Is there a Amex Debit card in Oz?

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The product range (Or differentiation) of Amex in Australia is a lot smaller than the US.
Maybe in a couple of years, then we will see Amex debit...

PS: But I would like to see Amex contactless keyring before that :) Too many Amex cards in the wallet...
i'm a newbie so i don't have enough community status credits to post links or email addresses (it's supposedly an anti spam thing but happens to catch innocents like me).

anyway if you google credit card offers and then add dot com and dot au you may find a handy chart about all the credit cards, including debit cards in oz - they seem to only feature the st george bank and national bank of australia ones, but if you go straight to the amex page home page, under "our cards", you will find the classic amex green "charge" card, which is, i think the one you are looking for. i'd love to send you the link and save me typing all out all of this stuff!
There is also a third iteration that sits somewhere between CC amd Debit cards (with Scheme ie Visa or MC).

This is the prepaid card market where a 'preloaded' card is purchased and used at murchents in the same way as normal Visa/MC transactions until the credit is gone.

These are quite common in the US, and are issued by all three schemes. Here it seems that Visa is the pre-pay king. I don't think I've seen a prepaid MC here...

I don't see what the value of an Amex debit card would be wouldn't be able to spend your own funds when Amex isn't accepted, and I think there would be issies with australian ATMs etc.
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