Qantas Staff Incompetence - Ticketed 2 adults and not infant, leading to denied boarding

FWIW, I totally agree with all the comments that no printed copy of an e-ticket should be required even though I personally prefer to have one.

The point is that the QF e-ticket pdf document, which is sent once a booking is ticketed, specifically requires a printed copy. So it is in fact up to the passenger to read their ticket and comply.

Now that said, it's the very definition of Catch 22 - if you never get an e-ticket, then how would you know you are supposed to print it?

And, as per the experiences of others upthread, I too have never been asked to show my printed copy.

I agree it's pretty stupid, and also that it's very poorly handled, but it is a stated requirement (if you ever get the ticket) - and after the first time you get your ticket, read it and comply, then you know for future trips you need to print your ticket. So if you go to print it and you don;t have it, then you know that there is a problem to be addressed.

All of that said, the process needs fixing. Clearly.
For all those saying that this is clearly the pax's fault, in 2022 we (2 adults, 1 child and 1 lap infant) were travelling MEL-xSYD-LAX with an overnight in SYD on one ticket. The day of the MEL-SYD leg our original flight was cancelled, and in the rebooking process QF cancelled the infant ticket from SYD to LAX, which we didn't find out until the next morning. Luckily being a QF ticket I only had to wander down to the ticket desk to get them to fix it. We had our printed e-ticket with the infant listed, but QF had cancelled that.
Now that I think about it, there is always this trip once in a while where the check-in agent look at the booking, see there is a problem, type on the keyboard in anger, maybe make a call, leave me the feeling there is a problem, but 5 min later hand over my boarding pass. Wondering if this things happened because of an e-ticket issue. Anyone else?
I always wonder what the agent is doing / what the issue is when they are furiously typing away for a couple of minutes, and then just hand over the boarding pass without further comment. I'm always too afraid to ask why all the typing.
I always wonder what the agent is doing / what the issue is when they are furiously typing away for a couple of minutes, and then just hand over the boarding pass without further comment. I'm always too afraid to ask why all the typing.
Playing a couple of rounds of Words With Friends is what I always thought they were doing /s
Slightly OffT, but yet, OnT - I requested a CR Y release last night from QF. Went to CPT, agent said "sent to ticketing" and collected $$. But ticket not issued until today. So I called in today, went to HBA and agent said "Oh, apologies Mr. Ade, the previous agent made an error and the booking was not sent for ticketing. Good thing you called in to check, once again, apologies" ... error rectified and e-tkt received under 5 mins.
… I requested a CR Y release last night from QF. Went to CPT, agent said "sent to ticketing" and collected $$. But ticket not issued until today. So I called in today, went to HBA and agent said "Oh, apologies Mr. Ade, the previous agent made an error and the booking was not sent for ticketing. Good thing you called in to check, once again, apologies" ... error rectified and e-tkt received under 5 mins.
Yeah. That happens, and I’ve experienced similar, so it pays to be very vigilant in monitoring the issuing of e-tickets, especially if non-QF bookings are involved.
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FWIW, I totally agree with all the comments that no printed copy of an e-ticket should be required even though I personally prefer to have one.

The point is that the QF e-ticket pdf document, which is sent once a booking is ticketed, specifically requires a printed copy. So it is in fact up to the passenger to read their ticket and comply.

Now that said, it's the very definition of Catch 22 - if you never get an e-ticket, then how would you know you are supposed to print it?

And, as per the experiences of others upthread, I too have never been asked to show my printed copy.

I agree it's pretty stupid, and also that it's very poorly handled, but it is a stated requirement (if you ever get the ticket) - and after the first time you get your ticket, read it and comply, then you know for future trips you need to print your ticket. So if you go to print it and you don;t have it, then you know that there is a problem to be addressed.

All of that said, the process needs fixing. Clearly.
Funnily seems even Qantas seems unsure, my email says ‘recommend’ not ‘require’.

