Champagne in checked luggage (international long haul)

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Jun 5, 2012
Heading to Europe shortly and the friend we're meeting up with has requested we bring 2-3 bottles of a local Sparkling Red over with us. Having never packed 'champagne' into checked luggage, just wondering if this would be an issue on an international long haul flight? Given the 'fizz', just wanted to determine the likelihood of the bottles exploding in the bags? Don't want to take them if there's likely to be an problem - especially as they're not cheap.

Advice appreciated. Thanks. :D
Shouldn't be a problem as long as you pack them so they won't get broken. Just did the reverse, bought a dozen when visiting Epernay and then carried them (in ever decreasing quantities) through Europe, USA, Sth America and back to Aust. Had the same doubts as you but was assured by one of the Champagne houses that quite safe to carry sparkling wines in your luggage and based on our experience, he was 100% right
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Yep - I'm another that's taken the chance with no problems to speak of. It was a few bottles of 2005 Comptes de Champagne from Taittinger in Reims that I nestled in amongst the dirty laundry! ;)

Awesome - thanks nickfromeastryde. Very much appreciated. Can let her know all systems are go!
Never had an issue. Double-bag and make sure they are surrounded by clothes on all side.
I have wrapped them in clothes and secured the clothing with rubber bands.
Thanks to all - responses very much appreciated. Looks like I'll be packing the Squid Ink! :cool:
Why take an reasonably adequate red wine and ruin it by chilling it and adding bubbles, that's what I say :)
Why take an reasonably adequate red wine and ruin it by chilling it and adding bubbles, that's what I say :)

Actually I used to think like that too ...... but don't knock the Squid Ink Sparkling Shiraz until you try it - it might just change your mind. :D
Can confirm with the collective here that it is possible.

Just make sure you pad it well. Most sparkling wine corks are held in place with a metal brace anyway (necessary even without considering this situation), so the fizz shouldn't cause your bag contents to be christened, if that is what you are scared of.

Impact on the bottle itself is obviously the issue at hand. I personally use a double layer of good bubble wrap, and the tops and bottom of the bottle well padded with clothes or other soft items. Each bottle individually padded (not padded together) and not against the sides of the luggage.

I probably have an overkill method compared to others, but I can attest to having moved much alcohol around in my checked bags for trips varying between 3 days to 3 fortnights, I haven't had a broken bottle yet. And I'm sure the bags that I've had the booze in have copped the spectrum of baggage handler abuse. Eh, who am I kidding, a lot of us here are pretty good at packing!

The only thing you'll probably have to worry about now is duty free limits.
Thanks anat01, I think I'll use the overkill method too. Good point re the DF limits. Decided to take 4 bottles, so will check AMS, UK & LUX limits just to be sure we don't create any issues for ourselves.....
I've taken bottles of grog in checked luggage many times and never had an issue when it's packed well.
Can confirm with the collective here that it is possible.

Just make sure you pad it well. Most sparkling wine corks are held in place with a metal brace anyway (necessary even without considering this situation), so the fizz shouldn't cause your bag contents to be christened, if that is what you are scared of.

Impact on the bottle itself is obviously the issue at hand. I personally use a double layer of good bubble wrap, and the tops and bottom of the bottle well padded with clothes or other soft items. Each bottle individually padded (not padded together) and not against the sides of the luggage.

I probably have an overkill method compared to others, but I can attest to having moved much alcohol around in my checked bags for trips varying between 3 days to 3 fortnights, I haven't had a broken bottle yet. And I'm sure the bags that I've had the booze in have copped the spectrum of baggage handler abuse. Eh, who am I kidding, a lot of us here are pretty good at packing!

The only thing you'll probably have to worry about now is duty free limits.
I bought some fragile wine bottles back from Italy (someone else broke one with the slightest tap) and despite my new suitcase looking like it had been run over, the wine survived. Clothes are wonderful things.
4 bottles on the way back from Champagne were fine (including a 2000 Comtes).

Echo what others have said about wrapping in clothes and they should be fine.
I'd have a look at the video as part of this article (I've seen it before in documentaries): Video shows automated baggage system slamming bags onto carousels | Daily Mail Online (the video only works after acouple of clicks for me).

I've carried champagne in luggage. While it arrived safely through multiple flights, and the cork+cage were still secure, the problem was the fizz. After three days sitting perfectly still, as soon as the cage was removed the cork shot out all by itself. And about a quarter of the contents of the bottle followed. We were thankful there were no injuries however.
Why take an reasonably adequate red wine and ruin it by chilling it and adding bubbles, that's what I say :)
I think I had a hangover from "Cold Duck" which lasted for about 30 years, then tried a Peter Rhumball sparkling shiraz. Love it. It's absolutely fantastic with Christmas dinner especially if it's a really hot day. Try it.
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