Qantas Red Planet

I'm shocked. I just got a survey from red planet for the first time in years.

and filtered out because I don't drive. 😅 :oops:
I'm shocked. I just got a survey from red planet for the first time in years.

and filtered out because I don't drive. 😅 :oops:
Don't worry, I got the same and I do drive, just had to answer a bunch of questions first before being screened out :mad:😂

So when my OH got it, I just said select don't drive, wouldn't take a road trip in NSW, screened out straight away, nice and easy haha.
Does anyone else constantly get surveys about drinking habits? As in alcohol? I do regularly, depending on when I answer them depends on the outcome. I got one today, and screened out because I hadn't drank alcohol on Monday or Tuesday (it always asks for the last two days)! Usually I "have" drank on the preceding days, but today I cba and just wanted it over with. Got a few decent surveys so about 350 points today. Just shy of 120k from Red Planet now, around 20k on OH's account too (she was only invited a year or so ago, many years after I was).
Coffeebean Tracker - 150 points for job seeking sites
Project Chaetodonoides - 150 points for car safety
Project Machina - Knocked out, ostensibly about electric vehicles
Does anyone else constantly get surveys about drinking habits? As in alcohol? I do regularly, depending on when I answer them depends on the outcome. I got one today, and screened out because I hadn't drank alcohol on Monday or Tuesday (it always asks for the last two days)! Usually I "have" drank on the preceding days, but today I cba and just wanted it over with. Got a few decent surveys so about 350 points today. Just shy of 120k from Red Planet now, around 20k on OH's account too (she was only invited a year or so ago, many years after I was).
If I got something about drinking habits, I'd be instantly screened out. I only drink juice and water. Milk rarely. Never coffee, alcohol or anything carbonated.
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Red Planet doesn’t always send emails. I generally login and check if surveys are available every day or two if I remember.
and somewhat annoying when you do get an email, click on the link and find another four surveys there!
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Chattering Tracker was waiting when I received an email about different project. The former was about fixed network internet providers. Even though I ticked “none of the above” as being my provider, the survey continued. 200 points for me, but how could my answers about plans by companies I do not deal with and have no clue about be useful?
Not Red Planet but Qantas Insights Crew survey today - no points though but the opportunity to give my opinion on Classic rewards +
Gave them what I thought, probably not what they wanted to hear 🤭
Ceramic Tracker just dropped for me
Reasonably painless NBN survey for 100 QFF and extra 50 for sharing your service address.

Looking forward to tomorrow's prize draw announcement!
Project Tracker 20 mins/200 points. Kicked out as I am not working.

Project Wimbish, supposed to be 15 minutes but points not mentioned. This was actually a very interesting survey, mainly about the mining industry, carbon emissions, and some social/political concerns. I found it worthwhile. After completing, the last page advised "this site is undergoing maintenance". I have no idea if I will receive points for this survey, so I emailed Red Planet asking the question.
Completed Project Casablanca 100 points and Project Novella tracker about eyecare places like OPSM and Specsavers 150 points
Completed Project Citrine on current affairs for 100 points about vaping restrictions for adults
Completed Project Toboco about flea and worm control in pets. One product, Brav/ecto, seemed to be promoted. 150 ponits for 15 minutes, but it took 20 minutes.

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