Attached to this email is the E-Ticket Itinerary Receipt that includes all your flight details. We recommend that you carry a printed copy of the E-Ticket document or save this on your phone.
The problem with a lot of these complaints is that they are often light on detail

Until a poster reverts with sufficient detail, the good folk on AFF have every right to be sceptical of the possible motives behind these types of posts - especially those OPs with minimal track record. I posed a few questions which went unanswered, confirming my suspicions on a few levels.
Very similar experience just last week, QF multi city award ticket on CX, MH and QF. Had booked the two adults first and then had to book the infant on a seperate ticket all over the phone as couldn't book the intinerary on the website.

Turned up to cathay checkin overseas and told infant isnt ticketed, thankfully not denied boarding, but had to contact qantas to get the ticket issued. First stress was I couln't even find a way to call Qantas from where I was becuase of course the only phone number in my brain is 131211 which doesn't work from overseas, and no amount of searching could I find a phone number that went to Australia (since found one and saved it). Thankfully there was a qantas 'office' (Looked more like a janitor's closet) and they got a ticket number issued after I told them I wasn't leaving without one.

A lot of people saying that everyone should carry a ticket with them...I had printed the two adults and infant but had never recieved the nicely formatted tickets, just the text gibberish version that qantas sends for some itinerary's. Even as a fairly frequent flying WP, missed that the infant one didn't have a ticket number (possibly becuase i assumed my ticket was ticketed, and the seperate infant ticket also had my name on it, but wan't ticketed) and had just assumed that them taking my cc details meant it would get done (also probbaly lulled into a false sense of security as I had been on the phone to Hobart). Seems like they had my credit card details saved, but the ticket had just never been paid for as I noticed that the taxes and fees were taken just before boarding.

All in all, thankfull it didn't cuase to much inconvience, but even for an experienced flyer, easy to happen. And to be honest, shouldn't be happening when I had 'paid' for the tickets months earlier.
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Even as a fairly frequent flying WP, missed that the infant one didn't have a ticket number (possibly becuase i assumed my ticket was ticketed, and the seperate infant ticket also had my name on it, but wan't ticketed)

I think you have highlighted a downside to being an 'ultra' frequent flyer: the blase nature that can creep in with regular travel, and you miss the bleeding obvious.

I am glad I am not the only one who makes schoolboy mistakes!
Hi All,

Qantas incompetence has reared its ugly head again. My brother, his wife and infant son booked a flight on Malaysia Airlines in J through QFF awards. When they showed up, they told them the infant was not ticketed, and were denied boarding.

At the check in, the agent said to my brother he can see an infant on the booking, but he isn't ticketed and they won't be able to check them in and could not board.

My brother and wife then found a Qantas staff member who was extremely rude and basically said "tough luck, we can't do anything, book another flight" - those words are verbatim. I have that staff member's name, but obviously I won't be publishing it here.

They have had to find flights two days later, in Y and QF has once again not copped any consequences. SURELY there is something that can be done or someone we can speak to with regards to compensation?

How is this still allowed to happen?? Has anyone got a way of helping please? This is the third time in 2 years this happens and we surely this cannot be legal. It has been a complete nightmare.
You might like to add something to this thread?

Any developments or action taken place on this issue you raised? And started a thread....
Just the usual one hit wonder poster for me.
While I think in this case they’ve taken their bay and ball and sulked off home, 808 posts suggests not the usual one post then never return poster! Perhaps they just think (not unreasonably in my view) that they just aren’t getting much traction here with a bunch of people all with unmovable positions on this matter.
Also, unable/not wanting to provide a few more simple details to complete the picture. Came back to peep a couple of times, but that was it.
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Third-party reports don’t always include the nitty-gritty.
I get the impression they were at the airport with their brother.

I don't get why we need more details. The op reported an issue and various people (including me) have commented the same has occurred to them but not as drastic as being denied boarding.

We do not need to judge. People should be able to vent, criticise and have an opinion that's different to mainstream opinion.
We do not need to judge. People should be able to vent, criticise and have an opinion that's different to mainstream opinion.

Because what the OP has posted is completely unbelievable. It's simply not even possible to envision a scenario where QF stuff up ticketing of an award of a partner. Never. Or that MH does not have the capacity to fix a simple error.

QF has perfect ticketing. MH is an exemplary organisation who would have flexible procedures that accommodate these sorts of things. OP's post is pure fiction, ;) :p🤣

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