantas...) followed by a glass of Jonny Walker Double Black. During my five minutes down at the bar in the rear of the business cabin, I witnessed the crazy lady from earlier who had been standing up during takeoff sneaking into the bar and collecting pretty much all the food items around to take to her seat. Amongst others, there was a nice bowl with Tortilla chips accompanied with some dips and Guacamole standing around which clearly was meant to be nibled on while standing in the bar area. Needless to say that this went toegether with the sandwiches and several bowls of salted nuts straight to the Arab family which that woman belonged to. I saw several very annoyed faces around me- if looks could kill! :evil:

Arrival in Dubai was fairly straight foward but it was a busy time so the "Fast track" queue at immigration took almost half an hour. The positive side about this was my luggage already being on the belt waiting for me and it took about 5 more minutes altogether until I was in my Chauffeur drive car, this time a black Volvo which seems to be standard for J passengers. The driver was luckily not in a chatty mood but rather quietly drove me the 90 or so minutes to my hotel in Abu Dhabi.

After two days stopover, I was picked up perfectly on time by my driver, again in a Volvo which this time felt quite newish and was very comfortable that early in the morning. I was dropped at the Permium passenger check in facility and a porter rushed to me straight away and carried my extremely heavy bags to the Qantas First class check in counter for which he received a well deserved tip from my last Dirhams. Off to the lounge via the little connecting train to Concourse A and a nice breakfast to be had. Unfortunately, the Spa denied me a free treatment arguing that you have to be on EK metal in order to qualify for it which I am not sure whether it's correct or just a stupid excuse. Anyway- the breakkie was nice enought and within a short time, I was ready to board. I purchased some Duty Free as the bottles of Scotch were about 20 Dollars cheaper each than in Sydney. It was sealed in a Dury Free box and taken from me at the Boarding gate. In front of me was a friendly lady also traveling in First who also handed over her Duty Free. I mention this in so much detail as the 1st class lounge gate attended not only gave a pretty dumb impression but also didn't do as she was told to as... Well, we get to that after the flight but you can picture my not-so happy face already when I arrived in Sydney and once again had to show up at a lost baggage counter :evil:

I was flying in 3A this time on the -J tailed Qantas A380, so number 10 of 12 and still fairly new. Staff was extremely nice and friendly, my attendent was a very chatty Asian lady who knew what she was doing and really made my light a very pleasant experience. She started by asking whether I prefer the Tattinger or rather a Dom Perignon and realised instantly that this was a big mistake as my hopeful eyes clearly indicated that I would prefer the latter. She added very quickly that "Unfortunately, we only have the Tattinger" and I asked about the Pol Roger. Once again, it wasn't on board and I as given all the apologies you could be given- apartently the mistery Pol had appeared to the crew's surprise once on one recent flight out of Dubai acording to a colleague of my flight attendent. Qantas A380 in Business or First class is a real premium experience in my eyes and worth every cent-while this trip to Europe was a Business trip that my work paid for, in a few weeks, I'll be off on short joy trip to the US and actually self-funded QF business class for this short little holiday which I am sure I won't regret in the slightest. As there was only one single course containing seafood which I could easily asked to be swapped, I finally ordered the Tasting Menue which, to my surprise, was available out of Dubai. There was a really nice bean falafel with minted yoghurt as a canape, followed by one of the best corn soups I've ever had (it came with some roasted croutons and a generous dolop of sour cream on top- yumm!). The matching wine was a Semillion which I didn't particularly fancy while the next course was accompanied by an excellent Chardy from the Claire Valley. However, this time the food was a bit off, it was called "Hot and numbing chicken salad" but unfortunately, there was absolutely nothing spicy about it even though there were little pieces of chili visible which for some reason, just didn't have any taste. While the dish wasn't completely awful, given the expectations raised by its title, something like "Bland and boring chicken salad" would have been much more appropriate in my eyes:


