Obtaining a visa for Chile


Veteran Member
Nov 12, 2012
Star Alliance
I started another thread about what I saw as the bizarre process for applying for a visa for Chile. Starting this new one as I think it best to have a clear explanation of the process post application that I and others have experienced. One was my Travel Agent's boss, who had exactly the same experience as me (even down to payment issue - see below) and someone else here on AFF.

I lodged my application for multiple entry to the Melbourne Consulate on-line in mid-August, for travel in early December. This was probably too early - I'd say 2 months prior would be best. Got an email back acknowledging application's receipt straight away. I managed to talk to them shortly afterwards on the phone (miracle!) as the status on line was "on hold" and was told that visas are not issued until at most the month before the departure date.

On 17 Nov I got a request for visa payment of A$190; it didn't actually say that visa was approved (others have reported that their payment e-mail does say this). Paid immediately, sending a reply e-mail with 'proof of payment', as they requested.

Nothing heard since then.

A week ago (T-2 weeks) I decided to fly to Melbourne from Hobart 1 week prior to leaving and visit the consulate.

Opens 9:00 am (until 2:00pm); I was first in line; 4 people there by 9am. You can check the visa status on-line at the Chile site. Mine was "Validar antecedentes" - 'Validate background' ??

At the counter, I explained the issue (a week to go until departure, catching cruise from Chile); handed over passport and lady went off to check. Came back 15 mins later:

"You haven't paid"
Yes, have, 2 weeks ago - handed over the bank receipt of payment
"Oh my goodness. I'll check the bank account"

10 mins later, I got the visa e-mail, she came back to the window 5 mins later saying I would get 2 e-mails. I only got one (PDF with a QR code and one of the old-fashioned full page vias stickers they put in your passport), but she said that was OK. This was exactly the same experience and discussion by my TA's boss, 2 weeks ago. And I overheard 2 other conversations at the window where the person was told that they hadn't paid, but they had evidence that they did and "we'll check bank account".

While I guess I would have eventually got the visa, my TA's boss said that someone waiting with him did NOT and had to re-book flights, and pay $$$. @muppet here got theirs I think the evening before they departed.

So my advice. When you apply, plan to visit the consulate a week or so before departure, taking passport and your proof of payment. Go there a week prior if nothing received. Arrive before 9 to have minimum wait. Tell them when you inquire that you have paid. Don't leave before you have the e-mail and checked all the details.

I tried to call maybe 10 times over the 4 months. Twice (each time about 9:30am), while I was leaving a message, they called me back. :oops: They were re-assuring but nothing concrete regarding visa status. Couple of other times, left messages, but never returned. Several e-mails ditto. Hence to get any info or to get resolved, you should visit.

Oh, and if you are travelling far, check that its not a public holiday in Chile, when the consulates will be closed :)

Hope this helps.
When we went to Chile, we entered with our UK passports (no visa required), because of this issue generally. It was a bit awkward getting back, as we had to 'leave' on our UK passports, but 'check in' on our Australian passports to be allowed to board our cruise back to Oz.
I was just looking at the online application and noticed the bit about:

“Consulate of Chile where you will submit your application”.

Apart from you going in to chase up the visa, is there normally a requirement to visit or is it supposed to be all done online?

We’re travelling in Feb and just realised that they’ll probably shutdown for Christmas/New Year - which might be a problem if there are humans in the loop for processing visas….

Fortunately the Sydney consulate isn’t far away - if it’s open…
I don't think you need to visit the consulate except to chase up.

Lat34 applied over / just after Christmas, with timings here:

Public holidays in Chile (I'm sure they observe Australian ones as well):

My house mate applied for his visa a few days before me as I was waiting on a replacement passport before I could submit my Chilean tourist visa. We are flying to Santiago 12th December. I applied 23rd November. He received payment request on the 1st dec and I still hadn’t heard anything Wednesday 6th so I emailed the Sydney consulate. Didn’t hear anything. So I called Sydney Thursday 7th, they said yep I’ll email through payment request now, ‘do you live in Sydney?’ I say no I’m in Cairns but flying out via Sydney. She says ‘ahh it can take 5 working days for the visa to come through’.
So this concerned me as we were leaving in essentially 3 working days. Then last night (8th) I check my emails and see they’ve replied and say once we receive the funds we shall process the visa. So I reply with a screenshot of my bank transfer and politely mention we are leaving Tuesday and would really appreciate any help. I check my email and have the visa 2 hours later!!! My house mate still hasn’t got his though 😂 the bizarreness continues with this process!
Checking the Sherpa site for Uruguay (where I'm going before Chile), I also had a look at Chile.

I was surprised to find that all travellers to Chile over 18 are required to fill out an Agricultural Affidavit


Following the link provided. SAG: Declaración Jurada and using Google to translate, it does seem like a required form. However getting to about the third page, I find yo can only do it within 48 hours of arrival.

Anyone done this before? @muppet ?
Ah. I just noticed it says 'or on arrival'. In which case it would be the same as the Australian arrival card declaration. SOunds the way to go, if no-one else has noticed this on line thing.
Ah. I just noticed it says 'or on arrival'. In which case it would be the same as the Australian arrival card declaration. SOunds the way to go, if no-one else has noticed this on line thing.
Possibly one of these transitional things that you can do online but it’s not mandatory - yet.
Of course it might operate like the Indonesian customs thing. On arrival there's a hoard filling out paper forms but if you've done it on-line you can sail through. I'll be transiting SCL first (>48hrs before finally entering)so might scope it out then.
Checking the Sherpa site for Uruguay (where I'm going before Chile), I also had a look at Chile.

I was surprised to find that all travellers to Chile over 18 are required to fill out an Agricultural Affidavit

View attachment 356886

Following the link provided. SAG: Declaración Jurada and using Google to translate, it does seem like a required form. However getting to about the third page, I find yo can only do it within 48 hours of arrival.

Anyone done this before? @muppet ?
When we travelled in Feb23 we had to complete the form BEFORE departure from DFW to SCL to commence cruise.

Later, after cruise then further travels to Argentina & Brazil, we just completed SAG on re-entry to Chile by scanning QR code posted at various points in the airport before immigration.
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I was just looking at the online application and noticed the bit about:

“Consulate of Chile where you will submit your application”.

Apart from you going in to chase up the visa, is there normally a requirement to visit or is it supposed to be all done online?
All online was our experience, no visit required.

I did however need to call the SYD consulate to chase up Mr Lat34 visa.
Checking the Sherpa site for Uruguay (where I'm going before Chile), I also had a look at Chile.

I was surprised to find that all travellers to Chile over 18 are required to fill out an Agricultural Affidavit

View attachment 356886

Following the link provided. SAG: Declaración Jurada and using Google to translate, it does seem like a required form. However getting to about the third page, I find yo can only do it within 48 hours of arrival.

Anyone done this before? @muppet ?
Yep did it on arrival, they have QR codes in the baggage claim area and they check as you go through customs.
For those without internet access there are paper forms available.
Yep did it on arrival, they have QR codes in the baggage claim area and they check as you go through customs.
I did mine online and printed it out to present it at customs but they didn't even want to look at it
Yep did it on arrival, they have QR codes in the baggage claim area and they check as you go through customs.
For those without internet access there are paper forms available.

Thanks - when you scan the QR code, do you then have to fill anything out? What do they check?

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