General EV Discussion

Victorian Powercor has good rates on OVO too. 29c peak, 8c 00:00 to 06:00 and free 11:00 to 14:00. 8c FIT where others offering the minimum 4.9c. Lowest power bills I've had in at least 5 years if not longer.
Victorian Powercor has good rates on OVO too. 29c peak, 8c 00:00 to 06:00 and free 11:00 to 14:00. 8c FIT where others offering the minimum 4.9c. Lowest power bills I've had in at least 5 years if not longer.
Yes that is the deal I am on
I am sure the EV folks have this all under control and will not touch a coal power source to cleanly recycle a few old batteries..

Research commissioned by the Battery Stewardship Council – and conducted by the Institute for Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology Sydney – found:
  • There are an estimated 100,000 electric cars already on Australian roads;
  • By 2030 it is projected there will be 600,000 tonnes of batteries in electric cars sold in Australia;
  • By 2040 this number will grow to more than 2.5 million tonnes of batteries in electric cars sold in Australia;
  • By 2050 this number will grow to more than 4.1 million tonnes of batteries in electric cars sold in Australia;
  • By 2030 the number of expired electric-car batteries will grow to almost 30,000 tonnes per annum and by 2040 to more than 360,000 tonnes per annum;
  • By 2050 the volume of expired electric-car batteries entering the waste stream will have reached 1.6 million tonnes.
Its not enough that Tesla is the only Ev manufacturer to build Supercharging.
There should chargers in car parks, apartment buildings workplaces - anywhere cars are parked for a significant period of time
And other EV manufacturers should also help to build charging stations.

Govts should not provide incentives to buy an EV - the money should be used toward providing incentives to build charging stations - an lots of them

Our office is installing EV charging in every third parking bay, so 30% of all parks will have it available and it’s free as well for us, which is good because we are now 4+ days back in the office and with the EV incentives pretty much everyone with a lease is getting an EV.
greatest renewable electricity supply is during the day. EV batteries soak up the sun

And even better in a few years as V2x becomes more prevalent, is the office could make a deal that they top your car during the day, as long as they can then draw some electricity from the car over cloudy periods, or after the sun goes down, to a certain %ge.. which saves them $s in electricity, particularly over the late afternoon peak.
Well there is an Aussie company in the process of testing their solid state battery as we speak. Have already acquired the land and and confident of funding but of course in Germany.
However their battery is designed for grid storage not EVs.

Then there is this version with a picture of an EV at the top of the article.

But near the bottom of the article it says they have scaled up the technology to build a phone sized pouch battery. still a long way from being in EVs.
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pouch battery
Interesting...Lots of research going on.

Pouch is just a form factor

The "Blade" batteries in the BYD cars are just a collection of pouch cells.
All the batteries in mobile phones and laptops are pouch cells

The RLS will be the chemistry and whether it can be economically scaled to large scape production.
No surprise re the Tesla slowdown, for a long time they were the only player in town, then for a while they were the only player within their price range, now China has entered the game with cheaper EVs with similar feature sets whilst Tesla churn out incremental updates to the product line or niche products like the cybertruck.

You only get one bite at the first to market cherry.
And while T was the only game in town with a reliable supercharger network, it realises that the other players are formidable and so is starting to open its Supercharging network to all and sundry.
I'd say that has a lot more to do with accepting government subsidies for a lot of the more recent supercharger builds (and the conditions that come with that funding)
Interesting graph on ABC tonight showing BYD sales dropped 40% in last quarter allowing Tesla to go back to #1 (abeit with also much reduced orders as well).

In a seperate article I saw a new Chinese brand launched and 80k orders in first day of offer.
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Yeah people who buy CCP cars aren’t people who care about longevity, quality, resale, driving attributes or in fact anything that car buyers traditionally care about.
Yeah people who buy CCP cars aren’t people who care about longevity, quality, resale, driving attributes or in fact anything that car buyers traditionally care about.
The irony is that a CCP built Tesla would have significantly better resale value than my Fremont built Tesla. They didn't care much for the art of panel alignment in California. That said I don't plan on selling it anytime soon so I couldn't care less.

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