Gold Ascent 2 points per $1 + espresso machine

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Junior Member
Oct 11, 2008
Got a targeted mail offering AmEx Gold Ascent credit card with:
- annual fee $80
- 2 MR points per $1 for 12 months
- 3.99% interest rate for 12 months
- complimentary espresso machine after $500 spent

I've no "AmEx" AmEx cards, not sure where they got my details from. I reckon this is a good offer, now just need to decide whether I go for this one or rather the Qantas Ultimate with 30K points.
Sounds good. I already have an Amex Gold card so not likely to receive this type of targeted offer.

Why not apply for both cards?
Would actually be a good card, given the flexibility of Ascent program. Too bad this is targetted. Is there any website/link you see in the promo letter?
- complimentary espresso machine after $500 spent

Check the value of the 'espresso machine', anything under $1,000 is usually more pain than espresso gain and quickly finds its way to the far back of the appliance cupboard.
I received an espresso machine + 5000 points when I gained my Maximiser years ago. It is pretty useless. Worth very littke on Ebay.

However the real value of this offer is earning at 2 points per $ for only a $80 fee.

If you say spend $50,000 in a year then that is an extra 25,000 points for $80 if you already have a Plat Card.
I don't believe the $80 is actually an annual fee on the card as such. It looks more like the yearly fee on Ascent membership.

Don't know how you would go getting this offer if you already have a Platinum card which includes Ascent membership.
Why not apply for both cards?
Good question. I am a bit worried about applying for too many cards in a short period of time as it might affect the credit history. But I think I'll give it a try as I've made only one application this year.
I don't believe the $80 is actually an annual fee on the card as such. It looks more like the yearly fee on Ascent membership.

I was comparing it with any earn of 1.5 including the bank branded Amex Cards that eran at 1.5
I received the AMEX Expresso machine and it's great. I believe AMEX used to give this machine but later switched to this machine which is the one I received. Certainly a good machine for the price.
Hmm, wish I'd got that offer. Instead I got a very disappointing offer for a David Jones AMEX card. Dunno what they were thinking, I've never bought anything from David Jones and I'm constantly scornful of the place, so I've no idea what list I was on that thought it was an offer I'd be interested in.
Straight in the bin.
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