Lies Lies and more DAMN Lies [Rusdia denials]

Is the truth a premium product for the few elites?

  • No because the facts speak for themself.

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Yes because I believe only what CNN and RT have to say too lazy to do my own research

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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Established Member
Feb 11, 2010
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Enough is Enough one cannot take it anymore. The lies do hurt insult our intelligence, Mr Putins view is simple not our fault. Yet when you dig deeper the facts show a different picture. I speak in relation to the two biggest lies in Aviation right know. MH-17 , July 17 2014 and Polish Air Force One, Tupolev Tu-154M , PLF101, 10 April 2010, which the [official Russian] MAK Report is not consistent with the laws of physics. This report BullSh..T was then propagated further in National Geographic series of Aircraft investigations. Both have deep parallels. Visa-vie extensive evidence of the crash site destruction conducted by employing various techniques.
Writing this thread is a also a dangerous action due to the truth being 1984-ised.
Is that you, Kanye?

Proud of it ......Milo Yiannopoulos' is also called a white supremacist but is actually married to a Black gay Man.

Its always 5 o'clock somewhere in the world.

"Archi "......I am used to your reply's making more sense. Your logic is infallible.

The propaganda machine works both ways Marki. :(

I am used to reports making complete scientific sense. Science gives us sufficient tools so we can determine cause. So science works ........->it's not propaganda. Propaganda was quite famously pushed during the WW2 by Paul Joseph Goebbels well known for his deep and virulent anti-antisemitism. That propaganda hangs around till now !! That's how powerful it is. Disinformation plays key role in historical propaganda – similarly to every other type of propaganda. The following techniques are applied: intoxication (denying, reversing facts); manipulation (true thesis used in such a way that leads to false conclusions); modification of motives or circumstances (describing motive or reason for particular action in a way that they become advantageous only to one party); and interpretation (particular selection of words that evoke positive or negative association among the recipients). Russian historical propaganda embraces broad spectrum of disinformation techniques. In practice, it is accomplished by thematic campaigns with participation of the Russian (as well as selected – western) mass media, including the Internet." - Aleksander Marek Szczygło died on April 10, 2010 in Smolensk, Russia

I will just mention briefly that the Smolensk Plane crash is the only plane crash in the world who's causes and course was made without examining it's wreckage i.e. Basic evidence. There is no other case like this in the history of aircraft investigation. One of the flight recorders had never been found. This is curious when Andreas Lubitz German wings flight black box was finally found yes damaged but found. Just to be clear we can count the number of atoms in matter, we can assess the pressure imparted on rocks in the Jurassic Period. We should be able to do great things like finding out if there was any TNT residue in/on the wings of the Tu-154M. This is jaw dropping stuff and somebody is very keen / invested we do not know the truth. The wreckage has not been released back to Poland , till this very day and is being continuing to be systematically damaged.
MH-17 is different we have the lots of the wreckage but it was not lets say easily given up. ( many reason for that). Do you think infallible truth will make any difference ? Well I hope so I really do.
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Just to be clear we can count the number of atoms in matter, we can assess the pressure imparted on rocks in the Jurassic Period. We should be able to do great things like finding out if there was any TNT residue.
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Let me write it again because it's shocking. Basic evidence was ignored...there is no other case in history in the history of aircraft investigation Period.

The Smolensk plane crash is the only plane crash in the world who's cause was made without examining it's wreckage!!

it's a fact.
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In Regards to MH17.......This April marks the fourth year of the ongoing war in Ukraine between the Ukrainian military and Russian backed separatists in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics in eastern Ukraine, also known as the Donbas region. Prior to the beginning of the war in eastern Ukraine in April 2014, Russia annexed Crimea.

Russia's aggression into Ukraine came in direct violation of its obligations under the 1994 Budapest Memorandum. Under the memorandum, in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons, Russia reaffirmed its "obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine" and promised that none of its weapons would ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations
Prof. Michael Baden ....World-renowned forensic pathologist goes on the record: "I have been doing autopsies for 50 years, and I've investigated more than fifteen, twenty airplane crashes […] I've never heard of a body coming back to a country and the family being unable to open up a casket. I've never heard of the family not being able to get an autopsy…

Very interesting UK Sky news report basically underscoring what has been written above.
In Regards to MH17.......This April marks the fourth year of the ongoing war in Ukraine between the Ukrainian military and Russian backed separatists in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics in eastern Ukraine, also known as the Donbas region. Prior to the beginning of the war in eastern Ukraine in April 2014, Russia annexed Crimea.

