Lift off! We’ve redesigned Smartraveller to better communicate our travel advice so you can be informed and prepared about overseas travel. And return home safely. Our travel advice is clearer, with the essential security and safety information communicated in a more readable and accessible...
Maybe I'm not understanding what I'm reading but I'm baffled and stunned by the part where it says there will no longer be any pre-trip Registration... and they will only activate such when a crisis is active. HOW DOES THIS MAKE ANY SENSE ?!?!?
" * From November, we’ll activate registration only when there’s an overseas crisis.
* This means we’ll be quicker to respond to those who need our help.
* Registration will be easier, through a simplified online form. It’ll appear on the Smartraveller website if there’s an overseas crisis."
That is the absolute WORST time to expect someone to find a computer and tell DFAT where they are.
I have always assumed the whole
purpose of pre-registering your travel itinerary with SmartTraveller was that when something really bad happens somewhere.... they can pull up a report from the database and see (a) How many Australians are in that region (b) Who they are (c) How to contact them if required.
So now we have to go to a website from underneath the rubble of our hotel room that has just collapsed from the earthquake ?!?!?
I truly hope I'm completely misreading this situation... but if not then it really not good.