Has flying J ruined you?

This is the wonderful thing about travel — its a broad church! And different life stages reflect the preferences and behavior

In my working life I did lots of Y (every other week and paid by employer but QFclub helped and upgrades were plentiful with points). The critical thing for me was early boarding, something to eat and getting away quickly with ability to change flights at short notice. So did not bother me.
Of course that was BC/pre 9-11/shoe bombers/DYKWIA-influencers-antisocial media
Travel has become much more complex (demanding) since the early 90’s and I may not feel that way if I was working today.

So— I am now old (older)
…given these more difficult and ever increasing irritations of flying - combined with my reduced tolerance means I fly J. It outsources aggravation as much as possible whilst keeping the spark of travel I love. I also feel more refreshed with a lie flat bed. Its not status so much as self-care.

That is just my take - I appreciate I am fortunate (and that others may take this as pretentious) but as I said broad church.
We started flying J in 2013, as a wedding anniversary gift to ourselves - and yes, even though it was QF and the old 2-2-2 cabin, it spoiled us. But as with you and others, there is a point at which personal comfort (in our case driven by arthritis and the impact of several self-inflicted injuries) becomes paramount. But, where we can, we mix up J and PE a bit to save a few $$. But overall, its J as a minimum for most of our long journeys to UK/EU.
Ill find out how my partner is in a few months time but in the last 6 months shes gone from never having flown J to now starting a OWA J and doing most of the travel this year in J.

She at least definitely understands status and points now and actively asks if certain things maximises points.
We are flying CX J next week. I travel so badly these days, even in J. I'm sort of ok paying for it but it's points as my first option. I'm at the stage now where if I can't fly j on long haul then I won't be flying.

Yup. When I reached my late 60, I decided it was J or nothing on long haul. I have flown PE, and while it’s not unpleasant, I can’t do without a lay down Deb any,ore.
Post automatically merged:

That’s me now
It was flying. First that ruined me. Now suffer when flying J :(, paid or points.

It's not about the class; it's about the essentials: a comfortable rest when needed, a satisfying meal, and broad forms of entertainment. I've had both good and bad experiences in both F and J.

Both my last F was poor (BA - crew and food)) and J (SQ - regional J seat with Panadol to ease the pain - missing luggage at CNS), ok, but nothing to rave about. It didn't ruin me, though!

In the right state of mind, I've done Y well.
It's not about the class; it's about the essentials: a comfortable rest when needed, a satisfying meal, and broad forms of entertainment. I've had both good and bad experiences in both F and J.

Sure - but it only took one excellent F experience to ruin me (SQ)!!
It's more the ease of booking J class awards back in the good old days when you jumped on them at midnight on release date for the particular airline. Nowadays, I rarely even SEE a J class award for someplace I want to go, let alone actually flying in it! But I do miss the easy access to lounges with Priority Pass after US Amex Hilton Surpass ditched this perk.
No, not at all. As I get closer to LTG we're booking me in paid J to get me closer, status runs to NZ are our thing at the moment.

We've flown BA, QF and NZ J and yes they are nice, but we can stay in really nice hotels, or ok hotels in great locations, with the money we save not flying J.

We're not frequent flyers like many here by any means but we obviously fly more then many if I'm up over 12k scs.

Domestic I literally could not care less. Trans Tasman same. We've flying to JNB in six weeks, in Y. I know! Coming home J, me paid, bAlt points. Up to Seoul in December, J*, Y. I know!

Once these last 2000 are earned we'll be BOWYFOD and we'll both be absolutely fine with that.
We wont start the ‘dress-code /lounge’ discussion again. Never seen that combo of binbag and G-String before..🫢🥺
Yes, makes some of the lounge wear people complain about pail into insignificance. But obviously they would be in VIP or CL so no worry for us plebs.
Absolutely has spoiled us to the point I won’t even fly Y ADL-MEL anymore. The only time we will fly Y anywhere is that’s the only class available which happens when I fly regional for work or to WGA to visit my parents but I’ve even stopped doing that and will fly into CBR and get a rental car rather than fly Y 🤣
Absolutely has spoiled us to the point I won’t even fly Y ADL-MEL anymore. The only time we will fly Y anywhere is that’s the only class available which happens when I fly regional for work or to WGA to visit my parents but I’ve even stopped doing that and will fly into CBR and get a rental car rather than fly Y 🤣
You mena you would rather pay $100-150 extra just for one hour of flying J? (considering you can access J lounge in Y if WP). whY?
You mena you would rather pay $100-150 extra just for one hour of flying J? (considering you can access J lounge in Y if WP). whY?
The phrase “one person’s trash is another person’s treasure” springs to mind. In other words, what you would perceive to be wasted money or zero value will be money well spent and high value to someone else. Whether it’s purely a matter of comfort, or if it’s health/physical ability, or the simple fact that they’re well enough off to afford it etc etc, everyone will have their reasons for paying for a premium cabin. Or not, as the case may be. Each to their own.
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