When I mentioned to my waitress that this tme, the food was bland but the wine was excellent, she came back after a few minutes with a second bowl of corn soup and a bottle of the nice Chardonnay telling me with a smile "Now, both the food AND the wine will be to your liking, Mr. Berlin" which I absolutely loved! Afterwards, it was time to start with the reds and I got served the in-between meal which asn't part of the tasting but replaced the one fish dish for me. Luckily I picked it- it was the best part of the entire meal, a triangle filled with spicey minced lamb and served with some hot chillies on top- super yummie and very authenticly Middle-Eastern tasting. While it looks quite uneventful, I could have easily had three of those!


The actual main main that followed was an absolutely uninspiring veal cutlet served on the usual green beans and with a side of mash- yaaaawn! Quite a let down after the rather original earlier courses. I finished up with a cheese platter which strangely only contained really heavy and strong cheeses (a very strong blue cheese, an aged cheddar and one of those stinky cheeses that I never know the name of but which smell reminds you of a badly airconditioned locker room in a gym :-|). My usual night cap scotch and off to the land of dreams I was, supported by the lovely First mattress and fluffy dona provided.

Upon arrival into Sydey, the crew warned me of the rather chaotic system for picking up your Duty Free in Sydney so I braced myself for the worst. Luggage came out in no time and the priority tags worked very well, my two big bags came out number 3 and 4. Off to the oversized luggage counter to pick up the Duty Free which was indeed the promised chaos: One poor counter clerk collects those tiny stubbles of receipt that we were handed in Dubai and tries to match up the numbers with the random boxes of Duty Free items. In between a few people picking up their skateboards and what ever else and the chaos is perfect. Too bad that it was the lady from earlier and myself who ended up without our Duty Free while everyone else had happily left Sydney airport already- so much for priority service :evil: Our cabin manager from the flight stayed with us at the oversized luggage area until it was clear that it really didn't arrive and he was the typical older gentleman that Qantas usually has in this role so he was seriously worried and confused about his First class passengers for all having such a cough experience. After many apologies he waved us goodbye as we walked over to the lost baggage counter and there she was- the worst person I have ever seen wearing a Qantas uniform: She welcomed us both with the words "Yes, this Duty Free cough from Dubai is doing my head in" followed by "We can be happy to only have two boxes lost today" and it just went on like this. She was grumpy, unfriendly boarderlining to outright rude and simply a real c... milk-producing animal, she was. After making us feel like it was our fault we are at her counter, the other victim's husband showed up and was fighting a burst of anger which I could see in his face. We all just shook our heads when we were sent of with a luggage claim file, about an hour after deboarding and receiving our luggage. To a degree, I can understand why this lady was such a beast- having to spend your days in the ugly noisy luggage hall of Sydney airport facing the most unhappy of all passengers and having to endure abuse for faults you have absolutely nothing to do with must be quite frustrating indeed. I try not to make this spoil my overall experience but really, they do need to find a different solution for this. The chauffeur waiting for me in the arrivals hall told me that a few days ago, all passengers came off QF2 without their luggage as apparently they couldn't open the cargo door on arrival (!) so I should be happy to have received that. He then tortured me playing Smooth FM on the way home and I was too weak and tired to speak up against it so now after this treatment I'm in real danger of developing ear cancer or similar. I called Qantas bagagge the day after as I had been told and each time was assured that I'd receive a call from the airport within the next hour as my Duty Free had finally arrived on a later EK flight. I never received such a call until around 4pm that evening (the day after my flight so about 26 hours after arrival) and the lady on the phone sounded very much like the grass-eating animal from Sydney airport (not sure if it indeed was a call from that desk in the luggage hall- possibly): Rude, interrupting me and treating me as if I was the one who mishandled my own luggage. I finally got my Duty Free late last night, almost two days after my arrival.

