Citibank DCC Fees

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Apr 25, 2008
So, I just got hit with DCC fees on my latest transactions in January. They were from Google Play subscriptions.

Approximately 3.3% which I think is ridiculous.

Has anyone else been hit?

I'm starting to change all my payments to my AMEX to avoid the extra ~3.3% (it varies) that Citi is hitting me with.

Does anyone have any more information on this, or strategies to avoid it?
Amex charges exactly the same fees but doesn't itemize them on the online statement, only on the monthly statement.

It is foreign exchange / international transaction fees. But don't feel bad, most of the Aussie banks do it as well.

There used to be a couple of cards without foreign exchange fees (these apply even if charged in Aussie dollars but from an international merchant which is what really stinks).

Lets see if others can tell us about Aussie cards without foreign fees.

BWcc seems to be lower overall cost and still pay points. Otherwise you can go Citibank debit or 28 degrees and get no points but a low final price.
So, I just got hit with DCC fees on my latest transactions in January. They were from Google Play subscriptions.
Didn't know Google Play did DCC - but one thing is to not acceot the DCC when offered, and pay in whatever currency they started with.
Ok, rephrase. Anex don't charge in foreign merchants who bill in AUD.
Sorry but you are wrong about Amex not charging foreign fees for AUD transactions.

I buy regular vitamin, fish oil supplies from a NZ company called and they charge my Amex card in Aussie dollars but using a merchant account from a NZ bank. Even though it is charged in Aussie dollars Amex still charges me approx. 3% foreign currency fee.

I've read their terms and conditions also and they define foreign to include AUD from an international merchant.

Is it an amex issued card, or a companion card to a bank issued card. If amex directly, which one; as none of my 4 cards have ever had this, and I put fx on them many times per month.
It is a direct issued Amex Gold charge card. I put a lot of money through, including a lot of FX transactions so if they are mucking up the billing I will be very happy to contact them and point out!

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