My point earlier that propaganda goes both ways is no more so evident than in the case of MH17. Australian politicians and media have solely focused on Russia's alleged involvement. None, bar one media commentator (Crikey Plane Talking), has seriously questioned MH's decision to fly over the region. The media and political cycle appears to have the ultimate goal of chastising Russia. We should all be asking 'for what purpose?'
My point earlier that propaganda goes both ways is no more so evident than in the case of MH17. Australian politicians and media have solely focused on Russia's alleged involvement. None, bar one media commentator (Crikey Plane Talking), has seriously questioned MH's decision to fly over the region. The media and political cycle appears to have the ultimate goal of chastising Russia. We should all be asking 'for what purpose?'
This maybe true MEL_Traveller but MH-17 was not the only airline at the time to use the same route. There is no propaganda as it would have to be deliberate disinformation. Being silent imparts no information. I cannot for instance get over the fact that the Russian's would be so deliberate and destroy the wreckage of the aero-plane. Why? oh why? Tupolev Tu-154M is the only aircraft investigation in the world not to reconstruct it's wreckage. This is propaganda agree!?
The second Tupolev Tu-154M used as a backup is being scanned deliberately piece by piece inside and out to simulate on a computer program how one Birch tree is not capable of causing an accident on this destructive scale.
This maybe true MEL_Traveller but MH-17 was not the only airline at the time to use the same route. There is no propaganda as it would have to be deliberate disinformation.

The propaganda was in trying to convince the public this was an entirely Russian event and the airline has no responsibility whatsoever. That has been almost entirely successful in Australia. I believe the airline was negligent. So perhaps were others using that airspace. But the fact that lots of people are doing the wrong thing isn't really an excuse.
The propaganda was in trying to convince the public this was an entirely Russian event and the airline has no responsibility whatsoever. That has been almost entirely successful in Australia. I believe the airline was negligent. So perhaps were others using that airspace. But the fact that lots of people are doing the wrong thing isn't really an excuse.
But was the NOTAM at the time unequivocally saying no do not fly in or at any level of airspace over the Ukraine?
But was the NOTAM at the time unequivocally saying no do not fly in or at any level of airspace over the Ukraine?

A NOTAM is only one part of the equation. If you look at all the available information, the story changes considerably.

If there’s a civil war over the territory you are going to fly, do you accept an assurance the airspace is safe even if the sovereign country has lost control of the land? What value does that assurance have? Almost none.

This is not saying the airline bears sole responsibility. There’s the airspace operator, the shooters themselves, and probably other parties too. But when it comes to quick and fair compensation for the victims, the airline should not be trying to drag this one out claiming it had no obligation to consider all the information when it comes to the safety of their passengers.

As an example... a road may stay open in terrible weather conditions. The posted speed limit may not change. does that mean drivers can travel 100km an hour without regard to poor visibility or compromised road conditions?
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If it had been written in plain language (E) white it is more understandable, there is a weakness in the system ............the system is at fault?
I cannot agree with speeding car analogy but can agree with common sense driving/flying to the conditions.
A NOTAM is only one part of the equation. If you look at all the available information, the story changes considerably.

If there’s a civil war over the territory you are going to fly, do you accept an assurance the airspace is safe even if the sovereign country has lost control of the land? What value does that assurance have? Almost none.

This is not saying the airline bears sole responsibility. There’s the airspace operator, the shooters themselves, and probably other parties too. But when it comes to quick and fair compensation for the victims, the airline should not be trying to drag this one out claiming it had no obligation to consider all the information when it comes to the safety of their passengers.

As an example... a road may stay open in terrible weather conditions. The posted speed limit may not change. does that mean drivers can travel 100km an hour without regard to poor visibility or compromised road conditions?

I try an understand your reasoning here but in the end " professional soldiers that came from Russia, stating that "it wasn't drunken militants with Ukrainian passports [who shot down the Malaysian plane], it was done by Russian professionals and coordinated from Russia", adding that "the whole world has learned about the Russian lies and Russian propaganda.
The only aircraft in crash investigations not to be put together from all its pieces. Instead it has been systematically destroyed. MAK is a total joke, are crash investigators for Russian Federation. They were given total control of the investigation by Tusk. As an aside both Tusk and Putin worked and have roots from the East German Stasi. Tusk is basically antiPolish not representing a free Poland. He is a Russian sympathiser. Loved by Merkl.
Anybody has further news about MH-17 how is it going in getting Russia to own up? As to the Tu1545 10/04/2010 crash they have now suspected TNT on the aircraft fuselage. Indicating not a pilot fault nor low flying plane causing the Bodin plot Birch tree to be hit.
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