To sum things up, I think overall the new alliance with Emirates is a great thing. A few teething problems here and there, sure, but all in all Qantas and Emirates have done a great job in aligning their benefits and creating a smooth and seemless experience, especially in Dubai. It feels quite special to be on an Emirates plane from Munich to Dubai and being greeted during the PA "We specifically welcome our Skywards members as well as the Gold and Platinum members of our partner Qantas" and receiving a personal welcome from the purser as "our valid frequent flyers from our new partner Qantas" which as a very nice touch. While generally speaking, I think the EK hard product (I'm talking A380, I try to avoid 777s as far as possible these days if I can somehow get on the big bird) is superior to Qantas but the soft product is exactly the opposite, both service and food wise so the two nicely complement each other and are pretty much on the same level when you sum things up. A few things I think Qantas could learn from its new partner, among these:

  • I know this is not likely to ever happen but refurb the cabins to get rid of those ridiculous Gen 2 QF seats in J as well as those idiotic swivel seats in F. The Emirates layout is so much smarter in my eyes, more privacy and even a much more stable flat beds in J and a proper suite which deserves its name in F. Also wish QF had those showers in their First class cabin- if there was one thing I always miss flying QF First, then it's a shower!
  • Get toothpicks. It's a pet hate on Qantas for me, countless times I had to endure hours of flights with leftovers of Neil Perry's steak sandwich stuck between my teeth :eek: Luckily, I flew Emirates before hand and could prepare myself with their excellent little pack containing a little Dental floss pick
  • Re-think your apparently so awesome selection of alcohol. The wines on QF are usually very nice though I don;t think it would harm to complement the selection of Aussie wines with one or two Internationals for variety. My real issue is with the champagnes and spirits: That overpriced Tattinger just doesn't cut it for me- even the Vintage Veuve which EK served in their Business Cabin tastes nicer in my eyes. This is of course a matter of taste but please, at least in First really have a second choice and why not the Dom which most airlines serve
  • The Scotch selection on QF is equally awful. That Glenlivet is far too sweet in my eyes and the only single malt served- I neither like the 12 nor the 18yo so in both J and F I am rather unhappy. And a Chivers as the only alternative? Please! If you really want to impress me (and I'm yet to wait for an airline to do this), have a Lagavulin on board for me and all my future business is yours :cool:
  • Finally, the entertainment. I only noticed once I flew Emirates, how bad the choice on Qantas really is in comparisson. While QF insists to call it "award-wining in flight entertainment", I wonder what kind of award this could have really won- is there something like the annual Tasmanian in-flight awards where Qantas always wins against Virgin and Tiger? They'd sureley already loose as soon as Air New Zealand joined the race! As my partner calls it, the movie selection has certainly been edited by the "Fun Police" as it seems as if someone goes through the movies of the past year and selects only the most boring yawn-inducing flicks for the Qantas entertainment. Emirates even had some good thrillers and horror movies, that's much more how I like it when half-asleep on a long flight! The same goes for the music selection as well, especially decent dance music seems to be completely absent on Qantas while Emirates was full with it to my very delight.
Excellent and very detailed trip report, it was an enjoyable read. I'm looking forward to the next one.
I forgot to add- all QF points and SC posted extremely quickly, even for the EK operated legs. Quite generally, most those technical issues (little things like signage in Dubai and similar) have been sorted very efficiently as far as I can tell- well done both QF and EK! :)
Hmmmmmmm ... I took EK First SYD-DXB and am about to do QF First going back tomorrow ( my time) I'm hoping for something's not to happen!

BTW, how do you get to QF First from the EK F lounge? I've been there once, so can picture the elevators. Do they descend into the Y morass on the lower level?
Hmmmmmmm ... I took EK First SYD-DXB and am about to do QF First going back tomorrow ( my time) I'm hoping for something's not to happen!

BTW, how do you get to QF First from the EK F lounge? I've been there once, so can picture the elevators. Do they descend into the Y morass on the lower level?

Yes that's exactly what they do but you are somewhat protected by being ferried off to the left pretty quickly
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